Server: US TL ID: Furie B.Net ID.Identifier: Furie.947 Profileurl: how do I get this? Sc2RanksURL: how do I get this also? League: Bronze Other: I'm a casual player looking to learn. Anyone who would be willing to teach me is very much appreciated.
Server: AM TL ID: Fimbul B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Fimbul.849 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/3112677/1/Fimbul/ Sc2RanksURL:http://sc2ranks.com/us/3112677/Fimbul League: Platinum Other: Casually looking for people to practice with. All races and gold/plat/diamond
Please take me off the list, currently mine is set as:
TL ID: Lavalamp799 B.Net ID: Lavalamp.799 Other: Rank 1 Platinum Terran. I was Diamond Zerg last season, but decided to switch to Terran for Season 4. I'm looking for a lot of practice for any match-up. You can message me in game to play, I'm on most of the time.
I'd like it removed if possible, thanks
Server: AM TL ID: Xenomorph B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Xenomorph.592 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/868622/1/Xenomorph/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/us/868622/Xenomorph League: Mid Diamond Race: Protoss Other: Looking for masters+ coaching/mentoring. I'm not interested in paying money, but getting good tips and training from an experienced protoss player. I'd like to improve my timings and knowledge of build orders. I have Teamspeak3, ventrillo and skype available as well as a headset with a microphone. I am most interested in improving my PvZ mid to late game.
I'd also be willing to help any gold/platinum players practice against a protoss matchup and give some pointers of my own. Note that most of my time is dedicated to laddering or improving my own skill by being coached, over coaching others.
Server: EU TL ID: Tech B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Tech.129 ProfileURL: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/294778/1/Tech/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/eu/294778/Unwired League: Master Other: i'm looking for high masters players of all races to get my last bump needed for GM level of play, i love the team i'm playing in, but they kinda are more low masters players and i rarely loose to them. So i'm looking for people to practise with on a regular shedule to improve and motivate me to make the push into GM