rev: 003
I didnt know to put this as [G] or [D], i like [D] most because i would like some feedback
When i lose i always try to find out why. I often come with answers like "I didnt scout for those banshees" or "I had excess minerals on the bank that could have been spent on units".
So i started wondering, ¿What are all the aspects of the game that one must focus to win?
In an effort to identify those aspects, i came up with a little "system" or "model" if you will of the "Starcraft Playing Cycle".
Actually, its not really a cycle but more of a "parallel proceses" that ocurrs during the game. A cycle is something that must be repeated in the same order, but this is not the case when we play starcraft.
We might first scout and then macro up our production, or micro our current army to attack the enemy and then evaluate if its vaulable to expand.
I called it cycle because its just a simpler way to put the title, while keeping it accurate. So far i only thought of one.
I identified 2 types of aspects that form a competitive game of starcraft:
Active aspects
It is an aspect that requires an action from the user. Examples of actions: building stuff, moving units, sniping, kiting, etc...
Passive aspects
It is an aspect that doesnt requier an action from the user. This are "thought procesess" and will indirectly influence the active aspects of the game and thus perform actions.
The MMESS system
This is the first "cycle" i thought of when i started thinking about the aspects that make a competitive game of starcraft.
Note: I will be using "cycle" as a synonym of "model" or "proess". "cycle" seems less technical and its why i am using it
Its called MMESS because every letter represents an aspect of the game. It goes as follows:
Note: These are my own definitions
Strategy(or Tactics)
Macro is an active aspect. In a nutshell, it is the managing of your production buildings. It consists of:
-Keep your production buildings producing the units you want
-Keep building supply so you are never supply capped.
-The build of more production buildings as the income allows
In production buildings i also include CCs, Hs and Ns.
Pretty self explainatory. Active aspect. It is the individual managment of your units to maximize the outcome of the battles. This includes (but not limited to)
-"Concaving" (couldnt find a better name lol)
-Focus fire
Passive aspect. It is the general evaluation of the game in terms of economy. This will affect all the other active aspects. Questions that one makes in this aspects could be
¿Should i expand?
¿Can i expand?
¿Does my current income make X viable?
Passive aspect. It is the game plan (short term and long term) that you will follow for your game. Skilled people can have a very long term plan that covers many situations (kinda like a chess player, who can see many moves ahead). Or if you are like me, you will have a short term plan and then freestyle the game haha.
I can say that i can plan ahead 4-5ish minutes into the game. Thats not much.
The game plan can be as abastract or as specific as you like. It could be "Go for early agression" or be "Go for 5marine-1hellion pressure". It depends on your style of play.
Game plan could include:
-How and when to attack
I would like to quote the words of Day9 when he said
"A build order is the optimization of an idea". This fits with my definition of "strategy". The optimization of a game plan would produce a perfect build order.
Of course, no game plan is written in stone. As the game progresses, one must re-evaluate the game plan and modify it to the game's situation.
Active aspect. In my opinion, the most important aspect of the game. Scouting influences every decision you make, and thus every aspect of the game covered here. There are many methods of scouting, that could make a whole topic on itself. Scouting includes, but not limited to:
-Checking for enemy expansions
-Seeing the enemy's unit composition
-Checking for the enemy's army positioning
-Controlling xel-naga towers
-Scouting the front of his base for the incoming push
-Spreading flying units
-I am not too sure about the distinction of strategy and economy.
Do you find it logical?
Have you come up with your own playing "cycles" or styles?
Do you find MMESS accurate?
What do you think of the disctintion of "passive" and "active" aspects?
Thanks for watching.