So it was around midnight and I had jumped from 7700 to 8200 points. The 32nd place guy had around 8400. I wasn't aware of this at the moment. I dropped down to 7900 with two hours left in the tournament. I lost again and went down to 7800. I realized I needed at least five wins in 2 hours.
Could I have done it had I really tried? Maybe. I wasn't finding any games and I reasoned that I couldn't win enough games. So I gave up not wanting to disappoint myself after going in too deep.
Anyway, here's my Valor tournament rep-pack (majority of games are ZvT): http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/4422/replays/stryker val reppack.zip
Recommended games (all ZvT) (and approximate replay numbers) v LastShadow (#0827) v Heme (#0843) v Daekyu (#0858) v worldfamous (A- Terran) (#0909) v Advokate (#0912) v Napoleon (#0913) v kisslyn (A- Terran) (#0945) v Tarson (#0988) v IFU.Lucky (#1035) v Odysseus (#1090) v Tidy (#1098, #1104) v Oystein (#1140)
Sorry to hear, good job though! I liked the weekly updates on how you were doing,and made sure to check where you were in the standings. ^_^
I don't think your efforts were in vain, good job!
The StRyKeR After Valor Tournament >> the StRyKeR before it.
That's all I have to say.
Thanks man, nothing better than watching a skillful TvZ! Also, you're one of the few Zergs who almost constantly dwarfs his Terran opponent in mechanics, very nice!
United States10774 Posts
Stryker really impressed me ZvT, he knows how to abuse defilers to the fullest and won 4-2 vs me fairly easy. Its weird how you say your other matchups are so much worse than your ZvT, cuz your mechanics seems to be fine.
United States11390 Posts
Awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ZvT reps~
I still can't believe you enjoy zvt on destination though. ~_~
damn thats really cool. haha wow, lastshadow dundun!