The Flash vs JDs
The stubborn goons
The dud scarabs
The magic boxes
The blinded observers
The sair reavers
The ensnared DTs
The maelstromed mutas
And now for a fictitious bio and musical style description for each.
The Flash vs JDs consisting of Brad Gallagher, Noah Fontaine and Samantha Parish is a punk-rock garage band from Brightwater, NZ. Upon asking about the name they chose for themselves in an interview, the reporter from the local newspaper got this response:
Brad: Mate, what the fuck are you talking about. The Flash vs Jaedong rivalry is the single most noteworthy occurrence of our generation i mean what else is there, the extension of the Eurozone?! The rise and fall of Britney Spears i mean come on.
Noah: Yah definitely .. definitely yeah. And the thing is me and Brad used to throw these parties which totally fucking sucked mate, until we bought a projector with the money we made dealing, and we set a theme for our parties like: "Bud Spencer movie night" or "Benny Hill in slow motion night" .. but it was when we decided to show some fpvods and wcg, osl, show me the msl and all that good jazz that Sam, who was herself a flash fan ever since he cheesed Bisu .. came to our party while wcg finals was on and kissed me because I said flash was awesome and then later went on and shagged Brad but whatever .. so we came together and chose this as our band name.
The stubborn goons is an experimental electronic aarh forget it.