Write-up by Kaelaris
Photos by Seltzer and TorcH
Edited by Andrew
Sorry for not covering yesterday's games, I have my family visiting from the UK so we're a little busy. Also today's photos might be a little slower since the PCs at the GOM studio aren't available right now.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/uJZrDl.jpg)

Game 1 - Terminus RE
TOP spawns at 9 while NaDa spawns at the 6. NaDa goes for a quick gas after Barracks, as TOP goes for a Command Center for a stronger macro style. NaDa throws down the tech lab on the Barracks for the early scouting reaper however TOP’s SCV spots it. NaDa after killing the scouting SCV throws down his own Command Center, as TOP goes for more Barracks. NaDa throws down a Factory on his tech lab, whilst he moves in to the front of the base of TOP with duel reapers, killing a few Marines in the process.
NaDa having his Factory complete begins producing Hellions along with Blue-Flame as well. TOP with Siege Tanks and Medivacs on the way, begins to move out across the map with some Marines as NaDa continues Hellion and Tank production. NaDa gears up for a Hellion drop while TOP goes for a Marine drop at the same time. The Hellions of NaDa come to the rescue, however at the same time NaDa stages his own blue-flame drop, taking out a lot of SCVs in the process. NaDa behind this is expanding after doing significant damage to the mineral line of his opponent, as TOP goes for another Marine drop in the main of NaDa. Being denied by Hellions, NaDa goes for yet another Hellion drop as well as a Hellion run-by in the natural of TOP, once again taking out a huge amount of SCVs.
With TOP down 20 SCVs, NaDa sets himself up for a fantastic mid-late game. TOP feeling desperate begins to moves out toward the natural of NaDa, however NaDa goes for yet another Hellion run-by. TOP moves in to the natural of NaDa and quickly called GG after, being decimated by NaDa.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/gAYebl.jpg)
Game 2 - Crevasse
TOP spawns at 2 after that crushing defeat, as NaDa spawns at 10. TOP instantly goes for a double proxy Barracks in an attempt to tie this series up as quickly as possible, while NaDa goes for a very standard opening. NaDa goes for a Command Center while TOP continues to pump the Marines. TOP puts down a Bunker in the main of NaDa, however good control by NaDa along with a SCV pull deals very well with the rush.
Having failed the rush, TOP concedes and decides to expand in his own natural, as well as grabbing double gas. NaDa continues to throw down Barracks as he is extremely far ahead economy wise in this TvT. TOP uses a Barracks to scout the entirety of NaDa’s base, as TOP goes for a Starport along with a hidden Command Center. NaDa however begins to destroy rocks and move across the map with a scary Marine force. TOP begins Siege Tank and Siege Tech production as NaDa scans his opponents base and decides not to push up the ramp. TOP attempts a drop in the natural of NaDa, however a Missile Turret along with Marines denies a lot of damage from being done. NaDa in response attempts to drop in the natural of TOP and does kill a lot of SCVs despite the Medivac being killed. NaDa as well spots the hidden base of TOP with a Marine, as both players continue to make Marine/Tank/Viking compositions. NaDa runs a few Marines south to take the hidden base, and now as NaDa takes his 3rd base, a huge drop goes down in the natural of TOP. Forcing mining operations to cease, NaDa loses a lot of Marines as they get cleaned up by the army of TOP.
NaDa goes for the push in to the natural of TOP, however TOP with a counter-attack denies an expansion, but the reinforcing troops of NaDa return to clean up the push. With TOP’s 2nd expansion being shelled, NaDa forces the GG from TOP to take the series to 2:0.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Fe5BEl.jpg)
Game 3 - Tal’Darim Altar
TOP spawns at the 2 and NaDa spawns at 10 for the third game of this series. NaDa goes for a Maka Barracks for a 2 Barracks push, as TOP goes for a quick Command Center off 1 Barracks. As NaDa pushes across the map with his Marines and SCVs, TOP knows and reinforces his front with SCVs. As a Bunker goes down in the front of his base, NaDa does a lot of damage to the SCVs and Marines of TOP. TOP however manages to finish up the Bunker, and NaDa is forced to retreat and expand.
As both players now begin Medivac and Tank production, TOP goes for a drop in the natural of NaDa, however is chased away pretty quickly by the quick eyes of NaDa. TOP begins to walk over to the natural of NaDa, potentially to attempt a Tank contain. TOP cleverly drops a few Marines in the natural of NaDa, briefly shutting down mining, however is pushed away pretty swiftly. TOP begins to move up ever so slightly, however great positioning by NaDa denies TOP from pushing further forward. NaDa expanding to the second natural has the expansion scouted. As TOP pushes forward with his Tanks yet again, NaDa pushes as well with a lot of Marines, cleaning up and forcing TOP to retreat.
NaDa takes the high ground, as TOP moves in to position in order to try continue the contain. TOP meanwhile goes for a slightly hidden third base, as production of Tanks and Marines just continues, having neither player create Vikings yet. Both players now move towards each others bases, in a potential base trade situation. As NaDa takes out the hidden base of TOP, TOP in turn pushes in to the natural of NaDa and obliterates that as well. After taking out this hidden of TOP, NaDa stages a huge drop in the main of TOP, doing a lot of damage however it’s partially cleaned up by TOP’s forces.
TOP begins to shell the expansion of NaDa, as NaDa goes for a multi-pronged drops in the main and expansion of TOP. as TOP destroys NaDa’s second expansion, TOP begins to contain NaDa. NaDa in desperation pushes in to the Tank line of TOP, losing the majority of his forces. NaDa tries to break the contain by dropping SCVs on the tanks of TOP, however unsuccessful, NaDa GGs as he has zero economy.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/R6Dhnl.jpg)
Game 4 - Xel’Naga Fortress
TOP spawns at the 7 while NaDa spawns at the 11 after a very close TvT. NaDa begins to wall in at the top of his ramp, as both players gear up for a Command Center. At a similar time, both players add on more Barracks in almost mirror builds. NaDa manages to scout that TOP is going for an expansion as both players also go for a Factory. Finally both players go for Starports and Tank production gearing up for a standard TvT.
TOP attempts a drop in the natural of NaDa, however it’s shut down extremely quickly. NaDa also tries for a drop, but getting sandwiched, NaDa actually kills the Marines of TOP as the Viking is forced to fly away. TOP goes for mid-field at the 10 minute mark, as a Sensor tower also completes for him as well, in order to spot for drops. NaDa pushes in to the force of TOP with Marines and Tanks, actually cleaning up the position of TOP pretty well. NaDa sieges on the low ground while dropping in the main, however TOP with a good defense cleans it out in quick fashion. NaDa quickly pushes in with a lot more Marines and Tanks toward the natural of TOP, cleaning up and taking the GG off TOP, claiming his Ro4 position.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/i0hvVl.jpg)
Game 5 - Xel’Naga Caverns
Not Needed.

Game 1 - Terminus RE
sC spawns at 12 while LosirA spawns at 9 for this ZvT. sC opts for a 2 Barracks pressure while LosirA goes for Spawning Pool and Gas before Hatchery. LosirA scouts the Marines on their way, however loses an Overlord to Marines but begins Zergling production. LosirA after losing his for Overlord decides to expand as more Zerglings and Speed come out. sC also opts for an expansion despite continual Marine production and almost zero aggression.
LosirA continues to poke around in the front of sC’s natural, however sC sneaks past an SCV for scouting into the main of the Zerg. LosirA manages to lose a lot of Zerglings to Marines and as sC begins to move out toward the natural of LosirA, he loses a lot Marines to Zerglings which get a great surround. LosirA manages to start a Roach Warren as well as a second expansion, as sC is pretty heavily contained behind dual walls. sC goes out in to the mid-field with a lot of Marines and Marauders, which is scouted by LosirA, however a good amount of Roaches pop for LosirA, as the Zerg also goes for a Baneling nest.
sC breaks down the rocks at LosirA’s second natural, pushing down taking a lot of units, sC with great micro manages to do huge damage to the entirety of the Zergs army. As sC continues to produces from his 8 Barracks with mass addons, he pushes down yet again in to the expansion of LosirA, and is cleaned up by a huge amount of Banelings. sC ever the persistent Terran keeps funneling in Marines doing a lot of damage, as LosirA is forced to pull all of his Drones from the natural to attack. sC piling on the pressure does huge damage as LosirA’s creep isn’t spread to where he needs it. sC pushes in for yet another time but LosirA has had time to build up a nice force, which will push sC away despite great Marine spreading throughout.
sC now goes for an expansion while taking out a Hatchery at the 2nd expansion of LosirA with a multi-pronged attack. With more Marines just funneling in, sC continues to reinforce but now LosirA’s Infestor count is too high, getting some great Fungal Growths on the Marines. LosirA on the back foot continues to get pressured by this crazy rallying of sC, and the drones for LosirA from the main come out to fight and push back the Marines. LosirA in a corner, manages to sneak past a lot of Zerglings to the bases of sC, killing quite a lot of SCVs in the process. sC pushes in to the natural for another time, with a great spread on the Marines claims the GG from LosirA in a potential upset for game 1.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/7Y3eVl.jpg)
Game 2 - Tal’Darim Altar
sC spawns at the 2 as LosirA spawns at 5 after sC pummeled the Zerg with mass Marine last game. The Terran opens with a 2 Barracks while LosirA goes for a Hatchery first. sC goes for the Bunker push and even though being initially denied by a lot of Drones, sC pulls a huge amount of SCVs and barely finishing a Bunker at the natural of LosirA. sC manages to take out the opposing Zerglings and Drones, as he rains down havoc on the natural of the Zerg, killing the Hatchery then sending the SCVs home.
LosirA down a lot of Harvesters, the Marines of sC push in to the main of LosirA, deny mining and killing more Drones. sC meanwhile begins to expand and LosirA GG after scouting the great position the Terran is in, giving sC a 2:0 lead.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/CABBQl.jpg)
Game 3 - Crossfire
sC spawns at 2 while LosirA spawns at 7. sC begins to wall in at the top of his ramp while LosirA goes for Spawning pool and Gas first. sC goes for a double Barracks yet again as begins to move out across the map while LosirA tries to shut it down with Zerglings. LosirA starts his expansion as well as pumping out a few more Zerglings since he did not spot the expansion going down for sC.
sC now goes for a Factory while LosirA grabs a Baneling Nest along with trying to deny sC’s expansion from going up. sC on the other hand begins Siege Tech as well as Tanks. LosirA takes the upper left expansion while morphing in a Lair as well. sC however has other ideas, with a an attack moving across the map, LosirA does a run by in to the base of sC but does little damage other than forcing Marine stims. sC throws up another Command Center as he spots the Hatchery in the upper left corner, killing it pretty fast. LosirA does try the counter however sC has a great wall in, denying all damage.
LosirA begins a Spire as sC tries to expand. A force of LosirA’s gets caught off guard as sC pushes out toward the hatchery of LosirA, forcing the cancel, but a great flank from the Zerg crushes the entire army. sC at the same time pushes a huge drop in to the main of LosirA, but it’s cleaned up pretty quickly. The Zerg now manages to scout the expansion of the Terran, however doesn’t do much damage to it with Zerglings as sC begins to wall off.
LosirA now stages a big double pronged attack in both expansions of sC, doing big damage with Zerglings and Mutalisks, however Terran is amassing quite a force of Marines and Tanks. A mis-micro from sC has a huge amount of Marines die to Banelings near the expansion of LosirA, as the Terran attempts to do drops in the natural and second expansion.
With Burrow on the way, LosirA continues to put on pressure in multiple locations, however the Zerg loses a lot of forces to an initial attack of armies. LosirA though is almost 70 supply behind, losing the economical battle heavily, as he attempts to take out a lot of SCVs at an expansion of sC. sC pushes in to the base of LosirA and with great Tank spread, LosirA GGs and sC 3:0’s a fan favourite.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/VaZj1l.jpg)
Game 4 - Metalopolis
Not Needed.
Game 5 - Xel’Naga Caverns
Not Needed.
FULL ALBUM: http://cybersportsnetwork.imgur.com/gsl_code_s_round_of_4
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