To be honest, I play too much and read the forums too often to not be contributing to here more. I'm on a 5 man team, consisting of me(ttnjwk), everiscale, iplayezreal, morbis, and taters. Everiscale and iplayezreal are in the top 1000 of the ladder I believe, and this morning everiscale was ranked 213th =]. So, some advice for anyone aspiring to climb either the ladder in solo queue or the 5v5 ladder.
1. (for premade 5v5's)- WORK ON LEVEL 1!!! I can't explain how big this can be. Seriously, make practice games and run situations of a 1v2 fight, scrimmage other teams and try to poke around at level 1. In all likelihood, you're just as good as your opponents, and the things that decide the game are going to be the small things such as level 1 fights, proper warding, and much more.
But getting the extra 700 gold on a karthus to start a game can make all the difference, a big difference.
2.(for solo queue) DONT BE BM!! Being mean or ill mannered has never help me win a game. If something is done, offer the most constructive criticism you can. Never full on rage for it's going to set that 12 year old off, and then you're fighting a 4v5 you deserve to win. Being cooperative is as important as being a good player, it can sometimes even make an even larger difference.
3. 3(for solo queue)- IF YOU JUNGLE WELL, JUNGLE!! People always like to take the 3 main carry roles, i.e top mid and ranged AD. But, think of how a good jungler impacts the game. If you're a good ranged AD, top, or mid you have direct control over your lane. And that's it for the meantime. As where the jungler has control over the mid, bot, top, his jungle, and enemy jungle. A good jungler in solo queue is soooo important do NOT overlook it! I gain ELO the fastest when playing a good streak of junglers.
Everyone here knows about so much music, whatever it be. So here are some songs, which you've probably never heard, but sound insanely good.
Great, under rated older band. Not many songs, but this one is sick.
Not sure what happened with these guys, but stumbled across their music one day. Was absolutely stunned with their quality and low key .
Last one, great ska band from Britain. Definitely one of my favorites.
This video was made by me and my brother(taters from my team =]) from when he got his new computer. We just copied the pros, but it's got quite the amount of views now. We need to start recording some of our games more!!
So, I hope you guys found any of this the last bit relevant :p for something we can all relate to, a brief history of my journey in SC2

1. Buy game
2. go 7-0 in practice matches, feeling good.
3. Go 0-5 in placement matches
4. Go 1-3 in bronze, haven't played in two weeks

Hoping to play some more now that I got some time off from work, but until next time TL, thank you guys for everything =]