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For this Blog, which I am christening with this post, I will assume that you know how to read 한글, the Korean writing system.
If you do not know how to read 한글, here is a great place to learn how. That's where I began four years ago.
If you do not know how to read 한글, here is a great place to learn how. That's where I began four years ago.
Hello world. My name is Michael.
I've never had a blog before until now and I hope that I won't do too much of a crappy job with it.
My intention with this is to try and reach out to other people who are trying to learn Korean and through their replies and comments get better at it. My ulterior motive here, though, is to let other people get better than me at it.
I thought TeamLiquid would be the best place to do this blog thing since we're all Korean-conscious here, whether it is culture, language, or the obvious [by which I mean to say Starcraft].
Since this is the internet and all, I will try to refrain from talking about things in my personal life. The relative anonymity here is quite comforting and allows me to express my thoughts. I guess I can now see why so many people do this blog thing.
For now though, here is some information about me:
As I mentioned earlier, four years ago I began to learn 한국어 (or 한국말, the Korean language). One of my friends in high school was Korean and one day I just took it upon myself to learn the language. Its kind of my hobby. I've been learning 8 languages since I was a third year in Primary School beginning with Spanish and most lately, German.
I used to work as an unpaid intern in the State Museum as a local expert on the Korean War. There was an exhibit about the image of the American soldier in our society and so they needed people to educate tour groups about the various wars. This was back in 2007, about 2 years after I began to learn the language.
I'll be honest: I am having a lot of trouble with this Korean stuff. I intend be asking questions about some of the stuff that I'm talking about in later blog entries — I'll be relying on you guys to help me out.
One of my dreams in life is to be able to travel the world without a tour guide or interpreter.
I hope that I can accomplish my goals with this blog, and I invite you to comment with your two cents as much as you can. I want to get better at this and the more there is for me to read from you, the better I think I can get.
I will begin to write my first real entry tomorrow. I want to get my thoughts together before I write another one of these. By writing these things, I want both to refresh my memory and teach you everything I know so far about 한국말. You can expect me to post many links to Korean learning websites, each of which I can guarantee I have personally used to learn this stuff in the past.
I encourage you to correct me when I make any mistakes.
Thank you very much for your time reading this,