Well, technically I have 1 day left, but it's basically over.
Today I worked 9:30am-6pm, the last day of work for the summer for me. My first class starts Wednesday, but there's also a mandatory orientation Tuesday so I just consider that the first day.
Tomorrow I have to grab a few things like some pens and pencils, but other than that, I have nothing to do. Everyone I know is busy, so I'm kind of alone on what the do.
At first, I wanted to take a year off to work and just enjoy being graduated, but then I thought of how much schooling I still have left, and I didn't want to add another year on top of that. I'll be starting my first year of the four in hopes of getting my Bachelor of Computer Science.
I know it's a long ways away, but I already have a goal. Me and my friend are going to be moving back to Vancouver and hopefully setting up our own PC cafe there once we are settled. Me and my friend are both in the same program, so we have every course together which is kind of nice. I'd still like to meet more people, but it won't be completely awkward and boring immediately.
To be honest, I'm actually looking forward to college. No more(well at least not as many) high school drama bullshit and little kids standing in the halls cluttering them during "Lunch", etc.
I've got a 5 course load this first semester, consisting of an english class, two different math classes, a programming class, and one other one that is sort of like an introduction to understanding computers and stuff. Altogether it's supposed to be a huge workload each week, along with the lectures and labs and other parts, and by huge I mean one of the heaviest workload programs in the college. I guess that means I'll have to cut my SC time down to probably nothing on the week days. Meh, I guess I gotta do what I gotta do. Unfortunately, one of my classes starts at like 8am, so I'm going to have to start waking up a whole lot earlier than what I'm used to. It's about a 30 min drive was well so that doesn't help much either.
Anyway, I had a pretty shitty end to my summer. I came home last night at like 1:30am, expecting to find my family asleep, but they were all in the living room watching TV. The problem is, I came home so fucking high I was tripping out the whole time my mom was talking to me. Of course she isn't completely stupid and asked me if I was stoned because my eyes were beet red. I didn't deny it, I was honest with her. She went on a rant, although she wasn't yelling, she was calm, about my older brother coming home high when he was like 12 or something and some other stuff. The worst part was we were all right there in the living room infront of my three little brothers, I didn't really want them to so that. I can't tell if she is mad or disappointed or what. After who knows what happened, I went to bed and woke up 5 hours later to go to work. Fuck, I was still high as fuck all day long. My eyes were still really red and I just had a really shitty day cause I thought I was going to come home and she was going to bitch me out nonstop. I came home and everything was normal, it was weird. I mean, it would be awkward if we just like avoided eachother and I stayed in my room or something, but it was even more awkward for me because she's acting like nothing happened. Oh well, I guess it's a good thing.
Lesson learned: Pot cookies fuck you up. I was seeing rainbows and shit the whole time while looking at her when I got home haha.
On the bright side, I got C-(again T_T) on iCCup today, and played a really fun and close TvZ on Heartbreak ridge. I don't remember when the season ends, but I'd love to try to get C sometime. Perhaps tomorrow if I still have nothing to do. I have to sleep now~
Good luck in college! I'm also starting my first year this year and looking forward to it as much as you do, but on the 21st of September. I'll be on medicine in Belgium, Brussels ^^. I've got 3 years of bachelor and 4 years of masters ahead of me ;p. But fortunately for me, I've got only a 5 minute subway trip to my uni.
I agree with you about school. God, the last year was such a drag and a pain.
Anyway, I have to insert the obligatory "drugs are bad for you" saying into this post ;p. GL HF at uni!
Oh shit, I guess summer is over. FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh hey i start a bachelors of computer science in five days! hope you enjoy your course
Man, university is fun. Enjoy the time, because it's one of the best times in your life imo. I'm almost finished with school and you have so much opportunities when you are young
Grobyc, what school are you at?
If you do open that net cafe in Vancouver, I'll be sure to come by. Good ones are kinda hard to find.
Out of the blaze into the Inferno. Welcome to hell, aka college.
I finish Univ in..december..
how's that for a motherfucking change ;D?
my advice for all college kids:
take 6 hours ever summer to lighten your load during spring and fall. yes, it is year round school but those 6 hours in the summer are guaranteed A's. this might have been easy for me since i went to school in athens, ga (UGA) which is awesome during the summer. if your college town is decent then follow my advice. i never took more than 12 hours a semester. (well i guess i went into univ. with some credits and exemptions but either way... summer school in college owns).
United States4796 Posts
Good luck in college.
Thanks guys, II hope I do well. I know the diffifculties between HS and college has got to be pretty large, but I was a low A average in almost all my courses so I think I'll do pretty good. If only I could say that about my iCCup high rank haha.
On August 31 2009 19:59 I8PP wrote: Grobyc, what school are you at?
If you do open that net cafe in Vancouver, I'll be sure to come by. Good ones are kinda hard to find. I'm going to Okanagan College, Kelowna Campus, in B.C. Canada.
Once I get the place up and running, I'll be sure to have many LANs and maybe TL.netters will even get to play for free!
Canada9720 Posts
you don't need a cs degree to open a pc cafe man. if that's really what you wanna do, save your money and just start working.
On August 31 2009 23:02 omninmo wrote: my advice for all college kids:
take 6 hours ever summer to lighten your load during spring and fall. yes, it is year round school but those 6 hours in the summer are guaranteed A's. this might have been easy for me since i went to school in athens, ga (UGA) which is awesome during the summer. if your college town is decent then follow my advice. i never took more than 12 hours a semester. (well i guess i went into univ. with some credits and exemptions but either way... summer school in college owns). This is a terrible idea if you have no money, they make you pay all the fees EVERY time so 6 credits is not worth it. It is worth if academically though because you are in the groove of school over summer and you can get right back into it easily.. The money issue is no joke though.
On September 01 2009 06:46 Hypnosis wrote:Show nested quote +On August 31 2009 23:02 omninmo wrote: my advice for all college kids:
take 6 hours ever summer to lighten your load during spring and fall. yes, it is year round school but those 6 hours in the summer are guaranteed A's. this might have been easy for me since i went to school in athens, ga (UGA) which is awesome during the summer. if your college town is decent then follow my advice. i never took more than 12 hours a semester. (well i guess i went into univ. with some credits and exemptions but either way... summer school in college owns). This is a terrible idea if you have no money, they make you pay all the fees EVERY time so 6 credits is not worth it. It is worth if academically though because you are in the groove of school over summer and you can get right back into it easily.. The money issue is no joke though. how much money are we talking? i was interested in summer classes next year until i read your post lol
On September 01 2009 06:29 CTStalker wrote: you don't need a cs degree to open a pc cafe man. if that's really what you wanna do, save your money and just start working.
Hmm I guess I kind of phrased it poorly. For my career, I would like to be a graphics designers or something along those lines, but as a source of income and just sheer awesomeness, I would like to own my own PC cafe. I'm not saying I want to manage it for a living. We would hire someone else as the manager, I just think it would be sweet to own one on top of my first choice of career.