What is the capital of lebanon? The capital of Malaysia? Do you know a city that has more people in it than NYC? These are some questions that ran through my mind as I saw the world tour locations from Armin van Buuren's A State of Trance #600.
For those of you who don't know armin van buuren, say hi!
![[image loading]](http://25.media.tumblr.com/59ce7f095f7b5671aa9a9f7272136af2/tumblr_mhptvhvDtM1rib33yo1_1280.jpg)
This dashing dutch man in white has been credited as the world's #1 DJ by DJ magazine 5 times, which included winning 4 consecutive years from 2007-2010 and then again in 2012. Since 2001, Armin has been hosting a weekly radio show called "A State of Trance". Every week, #ASOT attracts around 25 million weekly listeners spread throughout 26 countries.
To answer the questions at the beginning of the OP, the capital of lebanon is Beirut and the capital of Malaysia is Kuala Lumpur.. San Paulo is the largest city in Brazil and in the southern hemisphere. It has more people in it than NYC with about 11.5 million people.
I am from the USA. I will admit that I did not know ANY of this prior to seeing the tour dates for ASOT 600. I was curious what kind of places Armin van Buuren was going to tour in and after googling the city names, I learned some new things about the world. Someday, I would like to visit these places, but that is presumably saved for a later chapter in my life that has yet to be written.
More importantly, by learning different places around the world, it helps me realize that all of these people have probably experienced social anxiety problems to a degree all in their own personalized experiences and that even though I was halfway across the world from these places, I feel like I can connect with people that I have never met before in these cities because we share something in common - we are all part of a global music family that enjoys EDM.
I listen to trance. Mostly. And I hate going to concerts. But I never tried a trance concert. I think it would be cool to go. So many friends say it is a total different experience compared to rock, pop etc. Would be a cool thing to experience when I am in my 20s.
Sometimes some self reflection like that is good indeed.
I used to bash Americans for not knowing most European countries and capitals. But then I looked in the mirror, I didn't know many United States and capitals either. So at a certain time I went here and learned all of them 
It's been a few years since I did that, and most are gone from direct memory. But sometimes I hear an obscure capital name in the news and still know where it is. And it was a fun thing to do to waste some idle time at work  I might even refresh the knowledge some time, if I can find the time, the days of immense spare time are over for me lol.
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
I guess I'm a trance concerts veteran, I've already visited almost everything which was possible, heard all of the top DJ's live, visited over 7 countries and been to events such as Sensations White, Trance Energy, DreamLand, Sunrise Festivals, Electrocity. Been to Netherlands several time, Czech (Prague and stuff), Poland as well, Slovenia, Russia, Scandinavia and Germany.
So much memories, so much positive experience.
There are many cities bigger than New york City. Depending on weather you count suburbs as part of the pop cap. it varies, but City of Mexico, Sao Paolo. Tokyo has the largest metropolitan area in the world futuring 30 milion people. In fact the whole of Japan has Double the Population of Italy, and Italy is the same size as Texas. Europe is not a continent, its part of the Euro-Asiatic Plateu, and in the next 150 years the Horn of Africa should detach from its former continent. The highest mountants on Earth Himalayas where formed from The Indian Plateau colliding with the Euro-Asiatic Plateau. Antartica is the less populated continent and all its natural recources are Protected from an International treaty which forbids any kind of mining or exctracting from the continent before 2050 (date not actually accurate), and even after that 2/3 of the countries that signed the pact must agree to allow this. Russia is the biggest country and The vatican state is the smallest.
Geography is Fun!!!