Leenock and PartinG Advance
Hero and Symbol Advance
MKP and MC Advance
Genius and By.Sun Advance
MVP and Taeja Advance
Heart and Squirtle Advance
Life and NesTea Advance
Bomber and DRG Advance
11/16 69% correct for me
PartinG took a build order loss, Genius and NesTea were Bad picks,and Bomber along with MC just got outclassed.
I Will admit this time I may use Less LogiC and more "please oh please let this person crush!"
Group A:
DongRaeGu V Polt
By.Sun V TaeJa
DongRaeGu V TaeJa
Polt V By.Sun
DongRaeGu V By.Sun
TaeJa and By.Sun Advance
Basically Polt isn't better than any of these players, A recovering DRG shouldn't be able to beat "The TaeJa." BySun shouldn't have any trouble taking out DRG again although DRG was a shell of his former self in those games I'm still going with Mr.KeSPA.
Group B:
Squirtle V Heart
HerO V Leenock
Squirtle V HerO
Heart V Leenock
Leenock V HerO
Squirtle and HerO Advance
It almost looks like this group was made to have both Squirtle and Hero advance. Heart looked silly and will always look silly against someone of Squirtle's caliber.Hero's PvZ has been on fire. Heart could somehow advance if he beat Leenock, but I don't see Leenock beating HerO anytime soon. He's too solid
Group C:
Curious V MarineKing
MVP V MarineKing
JYP V Curious
MarineKing V Curious
MVP and Curious Advance.
JYP isn't touching MVP, seriously he's not. MKP Versus Curious is essentially a toss up. MVP Beats MKP, nuff said. Curious should be able to take out JYP as well, which would leave the MKP versus Curious toss up again, which I say lands the other way when it matters.
I could see MVP & MKP advancing though, JYP did good but his acronym dies here.
Group D: (ps I want 3 people to advance so hardcore lol)
Seed V Symbol
Happy V Life
Symbol V Life
Seed V Happy
Seed V Symbol
Life and Seed Advance
No...Symbol... I can't really see things playing out too differently however with this group. Seed will probably lose the first set, Symbol seems to be a really strong player early on during things, but Seed may throw in some cheesy tactics in too... Life should beat Happy but its a really close matchup in my opinion. If life wins he'll crush Symbol and advance. Seed should have no problem with Happy, and I think Seed will be able to clutch the victory when it counts.