I'm reading Poe at the moment, and I can't find what these sentences mean:
Dicebant mihi sodales, si sepulchrum amicae visitarem, curas meas aliquantulum fore levatas.
= My companions told me, if I would visit my friend's grave, it might alleviate my worries a bit.
Sub conservatione formae specificae salva anima.
= the soul is saved through preservation of a specific form
agressi sunt mare tenebrarum, quid in eo esset exploraturi.
=They ventured into the sea of darkness, to explore what it might contain.
Mortuus est Dei filius; credibile est quia ineptum est; et sepultus resurrexit; et sepultus resurrexit; certum est quia impossible est.
It'd be nice if someone could translate it.
sie sagten mir .. , wenn die freundinnen besuchen, werden meine sorgen gelöst sein.
unter unter besonderer aufbewahrung (irgendwas positives) das herz
übelst falsch, aber egal, musste mal wieder latein amchen ;D
I think "salva anima"="save the soul"
And my idea of the first one is "They said I were ..., if I visited my friend's grave, ..."
geh mal lieber wieder zu giga socke
Belgium8305 Posts
first sentence means something like
My companions told me, if I would visit my friend's grave, it might alleviate my worries a bit.
might not be entirely correct, my latin is a tad rusty and I used some crappy online dictionary to figure some of the words I didn't know out.. He's talking about a female friend by the way ("amica"), maybe a mistress..
Not really sure about the second sentence, something like "the soul is saved through preservation of a specific form", I could be way off here though.
thx cow! that makes sense.
agressi sunt mare tenebrarum, quid in eo esset exploraturi.
They ventured into the sea of darkness, to explore what it might contain.
Dicebant mihi sodales, si sepulchrum amicae visitarem, curas meas aliquantulum fore levatas. Sub conservatione formae specificae salva anima. agressi sunt mare tenebrarum, quid in eo esset exploraturi.
(My) friends told me, if I should visit my friend's tomb my cares/concerns would be alleviated a bit. (My) soul is safe under the preservation of a certain beauty. They entered (in) the sea of shadows/darkness, about to explore what might be in it.
Hope this helps.
On October 20 2005 09:43 distant_voice wrote: I think "salva anima"="save the soul"
And my idea of the first one is "They said I were ..., if I visited my friend's grave, ..."
Salvere is to save. The imperative form is salve, for "save the soul" as a command. Salva is feminine, singular, nominative, the same as anima here. So it's saying that the anima is salva, the soul is safe.
thx to all.
@capt.moroni, are you sure about the beauty part? It'd make sense, but where is it in the latin sentence? formae != beauty afaik...
Yeah, forma means form, shape, and beauty. It was mentioned that Poe was talking about a woman, so I thought he meant beauty, but the others could work also.
awesome. I found another one:
Mortuus est Dei filius; credibile est quia ineptum est; et sepultus resurrexit; et sepultus resurrexit; certum est quia impossible est.
The son of God has died; it is believable that he is inept; and buried he rose again; and buried he rose again; it is certain that it is impossible.
Wow Poe actually wrote that...
Oh nm, he quoted Tertullian there
On October 20 2005 11:36 Capt. Moroni wrote: The son of God has died; it is believable that he is inept; and buried he rose again; and buried he rose again; it is certain that it is impossible.
Wow Poe actually wrote that...
".. certum est quia impossible est."
Tertullian is saying: "... it is certain because it is impossible."
I found this at http://www.eapoe.org/works/tales/bernicee.htm
Poe’s translation for the motto, “Dicebant mihi sodales si sepulchrum amicae visitarem, curas meas aliquantulum fore levatas,” quoted again in the text above, was printed only in the first version. There, Poe gave it as, “My companions told me I might find some little alleviation of my misery, in visiting the grave of my beloved.”
In case anyone was still wondering or comes across this page like I did and was still curious. You can also read thd story at that link.