Ever since this new patch was announced, my interest for Dota 2 dropped. There's a whole lot of changes, and it doesn't feel like the same game anymore. I welcome some of these changes, but there are many more game changing ones that I truly dislike.
1. Roshan respawn I kind of like this change. When I watch games, I really enjoy watching how teams maneuver around the pit trying to get a positional advantage. The change adds more dimension to this part of the game.
2. Bloodseeker This is the most bullshit change ever. It makes the game so stupid. Although you shouldn't be seeing 1400 MS BS in proper games, but i
3. Pudge with Blink So when a Pudge stomps, anytime he gets in range to Dismember somebody will die. To do so, he still needs to land hooks. Blink just makes a stomping game even worse for the opposition.
4. Neutral XP sharing This change is one of the worst. It takes away any strategic aspect, such as using spells or some aggressive maneuvering to snatch creeps etc. It also buffs BH when there's a enemy jungler because you can just steal XP without revealing yourself.
5. Brood Web Well placed set of webs means Brood has an insane area of unobstructed movement. That's quite ridiculous if you think about it. And the AOE has increased too. I think this buff is too much. A better buff maybe to reduce the XP/Gold bounty of the Spiders, as well as their attack not being block by Stout.
6. Disruptor This is quite a good ASU actually. Although an AOE Doom feels a little OP. I guess you can just think of it as a Black Hole/RP, since if you get hit by them you can't do anything either. The fact that you need Agha for the effect doesn't make Disruptor THAT OP though.
7. Lich Sacrifice So in addition to denying your enemy XP when you Sacrifice, you now gain an extra creep XP. I don't like this aspect of it. Solo Mid Lich is now even more powerful (it already was...)
8. Jungle change I don't like how junglers are all nerfed becaused you need to jungle in a more dangerous area (the small camp), and you get lower exp overall. I think jungling adds another aspect to drafting, and this just removes it. I think Radiant have it much easier for pulling too?
9. NS change I don't get the NS change because he is a fine hero himself. He still has his place in the game, although he is more situationally picked. Some heroes are fine on their own and do not need buffs even if they are not picked often. NS is one of them.
10. Necrobooks Mass Necrobooks are going to be in fashion again. Previously Necrobooks get too easily countered by Midas/HotD. Now you really need BKB and good AOE to handle it.
11. Sentry I'm not sure of this change, I suppose it removes using Sentries to block camps? I really like the whole blocking of camps with Sentries because it's strategic plays. The ability to deward such blocks differentiates the good supports from the bad ones. Also Sentries are 200 gold investments. There's an opportunity cost when placing it....
Overall I think as many have noted that the changes are to favour the offlane heroes alot. I think such changes are unnecessary. What differentiates good offlaners from bad ones are their ability to disrupt the enemy or getting the most XP possible. For example, Bulldog's Furion constantly is able to stop the enemy from pulling. Sometimes he is able to pull creeps to his tower. Not many Furion players pull this off as consistently as Bulldog. Also, good offlaners are able to make plays happen despite not getting much XP. Examples would be BH disrupting junglers or Potm/DS/Clock rotating.
The changes towards laning plays remove the strategic aspect of the jungle. Good teams are able to exploit the jungle with their drafts and they know the enemy can't punish their greed. Good teams adapted to the current meta and learnt how supports should have farm too. You see EGM/KKY/ constantly having a lot of farm, while Chinese stuck to their outdated 2 poor supports strategies. Now this game feels too simple already.
Sentrys can still be used to block camps I think?
Sentry Ward - Duration increased from 3 to 4 minutes - No longer gives permanent vision around it - Gives ground vision in a 150 area around it for 12 seconds when placed
In fact they may even be better for blocking camps because they last longer, now when supports try to deward they just have to be quicker about it because the truesight only lasts for 12 seconds.
The whole last paragraph just seems silly to me. Yes what was previously important (good solo offlane/jungle) is now less important than before, but that doesn't mean the game is becoming simpler, as while those are becoming less important other things are becoming more important. 2/1/2 lineup will mean that the previous solo offlaner will have to learn to work better with someone in their lane now, safe lane supports will have to learn to effectively get a little jungling in with only 1 support there, if you have a full time jungler they will have to learn to do more roaming/make ganks count in order to make up for the lower exp/gold from the jungle.
the true sight lasts 4 minutes, what lasts for 12 seconds is the actual sight from the ward.
On October 21 2013 00:11 DW-Unrec wrote: the true sight lasts 4 minutes, what lasts for 12 seconds is the actual sight from the ward.
Oh thanks for clearing that up. Either way it can still block the camps though yes?
On October 21 2013 00:17 Chewbacca. wrote:Show nested quote +On October 21 2013 00:11 DW-Unrec wrote: the true sight lasts 4 minutes, what lasts for 12 seconds is the actual sight from the ward. Oh thanks for clearing that up.  Either way it can still block the camps though yes? They should, sight never had anything to do with it and there was not mention on them not blocking anymore.
I don't know about Blink Pudge. It seems strong, but shadow blade Pudge or forcestaff into dismember isn't that problematic now. (ofcourse blink is a bit better)
You can still block camps with sentries... and Lich sac NO LONGER denies XP.
Might want to get your facts straight before ranting
On October 21 2013 03:05 KillerSOS wrote:You can still block camps with sentries... and Lich sac NO LONGER denies XP. Might want to get your facts straight before ranting
can't you run back and deny them before they get into xp range of your opponent
On October 21 2013 03:31 UniversalSnip wrote:Show nested quote +On October 21 2013 03:05 KillerSOS wrote:You can still block camps with sentries... and Lich sac NO LONGER denies XP. Might want to get your facts straight before ranting can't you run back and deny them before they get into xp range of your opponent
Well yeah but then you also miss out on exp/gold from the lane. Doesn't matter so much if you are playing like safe lane support, but if you are a mid lich or something that could hurt.
On October 21 2013 03:31 UniversalSnip wrote:Show nested quote +On October 21 2013 03:05 KillerSOS wrote:You can still block camps with sentries... and Lich sac NO LONGER denies XP. Might want to get your facts straight before ranting can't you run back and deny them before they get into xp range of your opponent
Yes but that wan't the change, and you lose out on the lane xp when you do that.
Im sorry but, i honestly find it to be a bad rant. The stuff you bring up are actully kinda small, like the hero changes. This patch is way more than that, this will change the whole gameplay experience. Stuff like the new Tranq boots, cash for dewarding and etc, has the possiblity to make the game fun for supports, even in pubs. Everyone would benefit from more happy supports, inlcuding the viewer.
United Kingdom14103 Posts
meh, the changes you mentioned aren't that major apart from the rosh change, wards and jungle
plus the same game it was? dota has changed majorly over the years
necrobooks is a parity change basically. it was retarded in dota2 that you could midas and dominate them
The patch is going to make the game more action packed, things will be broken, they will get fixed, business as usual for icefraud.
On October 20 2013 22:05 DucK- wrote: 2. Bloodseeker This is the most bullshit change ever. It makes the game so stupid. Although you shouldn't be seeing 1400 MS BS in proper games, but i I think you forgot to finish a sentence there. What was it supposed to say?
While the new patch sacrifices a lot of the development that went into jungling I think the benefit of the change will be well worth the cost.
There's nothing interesting about seeing 2 heroes solo laning while 3 heroes jungle for the first 6 minutes, it may be cool to see a new way to jungle a hero but it ends there, you've seen it once you've seen it a thousand times. While I still don't get how Puppy farms faster in jungle than high level pub players do free farming, now that he can't use Lycan its really not that interesting anymore .
This patch skips the first 6 minutes of the game and gets right into the action. Its frustrating to try and get friends into watching Dota, when by the time anything interesting happens they are already bored.
With 2-1-2 setups you will blur the lines of the support and carry, supports will have more farm and there will be constant pressure in any lane rather than free farm. You might have more games where the supports end up carrying the team, which would be really cool to watch.
what's your beef with the bloodseeker change? because I certainly don't think it makes the hero imbalanced. That hero is just useless once you get to the level where people learn to carry TPs when he hits 6.
On October 21 2013 01:43 Nisyax wrote: I don't know about Blink Pudge. It seems strong, but shadow blade Pudge or forcestaff into dismember isn't that problematic now. (ofcourse blink is a bit better)
pudge in HoN could blink and it's pretty core on him (especially because force staff pushes you like half the distance in HoN). It's not that bad when you consider that in teamfights blinking in to channel a melee range disable on one hero is completely suicidal.
I personally don't think neutral xp sharing is such a big deal. Sure, invisible heroes like Riki and BH can benefit from it, but honestly, that benefit is slight. Instead of actually going around doing work, you're sitting by a jungler gaining just as much XP as he is. You're not getting any advantage from that, you could be getting ganks or your own XP instead. This seeping matters more in situations where the safe lane is pulling, this will let the offlaner get in on the action instead of having to play super passive.
I guess my main point is that the outsmart factor is reduced in favour of outplay. The emphasis on laning puts more focus on your individual skills. Teams like navi should benefit a lot, while alliance is in a weaker position (not to say they suck individually, but their game is heavily towards strategic calculated plays).
As a player who enjoys the strategic aspect of dota, this patch hence makes the game 'simpler'.