Prologue(TLDR): In this series of blogs, I am trying to change from your average lurker, to somebody who contributes by making solid, contributing posts/blogs. This first blog will be about my history/what I am about/and how I hope to contribute to this wonderful community.
So here we are. Sitting in our computer chairs, with the glorious TeamLiquid banner gracing the top of our internet browsers.
TeamLiquid is a place I feel like I should be able to talk about with normal people I meet everyday. A place where many of us have found countless hours of entertainment, insight, and news. A place where, if not for the community, it would not exist at all.
Well some parts of the community anyway.
I have been coming to TL since the first TSL peaked my interest. Having never seen a fully competitive brood war match, and having bought and loved the game when it came out, I was almost disappointed in myself for not at least checking out a match or 2 in my time, why not catch what was being billed as the most prolific non-Korean BW tournament around. This got me hooked on competitive SC, and eventually the Korean scene. And the only source for all things SC:BW was TL.net. At this point I would like to shoutout to Jian Fei( IefNaij), who without his amazing reaver control, I would have never been as hooked as I am on the wonderful world of Competitive StarCraft
So here I am 3 years or something later, with what I believe to be thousands of hours of progaming viewing under my belt. I got straight up addicted, from the MSL/OSL, to proleague, to Tasteless and Co. amazing commentary with GomTV back with the Intel Classics.
Yet I have very few posts, and even fewer of them being about StarCraft in general.
I've been a lurker since day 1, only making an account to try out LiquiBet then later on Fantasy PL. Both of which I failed horribly at. But I read a lot, and I mean A-LOT! A lot of bullshit, but also a lot of very informative and entertaining threads.
It is my goal from now until the end of time (because I don't see myself ever getting bored of StarCraft) to be a contributing member of this community. Providing not necessarily breaking news, translations, or write-ups on events, but hopefully adding to conversation, bringing up points and most importantly, not being a troll.
I invite discussion on what it means to be a good poster on TL.net
Next time on the blog I want to discuss the popularity of SC2, what it meant for TeamLiquid.net and what it means in the future.
Thanks for checking out my first ever blog on TeamLiquid. Any criticism and idea's for my transition from Lurker to Contributing Member is appreciated.
Ireland1542 Posts
I'm quite similar, I've been lurking here since 2007, Bisu Savior MSL was the first progame I saw and I've been hooked since. I lurked here reading articles and stuff until October of this year when I couldn't watch VODs so I started uploading myself. I'd never participated in forums on any site before really but now I make a few posts every day.
I too, was a lurker for roughly 4 years before even making an account. Let us be brothers in posting arms, to make the community as great as it possibly could be.
Croatia9476 Posts
On December 21 2010 22:04 EnrageD wrote: Next time on the blog I want to discuss the popularity of SC2, what it meant for TeamLiquid.net and what it means in the future. Oh, I'm greatly interested in this topic. Looking forward to your next blog.
I lurked since about 05. Never really saw the need to contribute or even make an account considering I was pretty bad (D) at sc even though I loved playing it and watching it. But that changed since sc2 beta. Now that I'm competent (diamond), I feel my input warrants some value. Plus, now that there's more content involving foreign tournaments besides Korean for sc2, it's nice to be able to post and to show support for players on forums.
Hyrule18980 Posts
What I really like about lurkers is that you guys don't just post the first thing that comes to mind like oh so many people, and when you do post, each one tends to be something like this. And by that I mean it's well thought out, well written, and almost always not retarded. Occasionally lurkers turn out to be Day9 and Tasteless's mom, but that's pretty rare.
It also happens to be that some of the best Liquipedia editors are lurkers. Just take a look at Kokkan. So I'm going to urge you to go do some editing
On December 22 2010 01:41 tofucake wrote:What I really like about lurkers is that you guys don't just post the first thing that comes to mind like oh so many people, and when you do post, each one tends to be something like this. And by that I mean it's well thought out, well written, and almost always not retarded. Occasionally lurkers turn out to be Day9 and Tasteless's mom, but that's pretty rare. It also happens to be that some of the best Liquipedia editors are lurkers. Just take a look at Kokkan. So I'm going to urge you to go do some editing 
Definitely one of the area's I wanted to contribute in was in fact the Liquipedia, there's been a few times where I've gone there and thought "Wow, this article is rather small, I can't believe there is not more info."
I will definitely make contributing the the liquipedia one of my goals during this quest.
I invite discussion on what it means to be a good poster on TL.net Whenever you make a post ask yourself if someone else is likely to enjoy reading it.
Don't bump shitty threads.
Try to post in good threads so that more people will see them.
Avoid jumping on bandwagons/making posts that technically lots of people like, but which are overall bad for the forum because they are too obvious/easy to replicate. What I mean by that is basically don't use memes. If you make an OVER 9000 joke, yeah about 20 people will laugh, but if everyone starts making that joke it becomes a kind of not funny thing people do just to fit in or show that they too are in on the moronic meme.
gl hf.