Subtitle Created by Bard @ TeamLiquid


Revised by SoMuchBetter


Minor Determination League Week 6. Games between Peter and Soo.


Peter, who entertains viewers. He just showed us interesting game.


There are three players from Hexatron. Can Peter survivie?


This is Soo. The map is Raid Assault which will make you confused. Let's see how Soo can defend Peter's assault.


Let's go to the Raid Assault.


Soo! One Two Three. Soo Fighting!


Peter Fighting~


Soo is blue and starts at the upper area. Meanwhile, Peter is Green, at the lower position.


6 O'clock Peter and 12 O'clock Soo.


Peter's face and attitude has changed.


In the first game, he looked at camera and smiled. -Hahaha


He had upper hand but lost in the first game. So he decided to concentrate.


I think that's how he made the great victory in the second game.


Soo's feeling hot after the second game.


It was intense game. -It was hard for us to keep up.


Soo had some advantages too.


He had faster expansion, more Gateways, more units and better unit control.


But Peter's unit management was unexpected.


Soo was leading the game in the beginning


Soo also had confidence because he won the first game.


But he was caught unprepared by Peter's unexpected play and lost the game in the end.


Again, Soo's Probe is scouting first.


One good thing for Peter on Raid Assault is..


Soo just Gas Rushed, he's pushing hard from the beginning.


Soo's trying to slow down Peter.


This may have an effect on Shuttle timing. The flight distance between both positions is short.


Are those two Gateways? -Yes, since he got Gas Rushed he goes for 2 Gateways.


That Warping graphic is bigger than Pylon.


Assimilator is finished now.


Soo just gas rushed on Peter's base and Peter's Probe has arrived on Soo's base.


Soo also goes for two Gateways.


He will go for 2 Gate first then Assimilator.


He could build and cancel Assimilator but you lose Minerals by doing it.


Peter gets his revenge!


If the opponent hasn't built it yet, you can return the favor.


Soo's harrassing on both Mineral and Gas.


Take a gas then go to Mineral field and mine Mineral.


He could've mine then cancel, mine then cancel but he didn't do that.


They are checking on each other. Soo sends in 1 Zealot.


Soo makes another---? Aha Peter made it first.


That Assimilator is Peter's


When Zealot came in.. Oh nice defense from Peter!


It's hard to catch up even from the beginning.


Peter sends his probe to the geyser but Soo already morphed his Assimilator.


And Zealots are chasing the Probe.


That Probe survivies for long time. -Yeah he lost a Zealot so, it's good to keep it alive.


Until Dragoon comes out, he must chase it around.


Zealots are slow so, they can't catch Probes.


Those Probes are dodging pretty well.


Peter's Probe was destroyed.


Those Probes are really important. You must check other's base before Dragoons come out.


That Probe is still holding the Gas. -Haha yes.


Soo's bringing Zealots.


Soo's keeping that Probe alive for long time.


It's destroyed. -Well, a Dragoon should be out soon,


he kept it alive for long time.


It maybe dangerous bringing all Zealots out. There are many place to hide a few units.


Peter goes for Robotics Facility and Soo's upgrading Dragoon Range.


Soo will push with Zealots then decide the 2nd attack later.


Peter's move will start after he finishes Robotics.


He should use those two Dragoons to harrass retreating Zealots.


Peter's blocking his entrance.


He could've damage Zealots with Dragoon control.


Soo's Zealots came back here.


And Peter sends out scouting Probe.


I don't see Soo's Robotic yet.


I want to see Soo's Templar control.


Soo's plan is Zealot push then expand.


After pushing with Zealots and scouting with Probe,


you can figure out what your opponent is going for.


Is Peter also going for expansion? His Probes is at 7 O'clock.


It seems like he's scouting with Probes and Observer. After that he will decide.


Soo made Zealots and Dragoons. He's also preparing for Reaver drops.


Soo is thinking about defending his multi base etc.


Peter went for Robotics first, then Observatory. After that he made a Robotic Support Bay.


Soo's Probe is checking all over the map because Peter often makes multi in unexpected areas.


Like this! Players usually take natural expansion first but he takes Mineral multi instead. -Yes.


He will keep producing units then will go for Natural Expansion.


People will wonder "Why is he building it right there?" This is unusual play.


Observer is going up.


And I see Peter's Shuttle is waiting.


On this map, Dragoons can gather on center area and


rush to the Natural Expansion. There are short alternative ways.


Soo hasn't taken his Natural Expansion yet.


Soo also warps a Robotics Support Bay.


He made a Shuttle before a Robotics Support Bay.


It's not really an organized build.


It seems like a Shuttle first, then an Observer then finally a Reaver.


Peter is also preparing for Drop play.


Peter's Reaver hasn't finished yet.


Peter has taken the Mineral Multi. Soo will have hard time finding it.


Peter can depend with those units and Reaver on the ramp.


Haha. It's lucky that he took the Mineral multi.


His Reaver will need to come join soon. After he has successfully defended there, he can Reaver drop on Soo's base.


Soo scouted the Mineral multi and his units are moving.


Peter must see Soo's movement with that Observer.


Peter has to defend, Soo has more units right now.


He has to protect the Reaver so it can kill those Zealots.


His Reaver positioning is good! It's good!


Soo's retreating. He will be harrassed by Peter after the Shuttle Speed upgrade is done.


He's expansion is also slower. -Soo brings up Reaver too.


Peter has upper hand because he is defending!


Oooh! Soo lost his Reaver too easily! -Right.


Peter's reinforcement will be here from the main base.


It was Soo's loss. His Reaver died too quickly.


And Peter's Reaver damaged those Dragoons before it got destroyed.


Peter just needs to make additional Reaver and defend one more.


Soo can't go any further because he has no Reaver.


Soo goes for 4 Gateways. Instead of going for his expansion, he's trying to finish with mass Gateway units.


But Peter attacks from both sides. -Sandwich attack!!


Peter also has higher grounds. That's a big advantage.


He can also use those Probes to attack. If he defends he will win.


Since he has more expansions, if he defends he wins!


Nice Probe movement there. Soo suffers great damage from this battle.


Those Dragoons are trapped. -He is blocking them with Probes.


Wow he retreated very well.


He can retreated them and defend with Reaver.


Since Soo had no Reaver, Peter used Probes with Dragoons.


Just 1 Reaver can end the game.


Soo's multi is quite late. -Right.


Peter will have enough resouces to run additional Gateways.


Soo will harass first then go for two multis.


Soo drops a Reaver! -Aaaaa!


Wow, nice Probe control by Peter!


Last one missed.


Peter retreated his Probes really well.


On Raid Assault, if you use those hills well, you can defend with less units.


If Soo wastes all of his units in desperation, he will definitely lose this game.


But he retreated his units nicely.


If Peter begins harassing, Soo can be damaged now.


Soo makes 3 multis simultaneously. Natural Expansion, Mineral Multi and 7 O'clock.


No. On 7 O'clock, Soo warped a Pylon to prevent Peter's expansion.


Oh it was Pylon. -Yes.


After taking critical spots, Peter is pressuring Soo.


You have to pressure the other to expand.


Now Peter is going to attack.


With that Reaver he has to break troops in the middle.


If you have two Reavers there, it's really hard to take the multi base.


Aaaa Shuttle!! He barely saves it!


One of Soo's Reavers is destroyed.


Soo must bring Observer. He must not give Peter the sight.


Peter already can see it.


And he's going for Adun.


Peter is sharpening his sword.


Well.. first he needs to clear Soo's troops in the center.


If you just count bases, Soo has more multis.


Peter drops 4 Zealots.


Reaver Reaver Reaver!! Soo's Reaver got destroyed.


This is nice play by Peter.


While Soo was distracted, he killed the Reaver.


And he uses his Reaver. -Right.


If you lose Reaver, you lose the control of this area.


The Shuttle.. Aaaaa!! -Wow!!!


Soo tricked himself by controlling it! -You are right.


Peter is now pushing because Soo lost his Reaver!


The Reaver should go front. Yes, like this!


This is the crucial area. -Looks like Peter is going to win.


If Soo can hold the center area and stop Peter's 7 O'clock multi, this should be his game.


Peter pushes with Dragoons and Zealots. I think he can use Reaver for some drop play.


Soo has less units than Peter.


Since Soo only has Dragoons, Peter can push with Zealots first then attack with Reaver from behind.


Uhhh those Dragoons..


Peter's Dragoon has lv1 Attack Upgrade.


4 Zealots came back right?


Peter's scouted this multi. He knows how to use alternative routes.


Soo once occupied the center area and retreated. After Peter took the area he uses the other routes.


Nice play by Peter.


And he drops here. -Not so many units are here so it's better to drop on the Mineral multi.


-Ouch those Probes.


But Soo had to come back to protect buildings. Meanwhile Peter can occupy the center area.


He should run.. ouch, the Shuttle is down.


Three Zealots! Those are upgraded Zealots!


He could do this because he dropped 2 Zealots and 1 Reaver on Soo's main base.


Peter is distracting Soo.


Yes Peter is making Soo confused.


And he is taking expansions. Wow..


He's using the map very well.


Since flight distance is so short, I was expecting more shuttle usage but


They are going face-to-face.


Soo can't take any more, he rushes with all of his units.


Peter's keeps harassing him so..


Anyway Soo has more units now. 2 Reavers!!


He has to save units from this battle. Reaver!


One of Soo's Reavers got destroyed.


If Soo can't get through, he will lose.


Soo's units came up and Peter's units are reinforced from his base.


Soo has given up his mineral multi and is concentrating on fighting. I wonder where his Reaver is though.


Where's his Reaver?


It's way back there. If Soo needs to retreat, Peter will have the advantage.


Soo should've used that Reaver well.


Soo must keep the pressure on.


Peter's units are attacking the Natural Expansion!


He must protect there, he must!


If the Nexus gets destroyed, it will be a huge disadvantage to Soo!


Looks like it's going to be destroyed! Destroyed!


Soo can't mine any resources anymore. His army will take irreversible damage while attacking.


Shuttle Shuttle!!


Peter doesn't have to defend this base. He can just hold the hill.


Peter's units are continously reinforced. He doesn't need this base, he already has 7 O'clock base.


Peter can make either Reaver or Zealots. Soo can't make any more units.


So if he loses those units, it's game over.


Soo lost two Nexus to Peter's troops. Since he has no income, the next attack will decide everything.


Probes are attacking Dragoons, that's the only thing he can do.


Soo's units are going in but Peter's attacking from both sides.


If your 1 Nexus Zealot harassing is blocked...


Peter attacking! Reaver Reaver!


Ahh Sooo!! Sooo!


He's controlling his Reaver but got sandwitched!


Geeee Geeeee!


Peter has become another Protoss minor league player.