Public Profile for Supraman
General Profile:
Supraman's Public Profile:
Hello everyone,
I am a 28 year old marketing manager who enjoys gaming and is an avid car enthusiast. I currently own a 94 Toyota Supra which is heavily modified and 99 Subaru 2.5RS. I play a lot of 1v1 SC2 HOTS and BF4. I play protoss and am a Diamond level player willing to give free advice to any streamers. Please just follow me and watch my stream. Car discussions are also always welcome. Enjoy the stream!
I am a 28 year old marketing manager who enjoys gaming and is an avid car enthusiast. I currently own a 94 Toyota Supra which is heavily modified and 99 Subaru 2.5RS. I play a lot of 1v1 SC2 HOTS and BF4. I play protoss and am a Diamond level player willing to give free advice to any streamers. Please just follow me and watch my stream. Car discussions are also always welcome. Enjoy the stream!