The biggest thing i need to work on now is scouting, properly processing the information and then decisively reacting, especially vs. protoss. Since i"m only in gold league there's a little bit of a problem where i can't tell what he's doing since stuff is being built late, but better scouting will help fix this. This includes remembering to send my overlord in at the proper timings (~7 min vs FFE, ~6 min vs gateway expand), watching gas, scouting the front with lings, and running around looking for proxies with my lings. In addition, i need to spread my overlords better in general, most of the time they get clumped up at my rally point near my base.
Scouting vs terran seems a lot easier since you can tell what composition they're going just by looking at what production building they've massed. I need to stop dying to hellbat/bio/medivac pushes though. Still figuring that one out. Probably need to make my baneling nest earlier, like when i start my lair rather than halfway throughish.
A lot of my other losses seem to come down to just needing to play more and build a better gamesense. I've lost to retarded shit like a one base thor/mine/hellbat push while i was on three bases because i over made roaches before he attacked and didn't have as much economy as i should have. I also ran my roaches into mines where i could have just waited for overseers and been fine.
I haven't talked much about ZvZ since the matchup seems to be...kind of insane and requires the most improvisation. One misclick in ling/bane wars and you can go from being very far ahead to losing instantly. Its fun but also nerve wracking. I've been going hatch first, 15 pool, 17 gas and spending the first 100 gas on ling speed, then the next 50 on a baneling nest. After that it all comes down to scouting. If they're being greedy by making too many drones or skipping a baneling nest i'll usually just be aggressive with ling/baneling. If not then i just try to watch their unit count while i drone and 1/1 for my roaches, and roach speed when my lair finishes. Like i said, i don't have a real good grasp on what the timings are for this matchup after ling speed and baneling nests finish (or if there even are solid, concrete timings) since both sides have to play so reactionary.
I'm trying to not use swarmhosts since they're changing them soon, but when i get triple cannon rushed i had no choice but to emulate what Life did in the GSL finals with the nydus/swarm host siege. The protoss was pretty salty after that one.