(1) is the main; (2) is the natural.
(3) and (4) are possible 3rd base locations (I'll get to this).
(5) is the easiest (only?) staging area
(6) is the ridges, marked just because
(A) and (B) are the two big areas map-based strategic play will develop around:
For A, this is a vulnerability once you move out, or for getting yourself surrounded while chilling at (5).
B is fairly obvious - how do you assault (and defend) the middle ridges?
After writing the rest of this up, I was thinking about this for a minute, and in many ways the map it seems most like is Chupung-Ryeong. Maybe a side of Destination for good measure. This is really most true for cross-positions, with close positions really going to alter how the map plays.
PvT: This should be a fairly standard PvT map. The relatively small middle is going to make breaking Terran pushes a little weird - a lot of bend-but-don't-break and good arbiter play will be required, or Terran sets up shop at (5) and gg. With relatively small paths, though, it looks like a good arbiter map. From Terran's side, tank drops are right out, but vultures are going to have fun with all the vulnerable bases. At the same time, all the chokes are pretty small, so that will minimize the defense required on both sides. All in all, more like Desti or HBR for this matchup than SCR - feels like Protoss advantage. I think.
PvZ: This looks like it will be really position-dependent. For a P10 vs Z2/Z5 game, Protoss can take expansions (2)->(4)->(3) fairly confidently, or at least with no more worry than usual. A P10 vs Z7 game, on the other hand, forces (2)->(3)->top right main/nat - if the game lasts that long, because a Zerg who's taken 4 can either swarm under a Protoss pre-storm army with an attack through (A) and (B), or attack (3) and then break (2) when the army moves. On the Zerg side, the bases are a little farther away than absolutely preferable, and random zealot attacks could be a problem. But basically, it's like Fighting Spirit or Colosseum with all the Protossy good parts taken out. Z >>> P.
TvZ: The biggest thing here is going to be the relatively distant third. Weird as it sounds, the saving grace for Zerg is probably the ridges in the middle - or more properly, the ridge formation in toto. The spread between ridges is too wide at (B) to really control (5) properly for a Terran. Late-game feels like it will favor Zerg, but the trick is getting there. This will probably be a pretty normal TvZ map.
Overall: I predict this is initially a Terran map, but once it's figured out and Zerg can hold to late-game, it will be all Zerg all the time. I've explained some of what I see, but I'm not the best analyst.