I'm not sure how much of a block you're in, are you just not able to think of anything at all to sing about (ie: you're just not inspired to sing of anything in particular) or do you have a vague idea or a subject but don't know where to start?
If it's the former...I can't really help sorry. But if it's the latter than you can try to just take a song you really like, and use that as a template and just replace all of the lines with lines that you've written yourself. Then you can either copy the songs melody or just sing the song you've come up with over and over until you develop your own.
Also you can try just writing a simple poem (no rhyming, maybe 10 lines total) don't even think to hard about, just write the first things that come to mind. Then out of that take a few lines that you think sound really good and try to sing it in a catchy way, add more words if you need. Once you got something that flows really well, use the rest of the lines left and create the verses out of them.
I'm not really an expert on songwritting (or even pretty good at it), but doing things like this help me to at least get something down on paper.
Edit: Also, completely random idea I thought of just now. Spend pretty much the whole day not talking, everytime you want to say something sing it. Instead of "hey dude, can you pass the remote" you'll say "hey dude can..." ok so singing doesn't translate into text, but I hope you see where I'm going with this. Maybe you'll eventually stumble onto something that you can write down and expand on. Also make sure to sing your thoughts too (in your head if you're out in public and are embarrassed).
I think you should go on strike.
Korea (South)11568 Posts
Playing in the rain and dodging lightning would be cool.
Don't pressure yourself. Something will come eventually.
One thing I've read is to just free-associate (write whatever comes to mind and don't censor.) In short, write that song about the murderous banana (hell, sounds pretty cool.)
I think the cool thing about this approach is it causes you to drop this preconceived notion of what your music should be (you are so busy trying to write what you "should" be writing, that you don't write) - your preconceptions are stifling you at the moment.
A thought...
Canada7170 Posts
Yeah, banana song coming along nicely. I'll post here with the lyrics soon.
Korea (South)17174 Posts
drink a lot and get yourself a sick hangover
i have writers block always almost unless i'm either really inspired/pissed off or hung over.
Canada7170 Posts