Flash playing this map.
DL link : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B67ohwEmP6bPN29HWjZDbnZ3U0E/view?usp=sharing
This is a translated 1.46 version of the popular korean UMS map 랜덤능력크래프트 - 파이썬
It's basically a melee game but with special abilities. English isn't my first language so please feel free to give me feedback about any confusing translations
Map feature
- Up to 4 players can play this map.
- No team slots in game loby but you can team up in game.
- Each player will be randomly given a special ability such as maphack, bonus resources, stealing enemy units, etc.
- It's the same as playing a melee game on Python map other than these abilities.
List of abilities.
+ Show Spoiler +
[ Resource Crate ]
Player acquires 300 minerals and 150 gas every minute.
[ Every Little Helps ]
Player acquires 4 minerals and 2 gas every second .
[ No Basic Units Allowed ]
Kills basic enemy units(marines, zerglings, zealots).
[ 22% ]
Fix player's units' shields and hp at 22%.
[ Roadblock Troll]
Player gets respawnable civs(4000 hp / 12 armors).
[Drops & Detectors ]
Overlords, dropships, shuttles, observers, science vessels become invincible.
[ Supply Blocker]
Kills enemy overlords, supply depots, pylons every 10 minutes.
[ Massacre ]
Kills enemy SCVs, probes, drones every 10 minutes.
[ Beggar Thy Neighbor ]
Enemy lose all remaining resources every 5 minutes.
[ Chaos! ]
Every time you put three workers of the same race in the center, all players' powers change.
[ The Gathering (for 1 second) ]
Infinite energy for 1 second every 10 seconds.
[ Black Sheep Wall ]
Black sheep wall.
[ Senzu Beans! ]
Restores shields and hp of all ally units and buildings every 30 seconds.
[ Mass Weakening ]
Halves enemy buildings' shields and hp every 5 minutes.
Also reduces enemy units' shields and hp to 33%.
[ Heavens above, rain down justice! ]
Kills enemy air units except overlords every 10 minutes.
Kills lifted terran buildings.
[Kamikaze ]
Spawns 50 infested terrans every 10 minutes.
[ Conscription ]
Spawns 50 marines every 10 minutes.
[ For Adun! ]
Spawns 25 zealots every 10 minutes.
[ Ketchup Party ]
Spawns 100 zerglings every 10 minutes.
[ Gas Leakage ]
Enemy loses gas buildings and 500 gas every 5 minutes.
Player's battle cruisers, carriers, ultralisks, guardians become hero units.
[ Trinity ]
Gives you workers of every race and 675 minerals.
[D Up! ]
Restores defense buildings every 5 seconds or whenever you kill enemy units.
[ I See You ]
Can see enemy vision.
[ Hole In Your Bag]
Enemy loses 1 mineral and 1 gas constantly.
[Six Special Animals ]
Spawns 6 special animals.
Kakaru - Never die
Bengalaas - Touch-n-kills 2 units per minute
Rhynadon - Touch-n-kills 2 buildings per minute(avaliable after 5 minutes)
Ursadon - Gives you 150 minerals and 75 gas every minute.
Scantid - Blows up nearby units and buildings when killed. Respawns for 100 gas.
Ragnasaur - Heals every animal every minute. Killing ragnasaur nullifies other animals' abilities.
[Bounty Hunter ]
Kill for resources.
[ What's Up Down There? ]
Kills enemy ground units except workers every 10 minutes.
[ Enhanced Basic Units ]
Zerglings, marines, zealots become hero units.
2 instead of 1 will be spawned.
Hero units have slightly lower hp and slightly better damage.
[ Capitalism ]
Accumulate 5,000 minerals to win.
[ Illusionist ]
Constantly generates 2 hallucinations of player units at the center of the map.
Does not apply to units with cloaking as default.
[I Never Feel Hungry]
Mineral counts are kept above 75.
[Resistance is Futile ]
Removes enemy defense buildings and player get twice the cost of the buildings.
[ Is That It? ]
Steals enemy battle cruisers, carriers, ultralisks, guardians.
[ Make Yourself at Home ]
Steals up to 5 enemy units in your base per 2 minutes.
[ ]
No power.
[ Partial Blackout ]
Some enemy units become uncontrollable every 2 minutes.
[ Dancing Health Bar ]
Randomly changes your units health.
Hitting full health will also affect your ally units.
[ EMP ]
EMPs every enemy units and buildings.
[ Be My Broodlings ]
Any enemy ground units who use your base's entrance become broodlings.
Infinite resources for 30 seconds every 5 minutes.
Remaining resources will be gone after the 30 seconds.
[ Magnetic Center ]
All enemy units march to center every 2 minutes.
[ Lightspeed Expansion ]
Half the cost of your main building + worker unit at the target expo = expansion.
No other unit should be at the expo.
Bring worker to the expo AFTER you get the minerals.
[ Resource Depletion ]
Spawns 1 hero queen named Zerg target every minute.
Mineral or gas building touched by the hero queen will vanish.
No extra queen will spawn if there is remaining one.
[ Enhanced Basic Aircrafts ]
Wraiths, scouts, mutalisks become hero units and 2 instead of 1 will be spawned.
Hero units have slightly lower hp and slightly better damage.
[ Iron Man ]
Your units become invincible for 1 minute after 10 minutes.
[ Significant First Blow ]
Starts with 4 additional workers.
Steals the first completed enemy barrack, gateway, or spawning pool.
[ Deposit Cap ]
Your opponents cannot accumulate more than 1000 minerals and gas.
The limit amounts halves every 10 minutes.
Your opponents cannot gather any resources after 30 minutes.
[ Who's Blind Now? ]
Blinds your opponents for 30 seconds every 5 minutes.
Opponets will still be able to see the units being attacked.
[ This is Insane! ]
Build 15 command centers, or 60 pylons, or 60 overlords to win.
[ Supply First ]
Your supply depots, overlords, pylons become unattackable units.
Losing your last command center, nexus, or hatchery will make them lose invincibility.
[ Warp Gate ]
Bringing ground units to the large black squre in your base will teleport them to other base.
Teleport costs 5 minerals per unit.
Teleport is clockwise.
[ Diplomacy ]
Forces opponents to ally to your team every minute.
Your opponents can manually disally.
[ Invincible Support Units ]
[ Terran Defence Tank? ]
Player gets a terran defence tank every 2 minutes.
Defence tanks have a very low hp in siege mode.
[ Raising the Dead ]
Player controls all neutral units and buildings.
[ Bomber Scouts ]
Scouts bombard the entire map every 10 minutes.
Each bombing lasts 75 seconds.
Scouts cannot be killed.
[ Upper Class ]
Starts with 2000 minerals and 1000 gas.
Other players also get 1000<1F>minerals.
[ Bombardment Squadron ]
Aircrafts bombard the entire map every 10 minutes.
Each bombing lasts 75 seconds.
Bombers cannot be killed.
[ Fusion! ]
Compresses the abilities of the firebats, dragoons, and hydralisks
If you have 5 of one of the above units, they fuse into a hero unit with 6 times the base stats.
[ Homing ]
Opponents' base entrances bounce their own ground units towards their own bases.
Your buildings and units are automatically healed while enemy ground units are trying to use their entrances.
[ We Shall Not Fall ]
Invincible buildings for 3 minutes every 5 minutes.
[ Erase ]
You can purchase Eraser for 450 minerals and 300 gas.
Eraser can erase enemy units for 25 minerals and 5 gas per unit.
Eraser will automatically be purchased when killed.
[ Broodlings Spec-ops ]
Spawns a broodling per second after 5 minutes.
Broodlings will not spawn if you have more than 50 broodlings in your base.
[ Patience ]
You cannot gather any resources for 4 minutes.
You gain 5000 minerals and 5000 gas and a new ability after 4 minutes.
[ Underground Network ] <11>※Zerg only
Your nydus canals become invincible.
You need at least 1 hatchery, 1 lair, 1 hive to sustain the invincibility.
[ Enhanced Dark Templar ] <0F>※Protoss only
Your dark templars will have higher HP and damage.
Disables dark archon warp.
Slower movement speed.
[ Tank Mine ] <10>※Terran only
Vultures plant siege tanks instead of spider mines.
Replaced tanks have 15% HP.
[ Lock on Target ]
Spawns 5 Targets at the center.
Targets are hero ghosts.
Kill 3 Targets to win.
Mind controlling the target willl not add up.
[ Resurrection ]
Gives you all enemy hatcheries, nexus. CCs and 400 minerals if you lose last one of yours.
Available after 10 minutes.
[ Love Battery ] ※Protoss only
Build more batteries to get the following effects.
5 batteries - Automatically restocks scarabs and interceptors.
10 batteries - Infinite energy for shield battery.
15 batteries - + 2 minerals and gas every second.
20 batteries - Infinite shields for units.
25 batteries - All buildings except batteries become invincible.
[ No to Female Conscription ] <10>※Terran only
Thousands protest against female conscription in corhal.
If you train female units, women's organization will pay you three times the cost of training to bring them back.
[ Auto Evolution ] <11>※Zerg only
Larvae automatically evolve into one of the available units.
Auto evolution costs 2/5 of the originals.
[ Cannibalism ]
Killing enemy units heals your units and buildings
[ Show Me The Minerals ]
10,000 minerals every 10 minutes.
[ We Need Ventilation ]
10,000 gas every 10 minutes.
[ Surveillance System ]
Kills all enemy units in your base every minute.
[ Watching Eye ]
Every expo vision revealed.
Destroys enemy expansion building once per expo.
[ Thieving Thief ]
Bring any unit to opponet's base to steal 1 mineral and 1 gas per second.
Your thief unit will steal until enemy has no more resources to steal.
[ Capture the Flag ]
Spawns 1 flag and 1 beacon for every player.
Beacons can be moved once.
Bring other player's flag to your beacon to eliminate the player.
Flags spawn after 10 minutes.
Only you can see positions of the other flags.
[ Chameleon ]
You can change your power by bringing 3 workers of the same race to the circle at the center of the map.
Chamelon ability remains even if you change your ability.
This power cannot be countered.
[ Recall ]
Recalls every ground battle units to Mother ship every 5 minutes.
Place Mother ship to unteleportable places like water to prevent unwanted recall.
Mother ship can be purchased for 400 minerals and 200 gas.
[ Recycle ]
All your units except heroes have 50% chance of revival.
[ Kakaru Ranch ]
You get one kakaru every dozens of seconds.
Kakaru supply will stop when you have 20 kakarus and you can start selling kakarus to your opponents until 10 remain.
Bring kakarus to your opponents' base to sell them.
You can get 50 minerals and 50 gas per one kakaru.
If the player you are trying to sell is broke, 1 random unit gets killed instead.
Kakarus keep healing themselves.
[ Automatic Refinery ]
You get bonus gas per second up to the number of your gas buildings.
The bonus amount is 2 times the number of the buildings.
[ No Need to Gas Steal ]
Vespene geysers in enemy bases dissapear.
If you need to ally other player, do it fast.
[ Statue of Durand ]
Weird statues will be spawned across the map.
These statues force their enemies to attack them.
[ Neo Recall ]
Recalls all enemy units to Mother ship every 10 minutes.
Mothership can be purchased for 400 <1F>minerals <16>and 200 <07>gas.
[ Invisible Base ]
Spawns invincible Motherhips in your base.
Losing your base will destroy Motherships.
[ Lava Flow ]
Kills all enemy ground units and buildings on low ground every 10 minutes.
[ Kiddo Mine ]
You can purchase kiddo mine for 50 minerals/25 gas.
Kiddo mine will kill units and buildings around it when stepped on.
Only burrowed Kiddo mine will activate.
[ Headcutters ]
85/100/115 kills to win.
[ Wild Units Nest ]
Wild units appear and attack as they please.
Any wild unit in your base will be automatically removed.
Wild units share visions with you.
Wild units don't appear immediately.
[ Advanced Technology ]
You get all upgrades except weapons and armors.
[ Science Observers ] ※Terran only
Spawns 8 observers instead of science vessel.
[ Lord of the Creeps ] ※Zerg only
Invincible creep colonies spawn across the map.
Morphing creep colonies into sunkens or spore will make them lose invincibility.
Killing all overlords in the map will also make creep colonies to lose invincibility.
[ Darkness Diffusion ] ※Protoss only
Dark templars' fusion will spawn 3 dark templars for 20 seconds every 10 minutes.
[ Mineral Mine ]
Spawns 2 mineral mines on the map.
Each mine automatically gives you minerals if you bring a worker to the mine.
Any player can use the mineral mines.
Only the ability holder gets visions from the mines.
Mine holder will get 4 minerals per second (8 minerals for the ability holder)
[ Fast Nuke ] ※Terran only
Starts with a silo and a respawnable ghost.
[ Pylon Mine ] ※Protoss only
Gets resources up to the number of pylons.
This ability applies to upto 20 pylons.
[ What? Broodling is evolving! ] ※Zerg only
Broodlings evolve into random zerg ground units.
[ Mobius Gate ]
Spawns infinite loop gate that only applies to your opponents at the center.
Gate location is not visible.
[ Mysterious Resources ]
Your base and expansion have infinite resources.
[ Evaporation ]
Kills one of your enemy units every minute.
The number of units killed will increase by 1 every 10 minutes.
[ This is Getting Too Long.. ]
You win after 30 minutes.
[ X-Gate ]
Large black squre in your base teleports your ground units to the base on the other side of the map.
Teleported units are fully healed.
No teleportation fee.
[ GhostsRUs ]
All ground units except workers become ghosts.
The specs on the ghosts vary according to their price tags.
[ Fury Swipes ]
Steals all enemy marines, zerglings and zealots every 10 minutes.
Takes higher tech units if there are no said units.
[ Excuse Me Sir, Do You Have a Moment to Talk About Lord And Saviour? ]
You can purchase Missionary for 750 minerals and 750 gas.
Missionary makes enemy units repent by touching them.
[ Law of Conservation of Workers ]
Any workers killed by enemy revies at your base.
[ Terraformer-IX ]
If you have 9 hatcheries or 9 nexus or 9 CCs and 1999 gas, bringing 9 zerglings or 9 zealots or 9 marines to the center of the map will summon Terraformer-IX only once.
Said units and buildings will be destroyed immediately after Terraformer-IX is spawned.
Terraformer-IX is OP and whoever kills Terraformer-IX will be eliminated immediately
[ Kidnapper ]
Spawns Zerg Target every minute after 5 minutes.
Zerg Target can kidnap units it touches.
Only 1 Zerg Target can be spawned at the same time.
[ Whimsical Beings ]
Your units switch back and forth between being invincible and normal.
[ Therapy Center ]
Large black squares in the base heals units.
Each player can use their own therapy center.
You can use all centers.
[ Shared Fate ]
Spawns beacons in front of each players' entrances.
Send a worker to one of the beacons to choose whom to share fate with.
Choice cannot be changed for a while.
If one of the players is eliminated, the other will get eliminated as well.
If only two of you remain, you will automatically win.
[ Timer Manipulation ]
If countdown timer shows less than 10 seconds, you can stop the timer by placing a worker at the black squre in your base.
You get bonus gas while at it.
[ Share to Win ]
Sending your unit to an ally will give the player 3 of the same unit at the expense of yours.
This ability does not apply to transporters, workers, and special units generated by other abilities.
[Important] You can change ability by sending 5 workers to the center of the map.
[ Welcome To Hell! ]
Your marines, zerglings, zealots become time bombs.
Every 10 minutes, all your said units blow up and kill enemy units and buildings around them.
[ We're Not Friends Anymore ]
Placing a worker to the black sqaure in your base will make your opponent team unally each other for a while.
You can activate this ability upto 8 times.
Each activation has cooldown time.
[ Workers' Death March ]
If any player's worker gets killed, <17>all other players'<16> workers will get killed as well.
Every time this ability activates due to other players, you will get 25 minerals per one worker killed.
[ Warranty ]
Costs of dead units will be fully refunded as long as Warranty is alive.
Does not apply to heroes.
[ Hotel Revenue ]
You gain 20 minerals <16>and 10 gas every second while an enemy unit is in your base.
[ Sudden Death ]
Players will be eliminated if they lose a hatchery or nexus or command center.
You can afford to lose up to three buildings.
[ Death ] ※Chameleon ability only
Destroys all enemy hatcheries, nexus, command centers.
all upgrade buildings become neutral.
[ Undertaker's Terrifying and Entertaining Transformation Lab ]
Your dead units revive into random units as long as the Lab is alive.
[ Ditto ]
Whenever opponents make a unit for the first time, you get the same one as well.
[ Lookism ]
The ugliest player will get kicked.
Original mapmaker : Galaxy Saturn
Mapmaker's homepage : http://blog.naver.com/chpark0225