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Welcome. I am Park Sang Hyun of Star Attack 8th Episode


Hello, I am Lee Seung Won, the game analyzer


8th Episode, so many fans been waiting for this player


He is defines the term, Protoss! Today we have Bisu[Shield] as our guest.


-Hello! How are you? -Hello!


So you've been waiting for this moment?


I have, and maybe because this is my second time, I am feeling nervous


Also, players been telling me that the Public have gotten alot better and I am here to give the judgement


Of course! The Judgement~ So many have been waiting for this moment.


We haven't broadcasted the name of the channel, yet it's already flooded with people.


So Bisu, tell me, have you heard about the rumours yet?


Of course, I did hear many lost in this program and that's why I am going to do that much harder


We heard that you practiced so much that you are now overconfident and did not bring any of your own accessories.


Right, but I didn't bring any accessories last time either. I feel I will have around 6-7 wins today.


If you get 8 wins, you're breaking the record. If 7, you'll be tied with GoRush.


Yesterday's player, Anytime[GM] mentioned in his last game, the chances of winning is high if you do all-in against Bisu.


Did he really? I'll be going One Gate instead of Fast Expand today then.


One gate reminds me of Stork


Stork sent the zealot to the wrong base and lost


Like we mentioned before, the skill level of the public have jumped up very high


If you play with this in mind, the game should be fun and entertaining


Right, let's go ahead with today first game. Bisu, which server are you on? West?


Right, West it is.


Please make a public game if you want to challenge against Bisu[Shield]


You've told us that you'll make them fear progamers. Any last words you want to add?


Hmm, I'll show you the difference between Amateur and Progamer.


Ooo, definitely


Let's take a look at the game. "Can you defend against 5 pool!"


Yes, this is because of the yesterday's game. (Luxury vs Bisu)


This makes me believe there will be alot of All-In (Cheese) today, but you(Bisu) mentioned that you'll be playing with your off-races as well


Like Anytime yesterday, you can be zerg if the public chooses to play Protoss. But that's really upto you.


There are many games you can choose from, please pick one and enter.


So many, most of them named "Bisu[Shield] try to beat me!"


There are too many


This player seem very fast. He closed the rest of the slots very past.


He is protoss user, but shouldn't we set the tone with you playing protoss for the first round?


Once we receive all the contact information, we will start the game.


Bisu is using the ID, Bisu[Shield]. Please give contact info fast and let's start the game.


The game name was very interesting. It did not have Bisu's name.


We will tell you the detail once the game starts. The game name is indeed very interesting


Well the first game will be with Bisu's main race, Protoss.


Please choose Protoss, and let's start the game.


First game is about to begin. The game title is very interesting. The game title is "I am SoHee (Very Famous Korean Girl Band Member)"


Are you fan of Wonder Girls?


I haven't told anyone about it, but somehow they found out. And that's why I entered this game.


I would've went in also.


Please turn on /dnd


And please tell the other player to put on /dnd as well.


Thank you


So many are waiting for /dnd to end, that's why we need to be very cautious


Game is P v P, mirror match up. What unit do you think Protoss is feared for?


What makes protoss scary, I think, is the reaver. Well, I think this applies to all units, Dark Templar even the Dragoon.


When you play mirror match up, there are various counter build orders/openings, so there are much thinking involved.


For the game fans, please do tell them what is good depending on the locations and such.


Although Bisu's hand speed looks very gentle, the apm is very high.


Most progamers have very loud hand movement (tapping sounds)


FirebatHero was especially loud. He brought his own keyboard.


He didn't like it either and that's why he played with "cover" on to silence the noise.


Our team is very quiet in that regards, that made me think that each team is different


The older the gamer is, the louder it gets. While ago, everyone practice tapping mouse very hard.


So if you visit any tournament during 2002-2003, the place was very noisy.


Then, tapping very hard on keyboard/mouse was the trend for the progamers.


Ok, the opponent is going 2 gateways. And the scout was successful in one try.


Right, the opponent picked protoss, and there surely could be something he prepared against Bisu today


It looks as if he has prepared something today.


Bisu follows the gateways to 2.


Continously scouting.


Gas is being mined by only one probe


Do you have APM average of 320ish?


I thought so too, but last time I checked, I only had mid-high 200ish. So I'm grieving right now.


Before when Bisu was practicing, you were using APMLIVE.


Wow, how did you know?


I was standing behind you. Well I was watching, and his apm was above 350 at all time


For protoss, thats extremely high and that surprised me


Then, I paid much attention to APM. I wanted to increased my hand speed, thats why.


My hand speed was too low and that's why I used the program


Right, when I was watching, Bisu had no spam and incredible accuracy. Still had very high apm.


Ok, 3 Zealots. Against Bisu, he comes out of his base and now is going back


He has to go back fast


Of course, one bad fight can lead up to opening up your ramp.


Bisu, you have to show us how to micro now having same number of units.


Oh, he went up the ramp and came back down


So how do you think he is?


I think he is very terrible at making zealot ratio.


Please give your opponent few words of advice to improve his gameplay


Protoss should have 1 zealot then 3 zealot then 5 zealot. But this player got 1 zealot, then 2 zealots then 4 zealots.


It's extremely important to produce in good ratio when playing with Protoss


While you were talking, your opponent got into your base with 4 zealots.


One probe down


Zealot climbed over the mineral, wow.


This is a bad attack. This is just wasting units, nothing more. There is no purpose in this attack.


He hasn't killed many probes.


Yes, some jumped the mineral and should retreat right away...


And now the dragoons are out. Looks like it's going to be difficult to go back out


Even if he kills many probes, he's still fighting the losing fight...


Yes, he is suppose to collect units now


Right, if he use those units while teching, he can benifit off of this. But he hasn't killed much or any unit at all. Oh, reinforcements have come


Finally we are hearing little bit of screaming (Bisu's habit)


Bisu also made this noise in Battlenet Attack Season 1, the noise "Oh oh~~"


Opponent came in, hit some probes, killed some and now is leaving but he has lost most of his units.


Do you think you can finish him with the units you have now?


If I go counter with the units I have, that will be the game.


Here goes, heading up


Bisu is now countering after the player have poked in Bisu's base once


I'll just play safe going 3 gateways then robotics


The normal build is to build 2 gateways then robotic


but I want to finish the games quickly and play more public


The player has 4 goons and has a zealot out, lacking.


The difference is clearly visible


And here Bisu goes up


They step on other goons while going up the ramp


All goons are now dead after being focus fired, oh, dark templar


It's dt. Dark Templar.


The next unit should be Dark templar, oh nevermind, dragoon came out.


Ah, he missed his timing. He was too hurried and produce goon instead.


Dragoons continue to go up, the player used his probes in attempt to defend.


The player produced many zealots and teched very fast while sacrificing his eco


that's the reason you don't see as much as probes


Bisu is clearing few probes that's left and is in total control of the player's base.


Perhaps, one dark templar might come out but...




Like Bisu said, the game ended with one counter attack


Player Sohee played but he lost too many of his units and therefore, lost the game


Bisu, even without your own accessories, you've shown very clean control


Well, I don't particularly mind what accessory I use. So I have no problem with different keyboard/mouse


He is one of "any"hand. A hand that does not require a specific mouse or keyboard.


That's what I call and Bisu is one of those player who's highly skilled.


How do you feel about your first game?


I think he could have done better if he was less aggressive. He seemed to be a good player.


Progamers all agree 2 gateways is the best on Python, not sure about amateurs. But he seems to know this and can play 2 gateways.


If he learns to match opponents unit count, he would be a better gamer.


Ok, let's continue with our game 2. Please pick a game like you did previously.


Today's progress is very quick and fast paced. Let's get this rolling.


So many games "Im Luxury" "Luxury is here" "Bisu like Reaver"


You just need to pick one. Bisu, you are being very loved by many fans. Are you feeling satisfied?


Looking at all these games, really made me realize how much love I am recieving. And I'm very grateful for that.


More games with Wondergirl's name (different members)


"Bisu <3 Sohee Forever" etc...


Please pick one and join the game.


Bisu also mentioned that his teammate Kim Dong Huk(Saint[z-zone]) is waiting to play today as well.


He might be out there with the game made already. But just knowing his personality, the chances are almost definite.


Right, well... oh.... k.


There are just too many to choose from... Bisu chose and now entered the game.


Game name "PvT once please"


-Please close the 3rd and 4th slots. -Wow, very fast


Since this is our 8th episode, the public already know to close the slots (or else it disconnects the


Ohh, finally a terran. This looks very promising. Bisu's versus T.


We're still on west server. First game, Bisu picks protoss and had a clean win and now is about to versus Terran


How do you think about versus Terran?


I am confident with my Pvt. However, on official games, I've had bad result and for that, I'm upset.


I go online and see many posts that my pvt is very weak. I, however, practice very hard and do get good result during practice.


-So you're confident? -Yes, I am


Well let's start the game and show us your confidence.


With that confidence, I'm sure one day you'll have consistent winning rate in future


There is something I know and has made the game "Bisu, let's play!"


There is someone Bisu knows and has already made the game...


That player is Savior


Really? That's savior?


Savior is viewing our show and is waiting for us


Savior is very good with terran.


Why don't you play him after? That will be very interesting


If he makes it, then I'll play.


Since Savior is in Bisu's /friends list, we can check which game is his


Savior, who has confidence with his off race, we will give him a chance to play. Please get ready.


Just make a game, and Bisu will enter it once this game is finished


It will be fun to see T v T


This never happened before, but Savior is one of the progamer who is very known for having good off-races as well


So if this is possible, we will certainly see it happen


So, Bisu, why do you think you don't get good results in broadcasted games?


I think it's because I do not have much as vision as I have in P v Z. That's the reason why I step on Spider Mines and lose Shuttle much.


Long ago, in the TV show called, About StarCraft, I mentioned in the show that Bisu is an incredible player (rookie then)


In the replays, Bisu's P v T was extra aggressive. Most of the times, the games were macro oriented with no harrass.


But the pressure shown by Bisu was insane but that has disappeared now. Maybe that's the reason why Bisu's P v T is suffering.


I'm sure you'll have good result eventually since you already have good result during practice.


Why don't you tell the viewers how to face a terran on Python. A build that will give Protoss win.


Please give them advice.


Only games I won fairly easy were the games I did DarkTemplar Drops.


I remember winning many times easily thanks to Dark Templar drop.


So if you want to win, Dark Templar drop is a sure way for easy victory.


What about today's game then?


Today is more of adapting and responding after seeing the opponent


The game you went Dark Templar Drop and Scout is the game vs Hwasin


That game, I felt sorry for him


The game was really out of ordinary. That's why so many people viewed it.


Perhaps that's the reason Bisu feel sorry for Hwasin


but you lost the game afterward against Hwasin on Python, remember?


Yes, I lost once after that




But that was just for a match (Best of 1, meaning less important match)


So there was a time when Bisu and Hwasin stole a game from each


The bases are far apart


Right now Bisu scouted 8 o clock


Bisu, I don't think that other player is watching the TV right now




Because the players who watch the TV replies to me right away


and they don't even scout


Most of the times, when public game against Progamers, they play fair


Last player scouted too


Right, there are many players like that


There's no guarantee that the television will be next to the computer


It might be in the livingroom where its very far apart


Some may listen to the sound while playing


One gate so far, and scouted. And now is sending some units


I am playing with the most common build for protoss


Robotics is being built


One gate, Range, Robotic is the build order using


Is that Lee Jae Hwang Progamer?


Yes, he's waiting for me in a game "Bisu, fighting! kekekeke"


Wow, because Bisu is playing today, so many progamers are making games and waiting


I think they all want to embarrass me


Right, you have to expect to suffer today because so many are trying to Ninja you


Bisu is trying to poke in


There are only 2 Dragoons and terran has 4 marines made and a vulture


At this same situation, Anytime was able to win with superior control


Was it after the observer come out?


With 2 zealots, he was able to kill the marines and with dragoon push


he finished the game


He just went up and the game ended


Bisu with no zealot...


Then again, with control... maybe...


Anytime won very easily...


Bisu, will he be able to do it!


This is why Protoss is scary. The early pressure


He's suppose to make a tank first but


With just vultures, it doesnt scare protoss


Now Bisu is going up the ramp


Saint[Z-zone] just made a game and is waiting


So many are waiting for Bisu


Here, Bisu went up the ramp without the help of zealot


Anything Anytime can do, you can do better. Is that why you did it without zealots?


Terran didn't get tank


Terran didn't build a single tank, but built 3 vultures and he tried to expand


The plan was to defend the ramp and once mine research is finished, he was going to plant mines


then go harrass some


But because of no tank, ramp was easily taken over


Increasing gateways to 3, now 4


Kind of feeling sorry for the other player


1st and 2nd games, looks like Bisu wins just pressuring


This is too one-sided


Only 1 marine is out, theres nothing he can do at this point


theres so much one or two factories can produce


and only thing thats left is SCVs, and now theyre fading


Without a single threat, Bisu wins 2 games in a row.


Time put into those two games were very short


It's time for a new record maybe


Bisu is already in his base, but he's still very persistent


(Bisu) is going for starport with ease


Came in... GG


The game is finally over. 1st and 2nd games were very ordinary wins


If you go with your first army, the game is simply over


How is this possible?


Bisu plainly out-microed the other player against vultures


What did you think about the last game?


Even though I had seriously bad control, the opponent didn't produce a single tank


That's why I was able to take over the ramp so easily


You are suppose to produce a tank, a vulture, then mine research,


but he produced a dropship instead. He planned too far ahead


So many players are waiting for you with games already made


Let's not wait any longer and go ahead with the next game


Yea why not. So many are wanting to game you but you are BISU, theres no reason you would lose


Who's making the game?


Many Progamers are wanting to get a piece of Bisu


You have to play them at least once. So many are waiting, you just cant ingore them all


Who is it? What game did you just enter?


Yah! Kim Dong Hyun(Saint[z-zone]) Player!


How can this be!? Kim Dong Hyung Player! Where is he playing from?


He's in MBC practice room right now


DDerg: Nope


Let's try off race this game!


Is this really Saint[z-zone]?


DDerg: No, this is not he


Well, let's start the game right away


Lee Jae Hwang, Ma Jae Yoon, even Kim Dong Hyung players are all wanting to play Bisu on just cut off. Game overflooded


Game was made, but because we didnt start the game right away while so many are trying to join in overflooded


Will the game start?


It's not working


Game got overflooded


Maybe next time, Saint[z-zone]


Now which game? There was Lee Jae Hwang's game too


I want to have Progamer vs Progamer this time


That's sounds great!


-Ma Jae Yoon Player -Is he online?


He's already in a game


Stork is waiting for me also


Even Stork!?


There! There's Lee Jae Hwang's game!


But it's passworded


Hmm so bisu wants progamer vs progamer


Well if it doesnt work out right now. We can always continue with it in our second session


Progamers who are viewing this program. Please make many games, and Bisu will select one and go in


Progamers who are in Bisu's /f list, please make the game and he will be with you shortly


We will limit this to Off race vs Off race because if its main vs main,


there's nothing different than Proleague


Ok... he's inside... but again, game is overflooded


overflooded again


Join again please... OhhhhhHH!!




Close the slots! close the slots!!


Nevermind, it's 2 players map. Savior! Savior is just another viewer and is completely allowed!


We are now receiving the contact info.


(Savior) Picked terran! Wow, Savior's terran!


I sense a big match!


Are you going to be protoss? Not zerg or terran?


Yes, I'll just play protoss


If you ever lose this game...


Aren't you feeling pressured? Are you sure?


If you lose, there's gonna be a big news


Whenever you're ready, please start the game. Game starting right away


If you start too slow, the game overfloods even though there's no more space.


Please do so. YAHHHH!!! THE GAME BEGINS!


Savior's Terran versus Bisu's Protoss on Blue storm!


You didn't have to select your main race...


That's because against terran... my Z v T is horrible


I'll just play P v T


Have you ever play against Savior's Terran before?


Awhile back, Savior asked me to play against his Terran before


He asked me while I was preparing for MSL final against Inter.Mind


I dodged him


Ahhhh! Savior is so well known for his skill for Off-Race


No... because I thought he would be a newbie with it


HAHAHAHA! Is that so?


Yes, I dodged because he seems to be a newbie


You're calling him a newbie


One of the commentator from other Broadcast company once told me


Savior is insanely amazing


That commentator was TheMarine


I met him in KTF Practice House before. That's when TheMarine was addicted to Protoss


When he played against Savior's terran, he told me, Savior is SICK with terran


TheMarine says Savior pumps 10,000 Goliaths at a time


I recall him saying that


Right now, Bisu is concentrating! It's not like any other game before


Of course! Bisu picked his main race! If Bisu loses, it's going to be a NIGHTMARE


Holyshit, I'm nervous


Still! Since this is, micro is a lot harder


Even before Attack Season 2, many progamers who are in /f list of progamer here


attempted to play


Today, there were just too many to just ignore. That's why Bisu picked one and is now playing against one


For the following game, we will join publics game. Please make a game and wait patiently


After gate, gas is being finished. Savior's Terran, how good will it really be!


There was a time when Savior played T v Z in a tournament but this is the first to ever broadcast Savior's TvP


Because of Savior given situation, we couldn't invite him to our program. But we definitely wish to invite him.


Even with off-race


He's very good with off-race, yes. He is a player who has good game management


so if he ever comes on, he will be alot of help to all the views


THAT scv belongs to no other than SAVIOR!


Watch his sick scv control!


Going around once


Yahhhhhhhhhh~~ We are finally seeing in Attack!


I a m s o N E R V O U S !!!!


Bisu keeps on rubbing his hands


Bisu is not even using his own accessories and this is played on


That's why we can safely say this isn't Bisu's best condition


Face is turning red little


Are you hands alright? yes


Not freezing? little bit


Progamers all agree that if the hands aren't warmed up, they can't micro well


Agreed, I rather have a burning hot situation


Even if I sweat alot


Whenever he gets a chance, hes warming up his hands


Core is researching as the dragoon goes up but the entrance is blocked


Map is blue storm


This is only an event game


This is only for fun, a fun game


Bisu is pressuring the terran, and the scv is still alive and scouting the protoss' game


Why are you laughing?


I was just thinking about a funny thing...


Concentrate on the game please


What were you thinking about?


-If I go this Build Order... -He's not going to block it? -Right, that's why


While preparing for this Build Order, Savior slightly comes out of his base with his army


Gateway is built more right now


After Adun, another gateway


Ahhhhh~ in your face


But if he's watching/listening to the game then I'm screwed


I highly doubt that


And hes going in


It's more like of course he won't! This is pro vs pro as well as Main race vs Off race


OK zealot, there are units to both sides going in, from right side and left


Tank came and did some dmg


Here he goes in from this side


Savior who was playing with walled entrance


Uhhh! There aren't many units for Savior


This is 100% fast expansion


On the uphill... ahhhh, dodges the tanks range


oooohhh, now it's 3 dragoons, 3 dragoons!


Why are you laughing!!!


This is so over L O L !


R O F L ! x2






Is mine researched?


Aww, control sucks


More like BOTH of you failed to micro


You both sucking micro lol you both sucking micro






He's got the tank


What do you think now?


Right now... the game is... Oh! he's making a turret


It's not going to be an easy game because he's already preparing turret


And command center is already done


Expansion was very fast


Even though Savior lost many units, expansion is so fast


He was able to expand even losing the units


The focus for this B.O is to pressure with goon and finishing with dark templar however...


but vultures dont have mines yet


Ok two, its very important to micro right now


Alright, dark templars have to go right away


If Savior loses vultures, the game is over


Savior is struggling to live with scv control, Surrounding!


Theyre Trapped! trapped!!




They're not suppose to die even before DTs get there


If the mines are not upgraded...


Ok here goes the dark templars!


It's blocked! Not anymore!


Do they have mines!? Do they have mines!?




Down it goes


Game's not over yet


What's going to happen Bisu?


Well, my expansion is up too. As if it's a fresh start, I'll play.


Think it as a 2nd game. But is this too fast for a fresh start?


Previously, we mentioned whenever Bisu goes in, the game ends


That is no longer true, only a distant past! Old memories


Now it's time for a new thing


Ohhhh Stargate


Savior is cheating on me. He's definitely watching the TV


Why do you say that?


Dark Templars was too...


Was the turret too fast?




Is that so! Ok vultures are coming out of the base! Let's see what will happen!


Theyre going around! And there are QUITE a few


Building placement is very important right now


Bisu player, doesnt have much units at all right now


Only if few vultures come in, Bisu's probes will be annihilated, gotta be extra careful


-ohhhh yaa! -Bisu thinks he can't block it from the top, so he's already preparing it from the bottom


The entrance has been limited. Going into a defense


Stargate is now finished... OHHHHH


Arbiters right away!


Now Savior comes in, but this has been foreseen


Let's enjoy the micro fight


-Arrrhhhh (Bisu frustrating over his micro) -AHHHHHHHHHH HAHA


Body control!


This is miserable! It's not working!


Not working? Show us some more Body Micro


You have to be calm! relax!!


Ohhh speed up!


Still! the barracade worked miracle! Not many probes died


When mines were planted next to the dragoon, Bisu's body was twisting as if mines were really next to him


Yahhhh! That really was something strange!


Yea, that really was something


Look at his face turn red! really red!


Savior! Not an easy foe, is it!?


Do you do this alot in your team too?


-I never do, but right now... -too nervous? -yes


-Control doesn't work like you want it to, does it? -this was an urgent situation


If I couldn't block those vultures, the game would've been over for me.


That's how important it was for me to block those vultures


I'm going to try that at home, body control


That usually happens for FPS/Racing Gamers


There's alot of people who does that while playing Kart Rider


When they're making a turn, they always twist their body too


but damn, even in Starcraft!


Savior is coming out extremely fast


Savior started coming out


Narrowing down the choke even more, Bisu slowly progresses in the middle


Ok vultures, they come in only to get wasted


NOW do you think he's watching the TV?


Yep! Well, he has a shitty control












Are there any more dragoons?


Oh there are only 3 dragoons left


Bisu consistently increasing the gateways


Including the main base, there are 3 bases running


This is an EPIC game.


You're right EPIC game on Excitement doubles


How will he dodge the mines this time?


-At present, there are no robotics -You're right.


That's why Bisu needs to drag mines by running the zealots


Since there is a chance Savior will take above the wall... he's already there


Arbitors cloaked everything. Arbitors cloaked probes


Probes are safe from tank unless Savior uses a scan


2 buildings were floating toward it, but now it's running away


Vultures are slipping in! HOw many will make it!? Two Three


They are now harrassing probes. Zealots are coming out


Zealots have their speed upgraded


Then vultures got into the main base


Vultures are able to harrass some probes down in the main base


That didn't deal much damage but the problem is that Bisu's strategy doesn't involve using observers


Mines will be much more effective than normal


Bisu simply eliminates mines only with zealots


-Bisu, are you researching Recall? -Yes, it's researching as we speak


-What do you think about the game so far? -Right now, I have total advantage in this game. I'll probably win this game


Saint[z-zone], after getting flooded, is able to get online just now


So much effort from everyone


-There are only two tanks -Bisu wants to show us RECALL!


He's working on it! Savior has units separately getting killed


Is this the difference between Main Race and Off Race?


-Did the recall finish researching? -It's finished


-He's going to show it -Right, but he needs 20 more mana


More dragoons are coming out, and he's collecting units


Savior isn't able to get the 2nd expansion. Savior is not getting anything from his mineral expansion


In other hand, Bisu's expansion are running flawlessly


Vultures were successfully blocked


Arbitor is going from the 11 o clock


How much defense is there in Savior main base, I'm curious to find out!


-We're now looking at saviors base... -LoL


-No turret! -Pick a spot please


Savior tries to plant mines, Savior has to defend at all cost!!


He's attacking, attacking. Against Savior, Bisu recalls


Saviors main base is forced to pull back. Savior tries to harrass while defending


Savior defended pretty well but what's even more scary is the 2nd recall. And expanding


Expand then scouting for opponents expansion


Bisu now has leisure in his game


Bisu's game becomes easier in multiple of how long it takes Savior to defend


It's safe to say, I won this game


Savior doesn't have any expansions


Bisu is checking everywhere, but there aren't any expansion to be found


If Statis field was researched, he could've done just that and come out but its yet to be researched


Savior's timing attack. That timing attack is the reason why he wasn't able to take the 2nd expansion.


He missed all timings. He was suppose to hold control of this spot.


Terran has to take control of the middle in order to take one or two expansion.


Terran tried to take control but couldn't.


That's the reason he missed the timing to expand to 2nd exp


Many terrans try to take over this spot in an early stage of the game.


But if that's defended, there are so many games that terran lose because of it


That's the case for most terrans. He goes in once more


Whatever tank that comes out are destroyed


This attack is causing some damage too


Zealots getting rid of mines while the other units are destroyign the buildings


Against Savior, Bisu is now finishing up the game


Ok 6 o clock expansion


There are units fighting outside of Saviors base, but Savior's main base isnt even cleared yet


Because there are so many arbiters floating around and units everywhere, Savior fails to make a stage to expand to the 2nd expansion


Slowly but surely, Bisu is taking over Saviors base


Saviors main army. With help of mines, hes able to defend, but the unit combination isn't great


Lacking alot of Vultures


Very impressive screen movements from Bisu. Bisu moves screen to screen so smoothly.


And he does everything he has to do


Ahhhhhh there's nothing Savior can say right now


GG The game is over


This game Bisu takes another win. How was it?


Uh... was a game just like versus Amateur


Certainly, because it wasn't Main race vs Main race but Main race vs off race, this kind of result was shown


Defending against Dark Templar by building fast build was good. But he needed to do more damage with those first vultures


Right, anyways, this was a fun time. Well, why don't you speak to Savior using this time


Even zerg... zerg... I mean Savior's Zerg. I beat Savior's alot too and today I beat his terran.


So I do feel little sorry for him.


-So you're sorry. -Yes, I feel bad for him


There are many other players who are waiting for you. Please give them a word too.


Please make many games. And I'll join the game whichever that attracts me the most. Let's have an enjoyable game.


Ok then, let's take this moment for us to apolog.... uhh I mean thank Savior for playing today


I mean not apologize, I meant to thank


Savior is on the phone right now, let's have a chat with him


-Hello? -Hello


This was so sudden. I'm sure you couldn't play very well because of that.


I never expected to win. I was just playing for fun. So...


Savior made the game. So I thought he wanted to play me. That's why I went into his game.


Well, why don't you speak to him, with Savior?


-Hi Hyoung! -Hi






I thought Bisu would be feeling bad because of yesterday's game.


So I wanted to make him feel better. That's why


Thank you very much


Bisu should be very thankful for that


So are you feeling any better?


I'm feeling much better but... because I beat someone I know, I also feel little bit sorried


This is only an event game and also Savior explained to us that he wanted to make you feel better.


So I think you should just feel grateful for Savior's sacrifice


Well Thank you savior for showing up for todays program and is there any word you want to say to the viewers?


Thank you for watching my third subtitle! I won't be making subtitle for anything other than Starleague now.


The excitement just isnt't here and it was very hard for me to stay focused.


I'll work harder to make your VOD experience more enjoyable! Thanks for watching! -NrG.fCuk-


I'll work harder to make your VOD experience more enjoyable! Thanks for watching! -NrG.fCuk-