As the TSL rages on, the interviews do as well. Follow the link below to view this fresh interview with iNcontrol, and learn more about his view on eSports and its potential future, how it was to take part in the IEF as well as Ultimate Gamer, and how he plans to climb all the way to the top in the TSL. Also, he tells us why – if forced – he compares himself to JulyZerg more than any other Zerg player. Enjoy:
I would have you (assuming you did the interview) read me bedtime stories every night. What an awesome voice.
yay iNc!
you still owe me a 1v1!
USA29055 Posts
bit ironic given where I WAS in the ladder when I gave this hehe
I'ma get back up gimme some wishes of luck!
LOL Chill doesn't get mentioned along with the other commentators.
I was going to say Geoff, "Shouldn't you be laddering?"

Nice voice and effort indeed, but god you do suck at making banners...
Good luck iNcontroL
Good luck. Get back up there
incontrol looks so baller in that banner. Something about the mountains and sky in the backround
lol! "...also known for having the ability to bench press a dozen geeks without breaking a sweat"
Goodluck and great interview.
Nice interview, and good luck in the ladder!
On December 12 2009 06:11 {88}iNcontroL wrote:bit ironic given where I WAS in the ladder when I gave this hehe I'ma get back up gimme some wishes of luck!  Get back in the top 48 or we'll irradiate your ultra, leaving him at like half health and totally unfit for battle, except for the span of time when he's still irradiated where he's a giant ball of tusks and fire and fury and death, raining hell down upon all who oppose him. But after that, totally... partially unfit for battle.
Braavos36372 Posts
Audio interview, nice. It seems your mic works now haha.
SonuvBob can be so cruel.
Where's another vessel when you need it?
Matrix = raincoat.
Wow, this guy has a sick voice. Good interview!
BTW, this is one of the most horrible posters ive seen in a while lol *no offense*
nice interview... good luck!!
BTW, you should use this as avatar on youtube ;D