We are at Kintex in Il-San city.


Why am I spending my precious weekend here?


Because this is the match I must see.


Coach Joo-Hoon and Kingdom are right beside me.


Coach Joo, people always say Shinhan Cultivation Period is a Terran favored map,


But the match ended even quicker than expected.


Did Oov practice this 3 barracks build specifically?


When I studed Shinhan Cultivation Period,


I drew a conclusion that this is not a bad map for Zerg.


But people say it's very good for Terran.


So we thought we needed to go very strong in the first game.


While we were coming here we discussed the number of Medics he should have.


After we got here, we finished up the details.


Since people say "Terran has a big advantage"


Oov might feel some pressure.


How did Oov feel about the map?


Even though he wins, he gets a little nervous.


And it is the first map.


So I ordered him to go strong and fast.


Since it worked as we had prepared, I am very happy.


Oov's start in this series is very good. But he still has a long way to go.


815, Ride of Valkyries and Rush Hour..


As a teammate you must see Oov practicing,


In your opinion, which map has the best chance for Oov to win?


He likes to play on Rush Hour.


If they play on Rush Hour (4th map), Oov will win.


Even if they play all the way to the 5th game, I don't think July will have an ace up his sleeve.


Since Oov took the 1st one, I think he has more than an 80% chance of winning.


Since Oov practiced a lot on 815


Kingdom is sure that Oov will take the championship title,


But the opponent is the God of War.


Oov must keep himself tight.


I really want to see the next matches. Caster Juhn! Please start the game.


Yes. We just heard from coach Joo.


A 3 Barracks build order. It worked!


Let's sum up the first game.


Even though Terran had a 10-2 score on the map,


no one has tried 3 Barracks Fireworks play.


July might have expected a 2 Barracks build,


then Factory and have units battle,


That's why he made a defensive line at the natural.


But Oov added another Barracks, building more Firebats and Medics.


July couldn't stop them.


If I may add another thing.. Remember Oov killed an Overlord before he rushed?


It might have delayed July's Lurkers as well.


July didn't try any bold tactics. Like making many Drones..


His rush timing is very good. He's good at Poor-Zerg play.


Oov concealed his plan very well.


The rushing distance is short on Cultivation Period.


Oov used it very well too.


Now we are heading towards the 2nd game.


He took the 2004 Ever championship. It's possible now.


He can be an addition to Nada, Boxer and July who have won 2 championships.


Even though July lost the first game, he can always catch up.


It was on Cultivation Period you know. The 2nd map is Ride of Valkyries.


Let's check the map.


This isn't like the record on Cultivation Period.


This is the best Zerg map we have on this league.


As you see, Zerg is ahead 4 games.


July played 5 games on this map and the record is 2-3. It's not good.


But he has 2 wins from Survivor League. If you include them, it's 4-3.


On the other hand, Oov has a 3-0 record on this map.


He beat Oversky from the 2005 Ever League, beat July from SO1 and SaferZerg from Shinhan.


He beat top Zerg players.


From MSL he beat Mumyung and lost to sAviOr.


The two players are already in the game.


It's ready. Let's go.


Shinhan Bank has been with us from the beginning to the end.


The Shinhan Bank Starleague Final!


Julyzerg failed to defend a 3 Barracks Bionic Rush.


Oov showed us a surprise 3 Barracks build.


July must strike back, or else 0-3 may be possible.


The game has started. This is July's base.


This is a 2 player map. He's on the left side.


His opponent; Oov's base is at 5 o'clock position.


Zerg has a little better TvZ record on this map.


But Oov is really strong against Zerg on this map.


Because he can pressure Zerg early with either a Bunker rush or 8 Rax, then go for his natural expansion.


The main point is whether or not July can stop Oov's early pressure.


I mentioned that July's record on this map is 2-3 in OGN.


Ohhh... this is very early...
-He's going for an 8-Rax build.


When July lost his 3 games on this map,


One was lost to a Bunker rush. Another one was.. he ignored the Bunker and rushed the Terran's base. It was an elimination game with GoodFriend.


When he lost to Midas, it was more Bunker play.


And the game with Oov, he had damage early on from a Bunker and lost too.


But if he manages to survive early in the beginning, he usually wins.


That's why Terrans go for a Bunker rush or 8-Rax.


Bunker play is very effective.


That's why July goes for Spawning Pool first, instead of taking his natural expansion.


He's playing safe to prevent early harassment.


He's trying to slow down Oov's momentum.


Terran can also take the natural after 1 Barracks.


If Terran makes Supply first, then go for 2 Barracks,


and Zerg is going 12 Pool to play safe, Terran gets the advantage.


But when Zerg goes for 12 Pool and Terran goes for 8 Barracks, Zerg gets a good start.


Bunkering is impossible at this time.


Oov is trying to harrass.. is it Bunker play or..?


Is he waiting for the 2nd Marine?
-It's better to save those Marines for now.


When Oov beat JulyZerg,


July started the game by taking the natural expansion.


July knew Oov was going for 8 Barracks, and Oov Bunker rushed.


His Spawning Pool got built late and he lost.


But a 12 Pool can stop early harrass easily.


Oov is making another Command Center. July must know his style.


1 Barracks, then fast Command Center.


In order to maximize July's style,


He must strike with units from 3 Hatcheries and damage Oov's natural expansion.


Both players are trying to expand.


After the 1st game we had an interview with coach Joo.


The theme of this final is Might vs Power.


So coach Joo asked Oov to overpower July.


The 2nd game is.. uh?


Can he break through? Zerglings are attacking!!


He rushed right after the SCV went back.


Those Marines are like his only defense.


Oov was little bit careless.


If he managed to kill all of... Oh this is big!!


July found the second CC and killed 5-6 Marines. It's huge!


Oov has no units now, but July keeps sending units.


He can keep making Zerglings and rush him.


Lings keep coming.


Oov produced a Firebat. He must hold the choke...


He started with a poor economy style ahhh!


July isn't really afraid of Firebats!!


Wow.. nice blocking from those SCVs


Ohhhh!! Firebat!


July is making a profit with his early Zerglings.


Zerglings and Lurkers will work very well later.


He must lift up that Center. He has no troops.


He must use those Firebats! He needs Medics too.


July keeps attacking the Firebats!


Watch Oov's amazing defense.


July keeps sending Zerglings!
-They have their speed upgrade!!


That Firebat has only 5 HP left.


Oov is having a hard time producing Medics.


Those Zerglings are scary. They don't care about Firebats.


Zerglings from 3 Hatcheries keep coming.


He doesn't even care about Tech now.


SCVs went back.
-He needs Medics now.


He's having a hard time running 2 Barracks now.


July finally broke through the choke.


Oov now has only SCVs.


1 small mistake can cause a loss.


Man... look at Oov defending!


Of course July has an upper hand, but it's amazing that Oov can last this long.


This is like the first game. One move will determine the game.


July doesn't care about the future. He's just attacking now!


He's trying to make Oov type GG.


He keeps attacking Oov.


Oov still survived.


He still has a good number of SCVs.


Firebats can't use Stim Pack often.


Zerglings keep coming and attacking Firebats...


These are July's parents.


He defended??


That's why I said they ignore all those records.


Oov's defense was amazing.
-A Medic came out now. Lings won't work.


He's not a human.. not a human.
-Oov can relax a little for now.


After July finishes his Lair upgrade, he can go for Mutas or Lurkers. He has many options.


We saw the Hatchery was evolving. Lair should be done by now.


Oov used super human strength and defended the stream of Zerglings.


Of course, July is way ahead at this moment.


But how did he defend himself from all those Zerglings?


July needs some Sunkens at his natural.


He doesn't have many units at this time.


If Oov comes with Rines/Bats with Medics, he may be in trouble.


Those Firebats are deadly when Oov does a Han Bang rush.


They ignore the defense line and just go into the main.


Oov's trying to catch up after he passed the critical moment.


Oov may try..


Oov has a Comsat Station so he may know July's build now.


Since July is going for Mutas, Oov can increase Barracks,


then Oov will have a chance.


Oov was very poor, but he kept the Academy alive.


His Stim Pack research was completed. We saw the Firebat use it.


That means he has Comsat and he can read July's mind.


He must know July is going for Mutas.


Oov will try to take this chance.


Oov's play is like..


The Grand Final game between Chojja on Rush Hour,


The good thing about his build is,


Zerg will have a hard time to tech up.


Barracks units are very cheap and take a short time to build.


So it's easy to amass.


Unless Zerg uses Lurkers, they will have a hard time fighting.


July can't do a lot of damage at this point.


Oov sent a Medic as bait. While Lings were attaking her, he used Firebats.


That was a very charming play by him.


Oov's anti-air defense is ready. He's spreading out over his base.


Can July find a way to fight back?


Well.. if July goes for all Mutas... it may be impossible.


He needs to use Mutas as guerillas and Lurkers as his main troops.


But on the other hand..


Oov doesn't have a big army yet.


Since July's Muta control is superior, If Oov only relys on Missile Turrets...


He managed to destroy the first Turret and.. he also destroyed the 2nd one.


-Zerg usually expands while harrassing like this.


Oov needs to minimize the Muta harrass and expand soon.


Zerglings and Mutas are moving together on upper right side


Since those two Turrets at the natural expansion have been destroyed.


Ohh.. July stacked his Mutas. I don't know how many there are.


They took some damage. Turrets are everywhere!


Oov is very experienced. He knows Zerg will be expanding at this time.


If he uses his Marines & Medics and finds out about the 11 o'clock expansion,


And if Zerg has no Lurkers, the expansion base will damaged.


While Oov is defending, his main troops are moving to the center.


Is he going to strike the expansion?


Looks like he is going to.


If he manages to destroy it, he will get his revenge.


Zerglings are trying to backdoor...


More Marines came to support.


Where are they going? Are they coming back?


Firebats and Marines just got their Attack upgrade.


If Oov can destroy 11 o'clock, it will be a huge turn around.


I don't know if he.. oh this SCV will find it.


His troops are in the middle so they can respond quickly.


This is why Oov is great.


He didn't use the Comsat on 11 o'clock, and saved the Comsat's energy.


His troops can go for either the 11 O'clock expansion or the 5 o'clock natural.


He has no time to waste. Lurkers are about to come.


Lurkers can defeat those bionic troops.


He has to finish before Lurkers come out.


There were 6 Lurkers about to hatch.


Lurkers are coming! Lurkers are coming!!


Wow!! That was an awsome retreat!


They killed Zerglings and are heading to 11 O'clock.


He seperated his troops. One group slows down the Lurkers and the other group destroys the base.


Lurkers are slow. They need to burrow before they attack.


Oov is amazing..


Ohhhh!! He shouldn't attack!!


Oov!! Oov!!!


He needs to destroy the Hatchery and fall back.


July is trying... but the Hatchery is eliminated!!!


Oov successfully destroyed the Hatchery.


July was trying to kill Oov's troops in one shot.


So he threw Mutas, and while...




Oov used those cheap Marines and Medics in the beginning,


So he could produce Tanks even if he got damaged.


He can easily counter Lurker/Ling with units from his 2 Factories.


His army is superior.


July's expansion also got destroyed. That was a huge loss for him.


Does July have enough troops to counter Oov?


Oov has quite a lot of units.


Oov's macro power is simply beyond human.


This attack will fail.


He only has 2... 1 Lurker.


-He typed GG!!


-July almost won the game!


If someone is wearing a heavy armor, it's hard to damage him.


But there are still a few weak points around the armor.


But Oov's armor has no weak points at all.


Zerg is in the palm of Oov. Oov knows where it's going.


Oov lost lots of points in the beginning,


but he managed to fight back right before losing the game,


And the opponent is JulyZerg!! But Oov somehow finds a way.


The game score is 2-0. If he wins another game,


He will have his 2nd championship.