Server: AM TL ID: Tabe B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Tabe.660 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2969674/1/Tabe/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/us/2969674/Tabe League: Silver Other: So, as you can see from my profiles I've just recently started playing. Did quite a few games in practice league to learn mechanics, then jumped into the placement matches. The placement matches were questionable to say the least. I maxed out food before my opponent reached 50 on the first game, got wiped clean by a gold second, got 7pooled by a silver zerg in the third game, got killed fourth, then my opponent left the game in the second minute in the last placement match. Somehow this resulted in me going silver in which I've only won a single game out of so many. So in short, I'm technically a low level silver Protoss looking for anyone to play with/discuss playstyles/help me out getting into the game.
Server: EU TL ID: Shadowlike B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Shadowlike.898 ProfileURL:http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/616044/1/Shadowlike/ Sc2RanksURL:http://www.sc2ranks.com/eu/616044/Shadowlike League: Platinum Other: So after a short break from sc2 I decided to start again. I was a plat zerg but I decided to switch to terran since I think their style fits my playstyle better. Id say Im around gold level with terran since , when I want to ladder , I ve been playing with a friends account whos in gold and winning a lot. Problem is Im losing a lot in plat , think my MMR is kinda high from last season or something so Im looking for partners (all races np) to iron out my T play... Im online a lot but sometimes on weird times , like after midnight etc , but you ll probably catch me on often...
Server: AM TL ID: TuckerX B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: FingerStink.767 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/363986/1/FingerStink/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/us/363986/FingerStink League: Platinum
Other: Looking for practice vs all PvX match-ups, I will also heLp low-level players. I use skype. Typically I am on in the evenings, specific days of the week depend on work schedule. MSG me on B.net or TL if interested.
Server: AM TL ID: pheNom.SC B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: SoDIncognito . 949 ProfileURL: Sc2RanksURL:http://www.sc2ranks.com/us/419316/Des League: Master LF training partners High master P and T , skype sessions with game discussion, metagame, and analysis.
Server: AM TL ID: RuchDaddy B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: RuchDaddy.756 ProfileURL:http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2630488/1/RuchDaddy/ Sc2RanksURL: League: Bronze/ish Other : LF training partners, skype, or TeamSpeak or w/e just looking for someone to practice with and get better Email me (RuchDaddy21@gmail.com) with info or Msg me in game :D
Server: AM TL ID: Proxylopez B.net ID: Proxy.453 League: Platinum INFO: Hello community. My name is proxy. I am looking for practice partners to play a million billion and a half custom 1 v 1s with at any and all points in the day, but mostly night. I have a group of three people that play together often and we are getting fairly tired of playing just each other. We would like to incorporate ideally 1 more of each race. However If there is more interested we will not turn you down. We will be having a single try-out game to make sure you are the right personality for us (i.e. no bm, no qq, no rage quits, blah blah blah.) I would like for you to pm me in game so that I may set up a match right away. We primarily use skype to talk with one another so if you dont have it plz dldz. Further info upon request. I believe that if we play many custom games we can teach ourselves how to become better with practice.