![[image loading]](http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j389/SCPlato/Screenshot2011-09-1801_52_07.jpg)
and for the record I wasn't actually going DTs. He hit me way before I could get any tech out least of all DTs.
Stuff like this bothers me for a couple of reasons. The obvious one being that I am playing this game for fun, not to have to be heckled on Battle Net. I know I have done my share of BMing, but out of the blue for no reason aggression like this is just plain dumb.
The second and more interesting thing that bothers me about it is that he says glhf at the start of the game. I am sure everyone knows the standard greetings and exit traditions of starcraft so there is no need to explain it here. What bothers me is that using these has become a pointless formality when people BM like this. To me those traditions signified wishing your opponent good luck, and hoping for a good game (obviously that is what they are shorthand for, but if you BM, you are preventing that from actually happening imo).
Clearly this is not the case for a lot of people, and when some say the formalities they actually mean them. However, it is becoming a bit of a pointless tradition when things like this happen and I honestly don't feel like saying glhf or gg anymore when this happens so often online.
I know in the competitive scene it is not as common to see BM, so I realize the only actual substantial examples come from battle net but as I am just a lowly ladder player I don't have experience in competitive SC.
My school Oregon State won our first match of Season 5 CSL against BYU! Shoutout to the players on our team and all of our practice partners who helped us get ready!
Started out a bit shaky with one of our best players MooffinMan losing the first set (last year he was usually winning and when he did, we always felt we had a good shot to win the match, so it was a bit worrying for me to see him struggle in his set). Our doubles team held down their business practicing all week for their match and it showed because they did well. CGFrogis, our highest rated player crushed through his match in a fairly one sided TvT, and I closed out the match in a pretty close PvP using stalker chargelot Archon. =)
Also shout out to BYU, they were definitely a cool team to talk to and it was fun playing them. Well mannered guys and we were joking in between matches. Made the match really fun!
CSL is a lot of fun btw, any of you who are not participating and are in college should definitely try and find a team. It is a blast practicing and playing matches with some of your nerd baller friends =)