Everywhere on the forums I see people saying Terran OP terran OP. Countless threads about how zerg cant handle terran and that terran just has everything on it.
I have no problem with terran, in fact. I look forward to playing against terran. Im currently zvt 21-3 against them, and should be 24-0 if it wasnt for A) being dropped in the first game for an unknown reason and B) failing to scout properly in the second and third game. Both games were lost to marine maurader +1 all ins with a bit of tank to go with. And both could have been won had I scouted it in time.
But I think thats just it, at my level, terran has the potential to be OP, but people just dont abuse it enough. You can roll dozens of builds, while I am stuck with my one. Speedling into muta into baneling into infestor/ultra. Its the only build order that works, throw in a little roach if they have lots of thor but thats it.
Its almost like people dont understand, if you make 10 tanks, keep them safe with 4 thors and 15 marines and 15 or so blue flames. Nothing can touch you. Litterally nothing, the borderline is Brood lords, but hey, 9 vikings and brood lords are 1 shotted.
Nothing Zerg has can beat this mix, not even 200/200 Ultralisks. Yet no one does it.
Hopefully they nerf terran soon, while in my eyes they remain balanced. The core of the playerbase suggests otherwise. And hey, I'd like to play against more toss and zerg.. eventually
Terran balls are a bit too strong when they contain tanks, but fixing it without doing something drastic will be hard.
Only simple way without rebalancing the two races/doing big, big changes to units would be adding some form of Dark Swarm.
you're not trying to match unit for unit the beauty in zerg lies is that you can outproduce him for every ONE of his units YOU should have FOUR
For his maxed out army you should have the whole map and 13 ovies dropping his main zerg's mobility / cost efficiency is their selling point. dont try and make them like terran
Where did I say I wish to see them like terran Twist king?
I question not the beauty of zerg, and you articulate yourself almost to suggest I do.
Kinos, dark swarm would not effect zvt in my eyes.
People are more and more using tanks less seige mode against ultra and roach, and swarm wouldnt make a difference.
The big issue with ZvT right now, in my eyes, is that yes, Terran IS beatable, but it's never really a fun path to take. Zerg is CONSTANTLY in the defensive position, and Terran pretty much dominates the tide of battle. Zerg can beat Terran, but the methods in order to do so are generally overly complicated compared to Terran's game, or simply not fun. The options Zerg has, especially with this current map pool, are very limited. Zerg would greatly benefit from maps with larger, open areas. (Think Python)
Balance changes are iffy because changing something in Zerg will change something in the ZvP matchup, which I believe to be the most balanced (and fun, on both sides) in the game. ^^
I dont even remember how to ZvP anymore, the last time I played past the 6th minute would have been phase 1 beta haha.
Have you really just been facing that many Terran players these days? haha
Nah I just know a simple strat against toss. If you include phase 2 of the beta im currently on a winning streak of 37 against toss lol.
Post your league at least OP. It doesn't really indicate much but I have a feeling you're not diamond.
16938 Posts
On August 15 2010 17:36 Adeny wrote: Post your league at least OP. It doesn't really indicate much but I have a feeling you're not diamond.
It's in his TL profile.
That being said, I'd love to play the OP sometime
I hope that embeds ^
16938 Posts
Oh I assumed you were NA. My bad
Its cool, does it link that in my profile? Wait so that means that guy's identifier is also 937 O_O how many darkalbino's are there?? LOL
16938 Posts
On August 15 2010 17:43 Darkalbino wrote: Its cool, does it link that in my profile? Wait so that means that guy's identifier is also 937 O_O how many darkalbino's are there?? LOL
It's just you and the guy I incorrectly linked to.
Cross region support ftw.
Yeah I'm going to bed. It's 4:45AM here :/
AHHH just lost my first toss game too! SPeak of the devil, only reason I lost was because I got the same damn guy twice in a row so he knew how to counter it -.- FML