On May 19 2010 19:47 Midgetraper wrote: Anybody who thinks this stupid fucking censorship is justified is an idiot. It's a war-game where you slaughter people, if it's ok for someones kids to play that, why the fuck shouldn't it be ok to view naughty words in the chat? Oh, for the ratings you say? But the ratings don't take into account "online interactions" so that's a bullshit response. There was an article about internet censorship in the mid-90's where they expressed concern that the internet was turning into a big fat censorship zone where freedom of speech was being stomped on with an iron boot. This is fucking it. And I'm not even talking about the ridiculousness of buying a game and then having to be on your best behavour in order to be able to continue enjoying what you yourself paid for. What the fuck has happened with the gamer community to make it fill up with such a huge load of crybabies?? It's fucking pathetic. People are getting their widdle feelings hurt by the bad things someone said during a match? They're the fucking ones who should get banned, not the legitimate players who act like normal human beings. Well I'm out, I just had to register and post this cause most of the responses here are fucking pathetic. Stop trying to justify censorship on the internet. Stop trying to impose some fucking weird american moral code on the rest of the world where it's cool to kill people as long as you don't see a nipple. WHO THE FUCK WHO IS THAT SENSITIVE ABOUT SWEAR WORDS LETS THEIR KIDS PLAY GAMES WHERE THE POINT IS TO SLAUGHTER EACH OTHER????
This is the most logical thing I've read on a forum all day. Kudos to you, sir. When I first started playing SC back during its release no one was talking about having "manner", and you weren't being considered an asshole for compulsively typing "GLHF" before, and "GG" after each game. It's good sportsmanship they say? What is sportsmanlike about wishing your OPPONENT good luck? I'm not hoping that you get lucky during the game and win. I'm trying to kill you! Getting off topic... The fact of the matter is that if someone's kid is accessing the internet seeing the handle "Dopeman" isn't going to traumatize the kid. I think "Dopeman" is pretty fucking low on the totem pole of illicit content online. Jesus, it isn't even on the totem pole at all.
On May 19 2010 20:06 SnOw. wrote: As much as that guy is raging a couple posts up I have to agree with some of his finer points. How can you justify playing a war game where you kill things and then justify the ban of language like the word "dope", its crazy.
With the above logic these words with drug related alternate meanings should also be banned: speed - Amphetamine acid - LSD horse - Heroin bone - Crack/Weed/Heroin rock - Cannabis Resin/Crack solid - Cannabis Resin meow - MCAT tabs - LCD bean - Ecstasy Ecstasy - lol
all regular words as well, there's probably loads more I cant think of, where do you draw the line?
You forgot to mention STIM- (Stimulant (Amphetamine)) PACK.
What a horrible first post.. You must be really mad about this to have bothered signing up just to rage on the matter.
On May 19 2010 19:47 Midgetraper wrote: Anybody who thinks this stupid fucking censorship is justified is an idiot. It's a war-game where you slaughter people, if it's ok for someones kids to play that, why the fuck shouldn't it be ok to view naughty words in the chat? Oh, for the ratings you say? But the ratings don't take into account "online interactions" so that's a bullshit response. There was an article about internet censorship in the mid-90's where they expressed concern that the internet was turning into a big fat censorship zone where freedom of speech was being stomped on with an iron boot. This is fucking it. And I'm not even talking about the ridiculousness of buying a game and then having to be on your best behavour in order to be able to continue enjoying what you yourself paid for.
That's a double edged sword. Some (kids) will have a less enjoyable experience if there is a lot of bashing/cursing etc going on.
What the fuck has happened with the gamer community to make it fill up with such a huge load of crybabies?? It's fucking pathetic. People are getting their widdle feelings hurt by the bad things someone said during a match? They're the fucking ones who should get banned, not the legitimate players who act like normal human beings. Well I'm out, I just had to register and post this cause most of the responses here are fucking pathetic. Stop trying to justify censorship on the internet. Stop trying to impose some fucking weird american moral code on the rest of the world where it's cool to kill people as long as you don't see a nipple. WHO THE FUCK WHO IS THAT SENSITIVE ABOUT SWEAR WORDS LETS THEIR KIDS PLAY GAMES WHERE THE POINT IS TO SLAUGHTER EACH OTHER????
Blizzard can do whatever the hell they want. Their product, their EULA. Stick to 4chan imo.
Also as far as modern computer games go, I'd say starcraft is a pretty good alternative from a parents point of view. It's not very graphic and it's certainly less likely to give your kids nightmares than most FPS..
Ridiculous. Would I risk getting banned if my name was Stimpack? Because in the Starcraft World, it's a drug, and it's also one of the reasons why Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty gets a mature rating in Korea.
On May 19 2010 20:25 StarBrift wrote: Blizzard has a unit IN THE GAME that injects drugs during battle and they ban people for being called dopeman? What?
Come on blizzard! The icon for stim is a freaking syringe! If they ban people for drug reference they should re do their game.
That's pretty much what I was referring to in my earlier post.
I'm all for free speech. As long as you don't incite violence, you should be allowed to call yourself whatever you want. I don't believe that blizz would lose customers over "offensive" names. Hell, worst case scenario bleep names like you do with half the words in existence. When I read the F bomb, I cry tears of black.
Dont think you should have been banned ideally, but its their product their policy, and you have to abide by it. Just a convenient way to do things, not gonna be perfect.
On May 19 2010 07:38 Kantutan wrote: Not offensive, but dopeman is quite a stupid name. Hardcore stoners are so bloody annoying.
Fail? Its a reference to a song, I haven't smoked weed in over 9 years.
If hardcore stoners are bloody annoying perhaps you should relax? Maybe smoke a joint?
No, not fail. Like Blizzard is supposed to go and find out first if a person named 'dopeman' based their name off a song or if they're one of those people who pride themselves on smoking pot. I have smoked pot, for the record. But based on experience, anyone who constantly talks about pot or references it in their names are complete idiots. I guess you happen to be an exception then, but I don't see why you're surprised at all that Blizzard is banning names like these.
He's surprised because it's fucking stupid. If the world was run by asshats like you, the whole internet would be a censored, oppressive shithole.
Blizzard is just trying to back track and get SC2's rating down from mature to teen. Dopeman may not be offensive to a gamer, but gamers don't make laws...society, hence non-gamers, make laws. Btw, your QQing feeds me power. ^_^
Oh snap Penn and Teller, let them talk some sense into blizzard. However having played WoW for a few years I just hope blizzard doesnt keep that type of naming enforcement system in place. My name in WoW was grogtastic. I had it reported by griefers who sucked at arena quite a few times and had a few forced named changes. I even got a tempban for changing it from grogtastic to grogtastiticc and other variations like that. I have no problem with blizzard banning racist or just profane names. But with the report abuse button in the game I really hope there arnt going to be people who report because they are pissed they lost.
This is nonsense, I mean if your nick was buttface.thewanker or something I'd say sure or things like gasthejews.talibanforlife or whatever. Thats offensive, this is just... funny I guess lol. Would never even have stopped to think your nick was weird.
Lol... this policy is absolutely ridiculous. I mean honestly... unless someone's name is something like "Fuck.Pussy" or some stupid crap like that just leave us alone...