That account was created on 2010-12-12 07:16:51 and had 34 posts.
Yeah... we don't make threads like that here.
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TL.net127 Posts
July 10 2011 19:22 GMT
That account was created on 2010-12-12 07:16:51 and had 34 posts. Reason: Yeah... we don't make threads like that here. | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
July 10 2011 19:23 GMT
That account was created on 2010-05-08 07:10:17 and had 95 posts. Reason: Self-Requested ban. | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
July 10 2011 19:33 GMT
That account was created on 2010-08-22 06:26:08 and had 2278 posts. Reason: On July 11 2011 04:29 HolyArrow wrote: Show nested quote + On July 11 2011 01:40 FallDownMarigold wrote: On July 10 2011 18:48 HolyArrow wrote: On July 10 2011 18:20 FallDownMarigold wrote: On July 10 2011 17:48 HolyArrow wrote: Out of curiosity, why was MassIncestor banned? I saw him doing some nice LRing with pictures, so I had a good first impression of him. Use search feature. He was already banned under the name "ChickenLips". Did you really have to add "use search feature"? Why you gotta be like that? Does it make you feel good about yourself? It's kind of strange that you tell me to use search and at the same time answer my question... Yeah I'm pretty drunk right now T_T wooo but yeah I'd rather if you didn't answer me if you're gonna do that because we have a history of not getting along and it just feels like you're taking cheap shots now. Cheap shots. Shots. fuck. Uh. What? Utterly no idea who you are/why you think I don't get along with you. Don't post while drunk. I see people get told to use the search feature that ask searchable questions all the time. I also answered you because it's a little more useful than just telling you to use the search feature for the searchable question you asked. Don't be so thin-skinned/absurd/creepy/pathetic. Honestly have no idea who you are or what you are talking about, WOW haha (although reading your post did surprise me and make me laugh pretty damn hard, so props for that) Lesson here folks: Don't drink & drive - but more importantly, don't drink & post/get-emotional-with-people-you-don't-know The funniest thing about you is that you remind me of myself (the way you post, the way you harsh on people for little things), and I now realize how much of a dick I can sound like. So, I'm gonna make an attempt to post more nicely from now on because you are my wake-up call. You're actually the one being absurd because you're taking away so many negative traits from a single careless, drunk post - which, to me, tells me that you're naturally inclined to see other people in negative lights all the time, which, all-in-all, makes you seem like a rather unpleasant person. Was my post really that thin-skinned? Or any of the other words you used to describe it? Nah, it wasn't. I was just drunk and not wording myself carefully at all, but it was pretty sad that you found the need to prey on that as well. Here's a version of when I'm sober: Please stop replying to me. I don't care if you don't remember me (though it's pretty funny if you actually don't, because that actually means that you just come off as undiscriminatingly condescending and douchey whenever you reply to any of my posts without any recognition towards me). We both start arguments with each other and then stop caring enough to finish them, so it seems that we're wasting each other's time (seriously, look at the PMs that we've sent each other) so I think it would be a nice arrangement for both of us. I would have send this as a PM to avoid littering this topic with this crap, but I wanted to put it out in the open and call him out since this guy has tl;dr'd me before. I apologize to everyone else. Um... seriously, your unnecessary douchery is so inappropriate and out from left field. You're being a complete asshole. Claiming that you KNOW you're being a dick and then CONTINUING TO DO IT is WORSE than someone who is oblivious. I don't know what your issue is, but you need to chill the fuck out. | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
July 10 2011 20:26 GMT
That account was created on 2011-06-11 07:54:37 and had 210 posts. Reason: On July 11 2011 05:10 LeLeech wrote: Show nested quote + On July 11 2011 05:05 Denzil wrote: On July 11 2011 04:59 LeLeech wrote: On July 11 2011 04:58 Denzil wrote: On July 11 2011 04:57 Fleebenworth wrote: On July 11 2011 04:55 Slardar wrote: On July 11 2011 04:48 Shaxe wrote: ![]() Fuck my life. Well to be honest ,If I was directing NASL and I had the power to make the decision, I would still pick iNcontroL and Gretorp to cast the finals, or else that would just be a huge dick move, they have put so much effort into it for 9 weeks man. I personally would still prefer Tastosis but it wouldn't be fair. fair to whom? theyre shafting their paying viewers(again0 What are you on about are you suggesting that Incontrol and Gretorp should fuck off because well, you only did 10 weeks of 9-5 work on this final masterpiece. Exactly they put so much work getting everyone here. Why wouldn't they want their customers leaving with the best experience possible. Wow, ignorance at its best. Incontrol and Gretorp started this, they worked 9-5 keeping it going. He hyped it and collected viewers. You have no right to complain that you've been cheated in them casting the final. You keep recycling the same rebuttal over and over only this time you top it off with an ad hominem. Why should anyone take what you type seriously. When you promise your viewers an amazing tournament and hype it hard, you dont give them subpar casters for the main event. As a previously banned user, you're SERIOUSLY going to ignore the thread warnings, along with common sense and decency, to push THIS agenda? Really? | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
July 10 2011 20:27 GMT
That account was created on 2011-04-04 02:47:30 and had 19 posts. Reason: PBU alt-account. | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
July 10 2011 20:28 GMT
That account was created on 2010-12-15 12:56:45 and had 52 posts. Reason: On July 11 2011 05:22 aZoX wrote: Wow get this fat girl out of there bring back the sweet lindsey ! Her manners were pretty bad calling out july bad, lindseyyyyyy where are you Be less of a dick please. | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
July 10 2011 20:54 GMT
That account was created on 2010-10-31 01:53:54 and had 458 posts. Reason: On July 11 2011 05:34 thirnaz wrote: She's like "OMG a black guy, hope i dont get attacked ![]() What the fuck. | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
July 10 2011 20:57 GMT
That account was created on 2011-04-13 12:24:25 and had 80 posts. Reason: On July 11 2011 05:28 Pyskee wrote: Show nested quote + On July 11 2011 05:25 Greatness wrote: I personally wouldn't mind if Lindsey casted the finals. Don't think anyone else would object would they? Better than Gretorp. Heed the warning bro. | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
July 10 2011 21:11 GMT
That account was created on 2011-07-11 05:36:04 and had 7 posts. Reason: Previously banned user. | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
July 10 2011 21:18 GMT
That account was created on 2010-08-11 15:50:26 and had 110 posts. Reason: On July 11 2011 06:15 Reborn58 wrote: Why the fuck are the finals starting earlier than announced? I planned my day to be there to watch then now I'm going to miss half of it at least. This is completely unprofessional and ridiculous. How DARE them inconvenience YOU during a free event for your entertainment. It's so selfish of them to bump up the start time so thousands of people won't be waiting around for hours. Fucking respecting their time, YOU are inconvenienced!!!111one Asshole. | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
July 10 2011 21:19 GMT
That account was created on 2011-01-18 09:21:54 and had 334 posts. Reason: On July 11 2011 06:17 gideel wrote: why the hell is gretorp casting instead of daygod[9]? utter failure nasl... as if that was a surprise Heed the warnings, drop the constant negativity. | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
July 10 2011 21:21 GMT
That account was created on 2011-07-11 06:20:06 and had 1 posts. Reason: PBU | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
July 10 2011 21:27 GMT
That account was created on 2010-04-18 17:35:44 and had 536 posts. Reason: On July 11 2011 06:22 hydraden wrote: Show nested quote + On July 11 2011 06:15 Reborn58 wrote: Why the fuck are the finals starting earlier than announced? I planned my day to be there to watch then now I'm going to miss half of it at least. This is completely unprofessional and ridiculous. User was temp banned for this post. Wow, this got banned. The guy is really facing serious problems due to this, just put up a decent complaint, and got banned. Good job, TL admin. That guy was being an ass. You, on the other hand... why was I not surprised to pull up your account and see a slew of warnings and bans, complete with three OTHER perm-banned accounts? Don't try to hide your disdain for our moderation through the guise of "looking out for" another forum member. I'm sure you don't give a shit about him, but you're trying to 'call us' on something. Way to go, you've earned yourself a long vacation. Either mature the fuck up or stop posting here. | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
July 10 2011 21:31 GMT
That account was created on 2011-03-11 02:18:01 and had 377 posts. Reason: On July 11 2011 06:21 zasda wrote: Show nested quote + On July 11 2011 06:10 Pred8oar wrote: I really love it seing incontrol reading this during the event taking the feedback and staying real calm when his person is being critisized, big props to you incontrol and besides the flaws that obviously occured, there is no way denieng that, it is a huge and great event. well make sure you don't miss the finals since u seems to be quite busy spending time between his buttocks getting ur tongue a nice tan. Holy shit. You have 5 warnings and 1 ban already for posting like this and you haven't learned yet?? Last chance. | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
July 10 2011 21:34 GMT
That account was created on 2011-02-08 09:19:42 and had 131 posts. Reason: On July 11 2011 06:26 SoSexy wrote: Show nested quote + On July 11 2011 06:23 tuho1234 wrote: On July 11 2011 06:15 Reborn58 wrote: Why the fuck are the finals starting earlier than announced? I planned my day to be there to watch then now I'm going to miss half of it at least. This is completely unprofessional and ridiculous. User was temp banned for this post. Why he was banned for this ? I was confused at first too. I live in Cali, same time zone, and the schedule said the final start at 4 pm. So what's wrong ? 16:00 PDT to 18:00 PDT: Finals (bo7) Because mods do what they want. Who mods the mods? P.s. hope not to get banned for this, in case I do, well you know how it goes By request. Btw, why am I never surprised that the people who want to jump onboard the Hate-on-Moderation train not only completely miss the reason someone is initially banned, but have a load of warnings/bannings themselves? Coincidence? I think not. | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
July 10 2011 21:39 GMT
That account was created on 2010-10-23 00:19:52 and had 70 posts. Reason: On July 11 2011 06:36 kemsley wrote: This has been the worst pile of turd ever. I can't believe incontrol and Gretorp are casting instead of Tastosis. It's not about deserving it. I might deserve to win the cup but if I'm not good enough I can't do it - doesn't matter how involved I have been in it. It's like putting on a play and giving yourself one of the lead roles with Robert De Niro and Kevin Spacey playing bit parts. I watch because I am a fan but NASL is a steaming turd. Heed the thread warnings. | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
July 10 2011 21:40 GMT
That account was created on 2011-07-10 10:02:07 and had 1 posts. Reason: On July 11 2011 06:37 Defessus wrote: What a sad excuse for a finals to have gretorp and Incontrol cast. I had no qualms with them casting the seasons but when you fly out and pay for the best casting duo (tastosis) and use them through the tourney, you need for them to cast your final. Heed the thread warnings. As your first and only post here, this is completely unacceptable. | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
July 10 2011 21:41 GMT
That account was created on 2011-02-10 08:36:16 and had 22 posts. Reason: On July 11 2011 06:39 key0 wrote: great the 2 dumbass casters. gretorp that has done nothin since beta and incontrol just a terrible protoss 22 posts, 2 warnings, and 2 bans, all for the same thing. Goodbye. | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
July 10 2011 21:43 GMT
That account was created on 2011-04-17 05:22:24 and had 37 posts. Reason: On July 11 2011 06:35 GreatHate wrote: I find it funny how hypocritical some of the mods are. I got banned for a week for being a "judgmental douchebag". I don't think you can call someone (based off a single post on a message board) a judgmental douchebag without yourself being a judgmental douchebag. Why didn't the mod ban himself for the comment? Oh yea, TL is more broken then terran. =/ See you in 2 weeks. | ||
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TL.net127 Posts
July 10 2011 21:46 GMT
That account was created on 2009-07-23 20:15:06 and had 216 posts. Reason: On July 11 2011 06:44 Monzterg wrote: GRETORP casting finals!?!?! OMG so cant have sound on for the finals, bummer! How can they keep leting this guy casting? Hes ruining the experience for so many people....!! Quit whining, heed the thread warning please. | ||
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