On August 22 2010 00:02 FortuneSyn wrote: Morrow did what he needed to win. If you can't understand that, then you will never be a winner. His open views on imbalance is very important in pressuring blizzard to analyze the situation. If you can't see how well mannered and mature that is, then I dont know what else to say.
100% agreed
On August 21 2010 23:57 shlomo wrote:Show nested quote +On August 21 2010 23:52 Tantaburs wrote:On August 21 2010 23:50 shlomo wrote: rofl, supply blocked all-in reapers still wins the game. lolreapers Yeah cause there was no micro there it was all the fact that it was reapers. He defiantly just A-moved to victory. My 10 yr old kids can micro reapers. Maybe not at well as morrow, but look at the surrounds Dimaga pulled off and still lost. Reaper all-in is really stupid. Esp when you're supply blocked and still win rofl. Whatever, I'm sure MorroW doesn't feel very proud of winning that way anyway.
Because ling surround on creep really takes that much more skill? Run lings past reapers, attack move when they're halfway passed. There's your surround. Please stop making it sound like Morrow a-moved his way to victory while Dimaga pulled out crazy micro that still lost him the game. Dimaga defended against the build before. As was stated before, his reapers never got supply blocked. And it's obviously not an all-in if you're building a command center while you're attacking...
watch Tarson copy reaper all in and win against a better playah
You play with the rules Blizzard has set out. If there are issues with the rules, that is beyond the player. Stop blaming Morrow.
WP Morrow, gl in the finals ^_^
The stream has been lagging like hell for me today (was fine in the last few days). Can someone please point me to a re-stream. Thank you alot!
idra i believe in you ! Win vs op terran and bring the price to korea !
On August 22 2010 00:03 SmoKim wrote: i feel ashamed of my fellow Zerg players shit talking Morrow so much, you have no reason to hate on him, hell even DIMAGA was still more than happy after such and epic series
MODS, start doing something about this, its getting out of control -,-' It would probably be the exact same thing if roaches were one supply and any Z got to the semis using mass roach a lot of games. Bless gaming communities.
Any shoutouts? Thanks to..... CUT
Big respect for morrow for pointing out that it is indeed imbalanced to pump reapers out of 5 raxes on 1base while expoing at the same time.
nice interview with tarson, seems like a nice guy
On August 22 2010 00:02 FortuneSyn wrote: Morrow did what he needed to win. If you can't understand that, then you will never be a winner. His open views on imbalance is very important in pressuring blizzard to analyze the situation. If you can't see how well mannered and mature that is, then I dont know what else to say.
You pretty summed it up. Props to Morrow.
On a side note, a shame that Dimaga wasn't able to seal the deal on game 4.
can't z get 2 spine crawlers, 4-5 roaches then transition into muta/ling? seems more reasonable to me than losing ~30 lings to reapers
On August 21 2010 23:58 JPSke wrote: Idra will now do something other than make zerglings, thereby rendering the the reaper rush ineffective. I agree it needs to be toned down, but why does Dimaga refuse to ever make roaches?
Roaches aren't a 100% answer. Going off of 2-base 5 Barracks tech lab you can instantly switch to Marauders. Not only that, Reapers out range both Roaches and Queens and are significantly faster.
On a side note, are there VODS for the TLO vs NADA showmatch out already? i missed that shit damn!!
On August 22 2010 00:03 Lazix wrote:Show nested quote +On August 22 2010 00:02 zoltanium wrote:awww tarson seems sad that no one knows him  Well he's no qxc.
Tarson's TvT is insane. I would like to see that.
its the fact that people are repeating themselves over and over again spamming the same thing about what morrow said..get over yourselves this isnt WoW forums
game 1-4 was okay. Game 5 was reaper exploite
However people who says they have no respect for morrow for using reapers are idiots, its not his fault those units are strong versus zerg and he admits they are. Besides Morrow showed hes a great player in the series from game 1-4...
he did what he had to win and sorry but 95% of all players in the world would done the same only 5% would not. Besides several terrans have done the same this tournament but nobody get called exploiter becouse they did not winwith it...
What i don't understand : why is reaper speed costs 50/50 ?
Epic Tarson interview.. Count me in as new fan ^^
Yeah ok, who cares what tactics morrow used? He plays the game, he does what he can to win. If something is "imbalanced" then that's blizzards fault, not morrows. A goal is still a goal, no matter how you score it.
Well played of both guys though and looking forward to the finals!