Subtitle Created by Bard @ TeamLiquid


Enhanced by EvilTeletubby


It makes myself new. Cell phone Ever!


This is the last match of the 2005 Ever Star League.


The curse on Zerg... Does it really exist?


Terran players have been working hard to keep the curse alive.


This game determines whether that curse will be broken or will continue to live on.


Let's watch the final game.


The game has started now.


First, let's see JulyZerg's base.


He is a white Zerg.


We are watching JulyZerg now.


He took the 2nd and the 3rd games.


This here is GoodFriend who won the 1st and the 4th games.


He is a red Terran.


This truly is the final.


And expectations were just expectations.


Players, who we thought would have advantages on certain maps, lost.


That's why we are watching the 5th game. The game is a 2-2 tie now.


Will there be another unexpectated strategy or will they play normally?


JulyZerg's strategy, in the first game, was really good.


Even though he lost, it was good. I wonder if he's going to try it again.


Drone and Overlord are taking different paths.


They are not going for risky builds at this point.


Well, this is the last game you know.


This is GoodFriend, and his poster here made by his fans.


GoodFriend built Supply Depot first, then Barracks.


And JulyZerg went natural expansion then 3 Hatcheries.


So, unlike the previous games, they are going for orthodox builds.


Ohh Hatchery~ he made it.


GoodFriend was really lucky there. If the SCV went to scout just half a second later, he wouldn't see the Drone.


But he saw the Drone so he changed scouting direction.


And JulyZerg is building the 2nd Hatchery.


If JulyZerg is going for that kind of build.. GoodFriend can try 2 Barracks - Double Command.


But I don't see him mining Gas.


Or instead of Academy he can try a fast Factory build.


Let's see what's on his mind.


Oh? He made something on JulyZerg's natural expansion. -Aha he's trying to slow him down.


This isn't really big damage for JulyZerg.


It's for the 'Chi' fighting. Also you feel good by doing that.


If he goes for Factory.. it's not good news for JulyZerg.


JulyZerg is not mining any gas, his tech tree is so slow.


Compared to GoodFriend, he's behind.


JulyZerg may be able to build an early Lair.


Ah Gas now! -Is GoodFriend making Factory?


Factory. It's a third of the way completed.


GoodFriend's start is really good in this game.


If JulyZerg doesn't scout, he may get rushed and lose the game.


It's hard to get through there, GoodFriend made a barricade.


In my opinion..


Instead of making Drones and going for high tech,


How about poor economy with mass Speedlings?


Zergs often lose by this strategy.


Hwasin[S.SIR] from Soul showed it twice on Star League.


It's a dilemma for Zerg.


When you scout with Zerglings, you only see Marines. So you think "Uh? It's late Academy build."


But you don't know whether Terran is going for Factory or Double Command!


It's psychological warfare.


JulyZerg's 3 Hatchery build got slowed down by late expansion.


Since his tech is slow, he needs to rely on Sunkens only.


Compared to GoodFriend's Factory timing, JulyZerg's situation isn't good.


You don't know who's going to win at this point.


But GoodFriend is the one holding the sword.


Things went as GoodFriend planned so far.


JulyZerg needs something to counter him. He shouldn't just let GoodFriend roam free.


I don't know whether JulyZerg found out his fast Factory.. but he's going for Mutas anyway.


As soon as he gets 2 Tanks he will rush.


It's the core of this strategy. You rush when you have 2 Tanks.


And when he sees Mutalisks, he can build Turrets too.


When JulyZerg and Midas played a game,


It was horizontal and Midas tried proxy Factory. But JulyZerg fought well and won the game.


GoodFriend is moving as soon as he got 2 Tanks.


It's not just Bionic troops there are two Tanks behind them.


JulyZerg's in danger, how is he going to defend this?


He shouldn't save any Minerals. He must build many Sunkens and slow them down.


Terran's base is already blocked. -He has 2 Tanks, not 1.


JulyZerg is trying to buy time here.


He has two Tanks so.. -Sunkens got destroyed so fast!


Even if he produces Mutals, GoodFriend has enought Marines and Medics there.


He must keep making Sunkens even if they get destroyed.


Marines and Medics will rush if there are only 1-2 Sunkens.


Sunkens are almost gone.


Is he going to attack Terran's main base?


That's the only thing he can do.


GoodFriend can just go for elimination race.


The front Sunken line is almost destroyed.


It looks like they will go for elimination game.


Nevermind, JulyZerg decided to defend.


He can't fight with only the Mutas he has now.


He must produce Zerglings and fight with them together.


But the Hatchery was destroyed. It's a big loss for JulyZerg.


He will have trouble producing units for now.


He keeps making Sunken colonies.


He keeps producing Mutas in this situation. Amazing.


He must stall this attack for the time being and stack Mutas now.


He MUST defend this.


He shouldn't waste Mutas like that!


GoodFriend is preparing to siege the natural expansion.


Oooohh GoodFriend shouldn't waste Marines either.


They must be very very cautious now!


Marines! Those Mutas! Ah!


JulyZerg defended! -Although this doesn't mean JulyZerg is ahead. -Of course not.


He endured really well.


The game might have possibly just ended, but JulyZerg defended really well.


But GoodFriend's reinforcements keep coming.


JulyZerg passed a critical moment.


GoodFriend must produce more units now.


JulyZerg is now in offensive mode. Wow!


Concentrated fire on the Medic and she died.


Now he's retreating.


Now we don't know what will happen next.


GoodFriend's rush got blocked by JulyZerg.


He could defend because he waited and stacked Mutalisks.


If he was in a hurry, he might have lost.


JulyZerg was able to defend the first wave.


GoodFriend must build Starport now.


Wow, he's only just now getting to Turrets.


He only has Marines here!


Ohh! He lost most of his Mutas there!


That play wasn't really..


He lost a good amount of Mutas...


It's hard to amass Mutas from 2 Hatcheries.


He could defend against the Terran because he had Hatchery and Sunkens on his front base.


But the situation is different now.


JulyZerg is making a new building. Is it Hydralisk Den?


Left bottom of his main base..


Uh.. the main base please.


Aha~ It was Hydralisk Den. It's completed.


He shouldn't lose those Mutalisks.


Those two are really amazing players.


It's okay to lose several units. But they don't want to lose on 'Chi' fighting.


Terran's reinforcements keep coming. Sunkens are almost gone already.


If he still had the Mutas he lost, he could cut off the reinforcements.


It's really hard to produce Mutas from 2 Hatcheries.


Marines now have +1 attack upgrade.


JulyZerg is trying to earn some time but he only has 2 Sunkens there.


And 1 of them has less than half it's HPs.


Which will GoodFriend attack? The natural expansion or the main base?


JulyZerg is waiting again.


Can he defend again?


GoodFriend.. is he not preparing for the late game?


He's not making expansion.. uh?


Why is he? -Aha, he wanted combine them together.


He's trying to get them altogether and finish the game this time!


The main force is guarding the reinforcements, thus JulyZerg can't ambush this time.


GoodFriend really likes Command Center and multi base.


But this time he concentrated on units! He's trying to finish the game now.


JulyZerg is really in danger!


He can't even attack Terran's base now.


He can't ambush the reinforcements either.


His Sunken defense line is already broken.


GoodFriend's Tanks are already in Siege!


JulyZerg made Zerglings but he can't rally them from the main base.


The bases are seperated now.


He built Hydralisk Den but he can't make Hydras now.


But he keeps ambushing those reinforcements, that's amazing play!


He needs more Zerglings. -Ahhh Tank!


He should destroy the Tank! Tank!


The Tank is still alive!


That's good play. He must kill Marines and use bounce attack to kill the Tank.


It has only 14 of 150 HP


JulyZerg keeps making Zerglings.


But GoodFriend is very solid.


Now there's no way out.


GoodFriend is making an expansion there.


If JulyZerg can defend this, he will have a chance.


JulyZerg vs Midas game was amazing.


But the tension on this game is way higher.


He made GoodFriend cancel the Turret.


There's no more reinforcements coming from GoodFriend's base. But he's going one step further.


He must go with Zerglings!


Tank! Ah that Tank right there.


He's moving! Aaaaa!


Did he defend again?


He really defended again???


He must go counter rush now!


Wow! -He defended again!!


JulyZerg has advantage resource-wise.


JulyZerg's offense is the best. But now he defended like Chojja. Is he too perfect?


He's rushing without Zerglings. -Still you don't know who's going to win.


Because JulyZerg doesn't know about the hidden base at 5 o'clock.


Now Zerglings are coming too!


This is a bloody fight.


They are making me sweat!


JulyZerg must keep pressuring him!


Zerglings are destroying Turrets!


He may think 'Ok he has no expansion now. I win'


Now GoodFriend is waiting. He has troops at 5 o'clock.


But they are not coming back. He's waiting now.


Let's see GoodFriend's 5 o'clock base. -There are two Bunkers.


That hidden base is the last hope of GoodFriend.


He must make JulyZerg miscalculate!


JulyZerg is checking other expansion bases.


GoodFriend must run 5 o'clock base and produce Science Vessels.


There's no place to make buildings!


5 o'clock? 5 o'clock? Ahhhh!


He saw the base! He saw the base!


Mutalisks and Zerglings! He won't be able to defend with 2 Bunkers!!


There's no more Minerals on his main base!


Ahhh this is..


All SCVs must fix the Bunker!


Ahhh! The Bunker is gone!


GoodFriend is going for the last rush!


This is his last rush.


He has no time, no money, no units.


He can't move to another base and rebuild..


The dream of Zerg, JulyZerg is making it real.


But GoodFriend is still alive.


The thing is.. he has no Comsat Station.


He has no scan!


Normal Zerg players would've typed GG twice.


He can't see them! He can't see them!


They are Stop Lurker! -They are!


Ahhh!!! Extermination!!!


That was his last rush!!


JulyZerg's parents are expecting the championship! They know!


Lurkers can't be detected!


They waited 3 years, 4 years and 5 years!


GoodFriend shakes his head... He lost the will to fight!


Zerg has been waiting years and years!!


Geee Geee!!! JulyZerg!!!!