Stats' attempt to punish Classic's nexus first fell flat on its face in game 1, which meant Classic entered the mid game with an economic advantage. Stats went for disruptors and glaives, but Classic easily countered him with immortal/phoenix and a mothership.
Classic opened game 2 with a pylon rush and adept attack that killed six probes. His follow up phoenixes shut down an oracle before killing another ten. Stats went for a dark shrine, but didn't kill a single worker. Classic killed Stats' third to go up a base before taking a fight up nearly 50 supply, collecting his 2-0 lead.
Game 3 went all the way to skytoss, with both players getting carrier and disruptor based armies. Classic landed a massive disruptor shot, but Stats' decision to add tempests to his composition proved game-winning as he reset Classic's carrier count to take the game and prolong the series.
After a fairly passive start that saw both players reach three bases, Classic went for carriers and adepts while Stats kept a high stalker count and moved into tempests. Stats killed Classic's fourth, but was unable to offer resistance as Classic killed Stats’ third and fourth. Classic pulled back to build up his army, eventually winning two fights to take the fourth game and the match 3-1.
Rogue tried a nydus worm in game 1 of the second set, but soO scouted it and remained safe on three bases to two. Rogue teched into mutalisks, but soO had hydralisks before they even reached his base. Down in army supply, Rogue could do nothing to prevent soO from crossing the map and taking a 1-0 lead.
Rogue opened triple hatchery before pool on his map choice, Newkirk Precinct. He used the extra larvae to fuel a ling flood with banelings. soO held the first wave, but Rogue's follow-up evened the series.
soO's early pool couldn't find damage against Rogue's unconventional 15 hatchery. Down on workers and bases, soO went for mutas before switching into a lurker den. Meanwhile Rogue built an infestation pit, but actually went for mutalisks of his own. When 20 of them flew into soO's exposed third, soO promptly left the game.
soO looked doomed when Rogue's 13 gas/12 pool attack went unscouted, but a miracle hold with ling/bane that spanned the better part of five minutes put soO ahead on workers, tech and bases. Rogue tried to hold his natural with spine crawlers and greedily tech to mutalisks, but soO charged in with +1 speed roaches, killing 24 workers as well as Rogue's natural, sending the match to a fifth game.
Both players played conservative openers in game five, with Rogue favoring +1 carapace and a faster third base to soO's roach speed and +1 attack. Rogue's mutalisks were meant to set up his own roaches, but when he finally attacked with roaches and baneling speed, soO had superior upgrades and hydralisks. He held and attacked into Rogue's fourth. The base died and so did Rogue's army, making soO the fourth player to advance to the semifinals where he will play Classic in a rematch of the 2014 Season 2 Finals.