Hey everybody. I decided I would write this up while the thunderstorm is going on seens how I don't want to get disconnected on the ladder, ya'know?
Earlier this afternoon I was in the pool with my brother and we were discussing everything StarCraft II. My brother was talking about how it sucked that they nerfed the Archon Toilet for Protoss(his race) and that got me to thinking.
What if in a 2v2 situation you could still do the "Archon Toilet" just without the Archons? Like say you had a 2v2 team like my brothers and mine.
2v2 Team: Protoss Zerg
What if you did the Mothership vortex on a enemy army and then throw mass banelings in there with them. I mean banelings would go after whatever they are close to when they came in, and that tight packed group coming out of a Vortex I would think would almost decimate the army. More to Terran and Zerg, less to Protoss, but I mean if you have the Protoss going straight Void Ray/Mothership, and the Zerg play goes mass Ling/Baneling, just gas dump the toss until his Mothership is building then once he starts it, make a tun of banelings.
Just a thought, what do you guys think?
Also what do you guys think of names for it if it does work? Me and my brother were thinking something like:
banes would still work but it's impractical unless you're way ahead. You're probably not gonna make a mothership in 2v2 unless you somehow beat the shit out of the other dudes already or both sides are trying to tech. If both sides are trying to tech i'm unsure about how effective the banes would be.
Well get a 200/200 army of zerglings, morph 200 of the lings into banes, then after the banes kill the army send the other 200 lings to destroy the base.
On July 06 2011 17:57 drryworrx wrote: Well get a 200/200 army of zerglings, morph 200 of the lings into banes, then after the banes kill the army send the other 200 lings to destroy the base.
Send 200 banelings to get stuck in front of a few forcefields and see them getting stormed or stomped by collossi... or send them into a line of siegetanks, if youre lucky a few connect and kill 2 or 3 tanks
The baneling toilet was actually done in a 1v1 before the archon toilet nerf. The zerg knew the archon toilet was coming and massed banelings into the vortex and won the game. 2v2s rarely get to the stange where you'll be able to macro up to a mothership unless you do some damage early on.
As for 2v2 tricks:
Fungal + Storm Fungal + Nuke Vortex + Nuke (watch Cella and Destiny - i think) Mass Queens for transfuse on ultras with medivacs as well
For large armies (ZPv** since your a ZP team) Mass ling infestor with blink stalkers and collosus -----Very mobile because blink stalkers are fast, collosus cliff walk, lings are fast -----Infestors as a gas dump for zerg, also very good in army battles and can harass -----Use overlord to blink up cliffs and snipe things in enemy base >>>Protoss easy to tech to HT, DT or Archon - extra minerals can either be given to zerg for more lings or for chargelots >>>Zerg transition into a mass baneling bust, ultras or broodlords (the upgrades go nicely and they all work with the Protoss army well
Roach Stalker -----Strong early game army, can all shoot at the same time because of range difference -----Simular movement speed -----Good mobility and harass abilities (burrow and blink) >>>Strong standing army, zerg transition into roach/infestor/hydra >>>Protoss transition into anything they want
Proxy 2 gate + 10 pool for a lot of early pressure, very all in ish
DT's are always good, whether you keep them with your army or send ONE to each of the enemy bases to kill workers and tech - don't send more then one at a time because if they have detection you loose them all
In my team games i almost always get infestors, they are great for harassing and alot of times, because the standard of play is lower, players won't even find the infestor hidden in their base after it's killed all their workers.
Edit: Units leaving the Mothership's Vortex are now un-targetable and immune to damage for 1.5 seconds
The neft was done so that an army could not be killed instantly by archons in one blast, it gives units time to spread out a bit, spash damage still does alot of damage though so both the Archon toilet and the Baneling Bowl would still do alot of damage, as would anything that does splash - tanks, collosus, ravens (HSM), storm, fungal, nuke
I played PP vs PZ and they did exactly what you described. We lost like 2 major battles but we still won. I was massing stalkers and zerg on 2 base and toss rushing for mothership has weak army so we ended up being more cost efficient than their baneling army and won in the end.
baneling toilet doesn't work for the same reason archon toilet doesn't work. It has been said but i think people are missing it.
2v2 is fun for me and my T partner. We do combinations of 1,3,4 gate with/without nexus and 1,2,3,4 rax with/without CC and have gotten pretty good at balancing each other out, having huge attacks, and transitioning to midgame if it ever makes it there -_- 2v2 is fun i guess.