good ban from eg
dominating genius laning
sylla farm neut with spiders.
6:15 1st blood brood mid
7:30 2-1 in mouz favor. 2 for 2 towers. but sing had a really hard time compare to fear. Notice 1st set ward deny lane roate for sing.
NS farm to carry/deny lycan farm.
950 1st team fight, NS died which give sing room as well as level to sk and lesh.
12:20 big lost fail gank on Mouz. supports died with lesh. Level for brood
16 min, attemp rosh with medalion on sing. NS pushing top. NS tp at 16:41 but too far away. Mouz takes rosh. Ravage to escape.
17 min: blood stone ghost scepter on lesh.
18-19: sylla free farm got relic, sing has vlad. Lesh solo push top with support back up and safely retreat after taking top tier1.
21 mins, mouz takes tier2 mid without contestant. move to tier 3.
Big teamfight but hand of god is imba. Rad on sylla stop everything.
23 min: eg attempt tier1 mid, over extended on tide and got focus down. 4 for null and mouz takes mid melee rax, roate for bot tower but retreat before they could take the tower down. BIG TEAMFIGHT as eg chase, venom down follow by brood. lesh died to sylla at the cost of the lone druid life. Fear down for 30 secs, mouz push down tier 3 bot. Sing traded aegis for melee. NS died, Mouz push in, stream went down!
28 mins, mouz takes rosh. all tier 3 on EG gone and only 2 rax remain. sing has mom, mouz push top 2 raxex and EG gave up but doesnt say GG for time rating.
30:58 game ends.
What have they done correctly:
1/Studied their enemy: The ban reflects how well they understand mouz. With a gamble of letting mouz have lycan but ban out their key initiators as well as supports, Maelk forced mouz to play differently, taking advantage of the lack of experience from such young team. This leads to an incredibly akward laning phase for mouz with sing having trouble as he isnt a jungle specialist (and yes, having skills will make lycan users play even better believe it or not LOL).
2/Protect their carry: as far as we know, Fear and NS has always been protected by wards surrounding them. As broodmother denying all the runes available using her spiderlings (big prop to bulba), Mouz line up lack of necessary resources to create proper gank and have to rely on warding power heavily which then always create an opening on a side lane for either NS/sylla to farm up.
3/Laning: this game clearly show case the power of maelk as the captain of MYM, a legacy of the past. tri top with chen offensive jungle to force a lycan hug towers 6 mins, they pretty much negate majority of the hero potential in the early phases. Brood is run as a token solomid but the real strength is to give farm to sylla with his spiderling jungle and deny rune control from bottle based SK. The result of this is they completely in control of kill/death and their carries all have quite good farm competitively to mouz side.
Fun fact: sing could have rotated to bot jungle to farm before 6 mins but mouz block the neutral spawn using their 1st set of obs ward(in order to stop chen obviously)
1/pick lycan. clearly this appeared as a huge bait from maelk but they still commit to it despite not having a real lycan player.
2/team work. typical mouz
3/stay agressive.
What teams done wrong:
1/NS played too passive and lack of communication
2/chen is pretty much useless after tier2 top went down
3/Too aggressive and over extend a lot of time. Need to limit themselves from chasing bc clearly, they either fail to get a kill or scarified a carry life for a support.(except that 1 time they kill CM)
1/doesnt ban lycan. What ever they did, letting EG.maelk have control of the ban/pick is a huge mistake.
2/aggressive line up, no smoke? despite having a really aggressive line up for killing, majority of smoking attempts from mouz are failed or used in incorrect timing.
3/rune control: having 2 supports, why no help rune control?