Think I made a few discoveries in the games we played:
1. My mouse accuracy needs improvement...especially when I get frustrated.
2. If I let terran put a bunch of tanks in a chokepoint, they own that area now. I'm not getting it back till they come out. If that choke is in front of my base, terran has just won the game.
3. 2 burrowed banes is a very small investment to kill like 30 marines with if he's not dropping scans EVERYWHERE and not building ravens.
4. Lings-only simply doesn't give me enough staying power or food for the win. I MUST mix in roaches, mutas, infestors, brood lords, or some combination of those. Lings only is just a slow death.
5. Taldarim Altar is easy-mode for Zerg.
6. Backwater Gulch is hard-mode for Zerg. Easy-mode for Terran.
8. Once I get 5+ infestors with max energy, I can win the game Just by throwing a zillion iMarines into his base and pushing at the same time. Add fungals for extra #Winning.
9. If I can crush a push and have most of my army left, remaxing on Mutas is a fantastic idea.
10. MOST IMPORTANT POINT: If terran denies my 3rd and they're not 1-basing, the game is OVER.
I'll post the replays as soon as finishes eating it's own head.