So im doing an Idra video, i dont want to reveal too much but its basicly a "highlights" video, its gonna be fairly short, around 3 minutes cause im gonna have some music playing over it. Catching the lols and wins of his broodwar and sc2 career.
I've gone through countless of artosis videos(of idra of course), downloaded god knows what kind of softwares to download convert and get the videos together(prolly gonna have to delete every software except the editing software afterwards and get like 500 antivirusprograms just to be sure). Anyway its shaping up pretty awesome which im glad to announce! Ill of course add this to his fanclub thread later on when its finished.
Anyway, to the point, i want some video from his broodwar days. More specifically the game's(or should i say gems) where he announces that making carriers is a good skill toi have and that firebats are octzergs naturalenemy. I tried to accomplish this by recording the replays in camtasia but the end result was that it was all black and weird,(i know how to work camtasia its probably some problem between broodwar and camtasia that is the problem) so i'd like some help recording these games so i can use them in my video, If anyone can help out. Either by recording them for me, which would be most preferred, or helping me out with my recording issues.
So either download them and record the goodparts(preferably as much as possible) and upload them to megaupload or something of the sorts and give me a link here. Or you can help me out if you have a solution to my own recording issue. I have windows 7, camtasia and broodwar. And when i record it all comes out black with some small parts white.
I fixed it myself! thanks for the tip about starting the recording while in game!
Hmm. When I tried frapsing it and playing it in VLC Player, it didn't show anything but when I opened it with Windows Media Player, it played fine. What are you using to view the clips you record with Camtasia?
Hmm, i use camtasia studio. Which i can view the raw recording in. Anyway, i tried exporting it to an avi and then use both vlc and windows media player and its still black.
But, if you can view it fine in wmp, could you send it? im pretty sure i can use it!
Wait, are you making sure that you start the capture AFTER the game/replay starts? If you start recording before you are in the SC window a.k.a. recording in 32-bit color mode, that causes everything to be black in SC's 256 color palate.
I'm gonna go to bed soon. If you haven't figured it out by tomorrow, I'll upload it I guess.
On November 25 2010 15:09 Loser777 wrote: Wait, are you making sure that you start the capture AFTER the game/replay starts? If you start recording before you are in the SC window a.k.a. recording in 32-bit color mode, that causes everything to be black in SC's 256 color palate.
For the record, I start my recording after the replay starts.
On November 25 2010 15:09 Loser777 wrote: Wait, are you making sure that you start the capture AFTER the game/replay starts? If you start recording before you are in the SC window a.k.a. recording in 32-bit color mode, that causes everything to be black in SC's 256 color palate.
For the record, I start my recording after the replay starts.
I'm confused, are you and OP the same person? Or are you recording for him???????????
So i've fixed the recording issues and the video is chugging along fine! i've got about 1 minute 30 seconds of 2 minutes 50 seconds done! Although now im kinda short on clips :/ Taken all the good ones that are out of game already. But i wont stop!
I dont want to release which videos i've used since i want it all to be a surprise but i guess im gonna have to dig deeper and re-edit the video so it has a good mix of ingame and out of game footage.