As I developed my skills as a player, there were fairly consistent cycles that I would go through. When I first started, I knew I sucked and so I was very humble and tried to listen to what people would say. After a couple of months, and getting decent enough to beat just about anyone 2v2 bgh, I became very cocky. My friend and I would roam around the clan channels and talk a gang of shit to get them to play us.
There was this one clan in particular, [DuMa], which we frequented more often than most. I think it actually started with them calling us newbs in game, and us getting pissed and demanding 2v2, which they denied and instead proceed to whisper us and talk shit for the next 2 hrs. So we would hit up their channel every couple weeks and challenge their best players for 2v2 bm's on like hunters, bgh and temple.
This went on for a couple months, until we played against these two guys that totally raped us. I can't remember what clan they were from, but I do remember quite vividly that gut wrenching feeling of realization:
Holy shit, these guys are on another level.
Thus began the next phase of the cycle, where I realized I wasn't nearly as good as I thought I was and had become far too complacent. I've gone back and forth probably about 4 or 5 times in my 8 years of playing SC, although I think my days of arrogance are pretty much over.
Anyways back to the point. Every once in a while you encounter a person that seems like they are literally from another dimension, whether it be the utter lack of social skills, or the complete denial with regard to how good they are. That's what makes playing online for me so great - it's always something new and exciting. There are a couple individuals in particular that we've inducted into the hall of fame (shame!!?), and this is dedicated to them (after many painful hours of ms paint).
more to come~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^^