Site: Livestream Channel: www.livestream.com/sc2wild Thread URL: (optional) Title: SC2Wild
wild is a group of ppl who broadcast high ranked games, both practice and games. mostly we will cast ppl above 2200 points on BN(2010/11/19 just incase the score got some inflation) and lately we will hold a tournament for NorthAmerica Chinese and we will cast the game.
kk thank you working on the new thread now.
Site : http://www.ustream.tv/ Channel : http://www.ustream.tv/channel/kissen
Hello! I will be streaming myself playing ladder, cup/tournaments and also some custom games. I'm a 1600-1700 Diamond Zerg who is playing cup's every day (almost).
I'm a Starcraft 2 player as you may have noticed.
Sometimes I play 2v2 with people.
My in game name is: Kissen Friend Code: 510
Site: Livestream Channel: www.livestream.com/sc2gyro main race: terran Title: Québec SC2 Gyro
Hi, i'm a diamond player form Quebec. My main race is terran. Feel free to ask questions on the forum.
Bonjour, je suis un joueur diamant Québécois et ma race principale est terran. Vous pouvez me poser des questions sur le forum.
Site: Livestream Channel: http://www.livestream.com/hcpk_tv Thread URL: (optional) Title:
Hi! I'm HiiCantPK. I will be streaming me playing various computer games. The games you are most likely to see are Minecraft, Runescape and Starcraft. You may also see Armadillo Run, N, or others.
Runescape: RSN - Rune Returnz (i had a main, but i retired him and am working on my pure) Minecraft: Username - Hiicantpk. You will usually find me on the TL minecraft server. Starcraft: Username - Hiicantpk.345 I am a 1300 pt diamond protoss working through the ladder and custom games. Kingdom of Loathing: Name - Hiicantpk. A level 32 accordion thief, mostly farming at the PUFA or adventuring in the slime tube.
Can a mod please change the name of my stream from 'AcrossFiveJulys' to 'afj'? Thanks!
Site: XFire Channel: www.xfire.com/live_video/pwnatwill696 Thread URL: N/A Title: PhaseTwo
Hey, I'm PhaseTwo, a low level starcraft player looking to improve. Any suggestions, tips, or tricks that you would like to share would be greatly appreciated!
Other games i might stream: World of Warcraft - located on Zul'jin US pvp mostly (Própane-Blood Elf Mage-2500 3v3(main))(Proswizzle-Undead Rogue-2300 3v3)
League of Legends - mostly play this for fun with IRL and long time friends (Própane)
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - My favorite FPS of all time! (PhaseTwo)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Pro sniper (PhaseTwo/PhaseX)
Steam - Zeindun
Site: Livestream Channel: http://www.livestream.com/joshssc2?t=491651 Thread URL: Title:
Hi just hit diamond and i am streaming to receive constructive criticism. I play protoss exclusively on ladder, and zerg in custom games. If i stream, it will normally be 1v1 on the ladder. Feel free to give me any tips or advice
Site: Livestream Channel: http://www.livestream.com/smyge
Hai all! i'd like you to put my stream up here.. I've started streaming my Zerg games because i get motivated by it.. it keeps me on my toes in games. Comment everything i do wrong would be nice! Expect alot of day9 inspirated games aswell as to losing cause i got too many drones. Occasionally im going to stream Wow, bfbc2, FM2011(?!?),
European Servers Diamond 1600+ points and rising.
Cu there (Y)
Site: Livestream Channel: http://livestream.com/MuffinFTW Thread URL: (optional) none
Hi, MuffinFTW here! Just a low diamond 800 points Protoss streaming some games on US servers. Will sometimes play 2 vs 2. But, come watch me try to improve!
Other games I stream sometimes:
Heroes of Newerth Leagues of Legends Combat Arms
Site: Livestream Channel: livestream.com/didrik86 Title: Didrik86
Note: My old acc at tl is didrik86, but lost the password and the mail, so created this acc, and got a new mail. Still using the stream ! PM me is u need to know more