So, hello everyone. Standard Gowerly format ahoy
What format?
This one, like a question and answer thing. Seems to help me get out the required content more easily.
Alright, so what do you want?
Well, this is just going to be a short story into my career as a "Pro-gamer". I use this term loosely, as you will see why, soon, but at least Dreamhack thought I was a pro-gamer.
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Uh-huh. Tell the story, then!
Right. So to begin. I am a programmer, by day. I make video games for a living. It's pretty good fun. However, I like Starcraft, and cookies. Definitely cookies.
In my off-time I am one of TLO's and Ret's chat mods and by our modding powers combined, we make up the gaming group, "We Like Cookies". We have recently formed but have already participated in a showmatch with Leipzig Esports. We lost, but it was fun.
So, with that in mind, some of us entered Dreamhack Stockholm.
I had recently been promoted up a league, so was hopeful of my chances in this tournament!
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That's right. I'm coming for you
Also, there was the prize money! Gowerly needs a new pair of shoes!
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No, really. I need a new pair of shoes
With that in mind, team Cookies travels to Stockholm and to Dreamhack!
The Dreamhack guys are really nice. All the admins and staff are really helpful and do everything they can to make sure our games are on time, done properly and all that good stuff.
Upon entering the players area, I found my machine, it had my name on it and everything. In Comic Sans.
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Because why not?
Also, a little technologically behind in certain areas (see the What did you take away section)
Group Stage 1!
I was ready to tear it up and show some other pro-gamers that I meant business. I got to my desk and did a few un-ranked practice games.
I had no unranked MMR at the time, so I got a few bronze/silver/gold league guys to play against. After dismantling those poor guys I was feeling invincible, and I was ready to show these guys a thing or two.
I had been stealing TBO's cheeses and was looking forward to annoying some Zergs with endless reapers and bunkers and hellbats and other stuff.
So, to the opponents, bring on the Zerg!
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Oh. Well, whatever, this is no problem
And then there were some games!
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Hmmm... Actually it was a pretty big problem
Almost as quickly as it started, my run in the tournament was over. It turns out that actual professional gamers are pretty good at Starcraft. Also, surprisingly tolerant to lactose. Who knew?
What the hell, man?
Well, let me give you the rundown
Gowerly vs Adel
Game 1
I roll the Ts, so decide to go for all the barrackses. Marines are pretty good, right?
Apparently not as good as Sentries and nexus cannons and good macro.
Game 2
I roll the Zs. I get up some bases and then Adel gets them down again and I am sad and GG.
Gowerly vs Elfi
Game 1
I roll a Z. I make lots of speedlings. They all die.
Game 2
I roll a Z. Again. Stupid Random. I am angry so I 7 pool. It's scouted and a Zealot appears as I'm arriving with some lings.
I kill it, and then there's another zealot and then there are more things and my units die and I am once again sad.
Gowerly vs Flo.
Game 1
I roll a P. I decide proxy Oracles are the way to go. I kill some things, she kills more things and then kills my bases and things.
Game 2
I roll a P. Again. DT Drops! I am ready to hit at about 7:30. I am super pleased with myself, this is going to be amazing.
A reaper comes in as my warp prism is finished and my poor heart breaks. I don't do enough damage, but for an army made entirely out of DTs I do get to kill some stuff.
Right, so you got humiliated
Maybe if I had the ability to feel actual shame. As it stands I just had a good time, and look at what I achieved!
- Highest placed Random Race entrant!
- 2 days to sit in the players area and drink all the soda!
- Ability to sit on comfortable chairs!
- A snazzy arm band thing!
- Meeting a lot of cool people!
Attempting to be serious for at least 4 lines of text, competing in an offline tournament is really good fun.
If you're one of those people (like I used to be) that suffers from any kind of ladder anxiety, then go play in one. You'll never be afraid to ladder again.
It's also a great way to meet some of the players and see how the tournaments are done.
I have a great deal of respect for the people that make things like Dreamhack happen. It's really not an easy thing to do!
So what did you learn?
Well, from this experience I learned the following:
- Pro-gamers are good at gaming
- If you're watching a game and you think "Pffff, I can do that", you probably can't. If you really think you can, then you can always enter! DH Entry fee was only marginally more than a spectator ticket and you get free soda!
- Be nice to your Admins, they are good peoples
- You need good shoes to play video games. For a game in which you sit down to play, you definitely spend a lot of time standing up at Dreamhack
- Stockholm is expensive
What else did you take away from this?
- Blisters
- Possibly Diabetes
- A desire to do more of this sometime
- The knowledge that Diamond league means squat
- This note from an admin about my map list vs Adelscott
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Awwww <3
- Even some hate on Twitter
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This must be what fame feels like
So, now what?
Well, sadly, I think I may have to retire from professional gaming, at least for a while. As well as being the highest placed Random player in Dreamhack, I think I'm going to be the first "pro-gamer" to retire due to it making my feet hurt too much.
Fear not, though, my fans, because team Cookies will be doing more show matches! We are looking to play the guys over at Unity on the 5th of May! Be sure to tune in... wherever we stream it.
We are always up for taking on a team of people (within reason, I'm not sure we're ready to enter GSTL just yet).
I'm going to keep practicing, though, and who knows, maybe I'll win a game against someone at a future Dreamhack event!
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Good bye, for now, Pro-Gaming
I took an R and an M out of what I normally do and did something else and it made my feet hurt so I'm putting them back and going to what I did before. Also, I like cookies.
I occasionally stream over at Feel free to come over and troll me or whatever it is stream watching is about. Also feel free to abuse me @Gowerly on twitter, as, apparently that guy did. Welcome to the internet, everyone.
Thanks for reading! Shoutouts to the rest of We Like Cookies and all the honourary Cookies and this bar of chocolate.
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Shoutouts to you, Chocolate. You deserve it
P.S Sorry if the messages are a little big