I thought about releasing some of these videos for a long time now and Im kind of excited to talk about this.
Basically the idea is to put out some self-help videos that might help you people out there understand yourself better. I will answer a lot of different questions throughout this video-series and go into a lot of different topics like dealing with emotions, breakups, understanding your ego, practicing gratitude to achieve a higher level of happiness, building good habits, getting rid of addictions etc.
This is going to be my first video, unfortunately it went way longer than planned (gotta work on that time-management

quick-summary for those with little time:
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I] Getting rid of 'bad habits'
1) Clearly define what your bad habit is, make sure you understand what you want to get rid off and when it is happening.
2) Write down your habit in a way like this: "Biting my fingernails is completely useless and adds nothing productive to my life" or something similar. With this step you want to program your brain on understanding that this very bevior is 'bad' and thus your system will at some point automatically get rid of it (once you put in your work

3) Use a sheet of paper or a whiteboard to observe your progress. Write down when you're using your bad habit again and re-read your phrase (from step 2), make sure you conciously think aobut that it is a bad thing and you want it out of your life.
II] Aquiring 'good habits'
1) Clearly define what you want to learn/aquire. Be precise if you can be.
2) Write down your habit like this: "I want to learn X because it is a good thing". This, again is to program your brain, think conciously upon this. Writing down really helps to internalize things and to motivate you to take action.
3) Repetition is key to internalize good habits, so use a sheet of paper or preferably a whiteboard.
Make a list of your habit / habits that you want to internalize and checkmark them daily once you finished that.
A strong routine and consistency is THE KEY here.
If you want to build a Gym-routine for every 2nd day, make sure to go for EVERY 2ND DAY for the next 3-4 weeks. Oh and MARK it once youre finished, always!
Once you invested heavily into repeating and keeping your schedule, these thought-patterns will internalize and you will not have to remind yourself of doing something, it will just happen. (And actually it feels wrong not doing it once you internalized your habit - this is something I experience myself when i started a while back to meditate every single day).
4) Schedule your habits. This is to help against procrastination. ("Oh i can do this later") No you cant, you will set yourself a fix time when to do it and thats when you do it, every single time!
If you cant follow through with this 'set time' you make up a sepcial one for this day. Find an hour of time you have and set your alarm to follow through with your habits at that hour. Having a clear 'starting time' is so huge in breaking your 'laziness' and start doing shit.
I can assure you, if you use this wisely, you will improve your life like you never thought possible.