Anyways whoever got my cd key will go on USWest for most of the day (occasionally I'll be able to log on. I considered leaving my SC on but I'd rather not use the electricity)
But that kinda sucks, since most of the BW activity on Bnet is on USWest. So I realized that I may never be able to try to get a game on TL Attack! That would suck. So I just went ahead onto the blizzard store and got a new cd key for $15. $15 on a game I already have. GOD DAMNIT
I actually still have the original case with my cd key, so I could send it to Blizzard to get it replaced, but it's actually at my college so I'd probably have to wait several months before I get any replacement back. I plan to eventually get it replaced so I'll have two cd keys. I'll try to sell the replacement key somewhere. So yeah. end rant