I've noticed that no pros use those wrist rest things on keyboards. I've always used one and I find it really painful and awkward to go without using one. I'm even using one from a different keyboard that doesn't even snap onto this keyboard, it just sits in front of it, because I can't stand typing without one. I usually also have my keyboard with the feet up.
How do you go without a wrist rest? Does your hand rest on your desk, and your wrist is bent upwards to touch the keys, or do you not rest your wrist/palm of your hand on anything? Also how do pros avoid huge wrist problems if they aren't using wrist rests, aren't they designed to alleviate stress?
Oddly enough I have never used one with my mouse hand and it has never given me any problems.
they odnt need it cuz their hands fly!!
im the same as you, even with a different keyboard ive used my old wrist rest thing. feet always up :p ergonomics ftw! oh, kind of hijacking your blog, but what kind of desk chair should i get?
[edit] oh, palm rest.
i thought you werent supposed to use them while typing... just when your "resting" your wrists...
Yeah, using them while typing is bad for your wrists.
never even heard of this. WTF
Why the hell would you ever need to have a wrist rest if you're doing anything over 200apm
Never used the the wrist softener thing for the keyboard, but I always have mine on it's feet as well. At school, their keyboards are the exact same as mine, but almost all their feet in their keyboards are broken or missing
I don't use one for my mouse wrist either. My hands are pretty large and they just slide on the edge of my desk. I don't really need to bend my wrist upwards at all to put my hand over my mouse. And I guess my wrist has just gotten used to sliding on the edge of my desk because I don't get a rash or anything from it.
Side note: I always have to have my keyboard lined up exactly on the edge of the desk for some reason. It's weird o.o. Pisses me off when people use my comp and move the keyboard around and shit. Maybe I have OCD? lol
Do you mean a palm rest or a wrist rest?
Palm rest:
Wrist rest:
yeah, i remember doing an ergonomics presentation, certain ones are not good for your wrists.
I have seen a lot of progamers shaking their our hands from the wrist line, but also saw that they also exercise their bodies... If not they would have a lot of problems, even with 400 apm.