On October 03 2010 02:20 Lokgar wrote: I think I was sleep walking last night... I woke up in someone elses' room with my blankets and pillow on a beanbag chair.
Not even sure how I ended up there... Gee gee
thats not weed, thats beer. Also a boner could've caused this....
Man fuck starcraft 2, im tired of shitty bnet 2.0 dick sucking lips, and these fucking abusive as fuck noobs who mistake shitty cheese for skill. I need to smoke to calm my rage. I just hope that everyone will soon realize what shit this game is and revert back to the masterpiece that is brood war.
welcome back to BW! enjoy your stay ^_^ It's really the greatest game of all time. It's the one game that I can't quit.
Anyways, I'm coming down from taking some adderall today. I got a decent amount of shit done - was able to finish the stuff I wanted to study and completely understand them now. God, what a lifesaver.
Now I'm just memorizing some trig identities while hitting my bowl and listening to great music. It feels really relaxing since I didn't get high all day just to study. I'll think of it as a reward. n_n
man someone posted the passion pit - sleepyhead song in here a while ago i just wanna thank that high for introducing me to passion pit damn good song while high but man my new favorite is this
American Dreamin by Jay Z blended to a Emancipator beat
Lol I didn't make this I'm not advertising. I figure the maker must be a TL user though .
There's also a High Templar one. I guess Terran druggies are out of luck.
I would totally get that done if it weren't $90. That's kind of ridiculous for a service that i could probably have done by a starving art student for some fake critical acclaim.
This is by far the best batch of cookies I've baked in my life. Two or three will hit you an hour later and you'll be downright retarded all freaking day.