Hey guys! I Recently swapped to Terran, and went from being a solid diamond Protoss to a barely gold Terran (I was actually losing half of my games on an alt account vs golds / silvers, the account was in silver). so i figured, whats the best way to celebrate? A battle report of the game which got me promoted (Actually an "Epic" game)
So here we go-- After i worked out how to play Terran, I Pushed my MMR up to high plat / low diamond, even though the account was still silver, and the game which got me promoted was vs a plat Zerg
spoilers because there's alotta pics
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My opponent is the strong, silent type.
The only build i know, 1 rax FE.
A very standard, 4:30 zerg natural, where's the hidden hatch?
apparently he didn't need a 3rd hatch or a fast natural anyways, they don't really help at all.
Zerg uses 'Hidden Baneling'!
It's not very effective.. (He almost killed a worker, but just damaged some)
Ups are done! Time to attack :D
oh shit! A two pronged attack as soon as i leave my base. BETTER BASE RACE.
Looks like I'll lose a non-zero amount of workers this time ):
Turns out Terran bio kills stuff pretty quick.
Maybe base-racing someone with a self-healing army and flying buildings wasn't the best choice /:
oh gosh i lost my CC, now he can see my flying buildings in the corner of the map, which bio can't defend |:
chose to save my barracks
Do you have any idea how long it takes a barracks to cross a 4 player map while being harassed by a zerg who is maxed on mutas (12 mutalisks)? The longest 5 minutes of my life.
Oh well. here's the final battle.
it went somewhat in my favor, but he's still maxed on (3) Mutalisks, why doesn't he fly in and kill my pitiful bio? He has it won! (this is what i actually thought in-game)
3 hero marauders split off from the group to kill his last extractor. overlords look on in horror.
my silent adversary leaves without saying a word.
this is the win/loss ratio it took to be promoted from Silver > Gold while playing against purely platinum players.
Thanks for reading!
Hopefully i can post the battle reports on my platinum / diamond league within a reasonable amount of time.
Have a good day TLers!