Subtitle Created by Bard


Enhanced by EvilTeletubby aka Tubster (hi Bard!)


This is the So1 Star League semi final series.


Pusan is leading by 2-0.


Yes. Pusan won the first game after many hard battles.


I could see he was really feeling the match from the 2nd game.


Pusan's strategy was good.


But his confidence worked more than his strategy in my opinion.


That's the best weapon.


Pusan is getting stronger day by day.


I could see he prepared a lot for every map.


Boxer took huge damage from the Speed Shuttle. That made the game.


Pusan is winning by 2-0.


Semi finals are scheduled for two weeks.


Finals will be played on November 5th, Saturday, 6 P.M.


The place will be Inchon Technical College Gym.


That's the place where Nada and July played final matches.


Hope everyone watches the game.


They are ready to play. Let's check the map first.


As you see on the screen, PvT is 8:7. Protoss is leading by 1 game.


1 game doesn't make a big difference. It's very well balanced.


Boxer's record on this map is 1-2. His TvP is 0-2.


He lost to Pusan and Rock.


As you see, Boxer doesn't have a good record on this map.


Pusan's official record on this map is 4-2.


His PvT is 2-1.


He beat Boxer and GoodFriend but lost to Xellos.


Everything's ready. The finalist may be decided here.


Boxer's hope for a 3rd championship. Will it perish here?


All those words used to decribe Boxer. Will they disappear too?


This game determines it.


The Final is right in front of him.


Can he walk the "Royal Road" that he has dreamt of for so long.


Can he open the door to the Royal Road; let's watch.


This can be Boxer's last game. If he loses, it's over and he will play for third place.


He's base is on the left side, 7 o'clock.


Before this series, Pusan's OGN rank was #18.


If he wins this one also, his rank will be #8.


2 player map; Ride of Valkyries


If one of them loses this one,



He will walk a long painful road on Dual League.


But if he wins, he will stand on top.


Even though Boxer is losing, if he is able to win this one,


the next map is R Point; also known as Lim Point.


The last map is 815 again.


Of course, it's possible.


Each game affects the next game. This is a big series.


Boxer has completely lost to Pusan once on this map


Pusan used speed Zealots,


and Boxer got dominated by those Zealots


Oh 2 SCVs are moving.


This is his ultimate move. -Proxy 2 Barracks!!


One SCV removed a blocking Mineral.


Aaaaahh 2 buildings!


He can even try to cheese rush with SCVs.


But most people are aware of that move, so they check the upper area..


He saw it! He saw it!


Boxer cancelled 1 Barracks!


This isn't good for Boxer..


Since this is a 2 player map,


and Terran usually goes for FD or 1 Factory-Double,


Protoss often doesn't scout.


I heard Pusan prepared counters for all of Boxer's strategies.


Pusan has 1 Gate and 2 Pylons now.


He will defend with Zealots easily.


Boxer's hidden card was exposed.


Even though he cancelled Barracks, he just lost some Minerals.


But the problem is, his entrance is open now.


1 Zealot and 1 Probe are running.


Of course Zealots are scary now.


But a bigger problem is the Dragoon rush.


The Zealot ignored the Barracks and is heading to the main base.


Boxer must build a Bunker now. He must build it now.


He must play well from now on.


Terran can block the entrance on this map.


But 1 Zealot won't be a big problem.


Pusan must get the Factory-building SCV.


So he can use Dragoons later.


That's true, but if Protoss keeps sending Zealots, that's another problem.


There he goes. Speed Zealots again!


Is Boxer relying on control only?


Protoss can keep harassing with Zealots and go for tech.


Uhhhh! -He must save the 2nd Marine.


He will get a 3rd Zealot soon. 3 Zealots are a different story.


Zealots Zealots! -He must build a Bunker!


He needs to build Vultures too. -He's building now.


He will manage to defend with Vultures but..


The problem is Dragoons.


1 Vulture against 3 Zealots is another story also.


There comes one more Zealot.


Boxer is sacrificing SCVs to defend. His tech is very slow.


Those 2 SCVs on the left side are idling.


He made a Vulture to defend against the Zealot rush.


So Add On is very slow. How is he going to defend against Dragoons?


Can we see Pusan's base? He can go for either high tech or more Gateways.


It looks like Reaver build.


Ahhh 3 Gates! -He will finish with his Speed Zealots


Boxer is responsible for this, he chose proxy Barracks build.


He must defend at all costs even though his chances are getting low.


He lifted his Barracks.


He's trying to figure out Pusan's build.


If Pusan rushes with 3 Gate Dragoons, Boxer will be in a trouble.


But there's also a weak point when Protoss face FD Terran.


Protoss can be real weak against a Vulture rush.


In order to defend against a 3 Gate Dragoon rush,


Boxer really needs Siege Mode now.


So even if Pusan goes for only Dragoons, he doesn't have to worry about Vultures now.


Boxer is having trouble with researching Siege. He produced units to defend.


Pusan has 4 Dragoons now. -Uh? Uh!


If this Tank dies!!


3 Tanks now! It survived!


Boxer managed to defend once.


So far there are 4 Dragoons.


Boxer has just found out about the 3 Gateways.


If he manages to defend,


he will have a chance with Vulture play.


Boxer is building a Command Center?


He's thinking, "If I defend this, I win"


It's possible.


Since Pusan is trying to break in, his expansion is late.


Boxer's plan is good.


It will be better if Pusan adds 2 Zealots.


He can also try to rush with a Shuttle.


Boxer is making his defense line.


It gets harder to break after Siege Mode is developed.


Then he must use Shuttle.


Pusan will damage Boxer' expo rather than his main.


He may rush in when Boxer's units come down to expand.


Anyway, Boxer was in danger after his plan was discovered,


but he managed to defend well. Pusan's still ahead though.


Pusan's also waiting.


An important thing is,


Boxer must move quick when he expands.


If it gets delayed by Dragoons, he will have a tough time later.


Command Center is moving. Boxer is trying to expand.


He's making time with the Command Center while other units are getting ready.


1 Siege.. 2 Siege


Pusan stepped back a little.


It was a very nice play.


If he moved only 1 Tank..


He's attacking! -That's impossible.


4 Dragoons! 5! All of them are dead.


Why did he do that?


Does he think it's okay to lose 5 Dragoons?


Boxer is counter rushing! -Maybe he didn't see the other Tanks.


Boxer took the natural expo and is counter-attacking now.


Pusan doesn't have Observers yet.


Oh, there it is. -He has an Observer.


He gave up 5 Dragoons.


If he had retreated them and joined these Dragoons,


he would have 9 Dragoons now. They are very useful.


If Boxer keeps sending units here and makes line,


Pusan will be in trouble. Boxer is increasing his number of Factories now.


Pusan needs a Shuttle now.


He just has an Observer.. He's charging again!


He has some Dragoons now!


Since he made his mistake, he's resisting hard.


1 Zealot is giving them great help.


Pusan defended it! -Wow he did.


I thought Boxer would have a solid line there, but Pusan stopped him.


He has 3 Gateways. It helped.


He must watch Mines! Mines!


That one has low HP.


Now they are almost even.


6 Dragoons are trying to break in


Pusan must not waste those.


If he had a Shuttle he can try, but not now.


Or if he had Zealots,


It's better than only Dragoons.


He gave up triple Nexus! He will try to break in with Shuttle!


5 Gateways with only expo.


Boxer retreated to his expo and made a defense line.


This is classic Ob-Dra build. He's checking Boxer's build.


His confidence might be from his practicing,


But it's from the 2-0 lead he has now. I can see it.


He's doing good on this big match.


He will try to bring the game to his side and control it.


Boxer may be preparing for Triple Nexus,


But he needs to use some Vultures now.


Or he can rush with Vulture & Tank a bit later.


But before rushing, he needs to check the size of Pusan's army.


He's preparing for the 3rd Nexus.


Meanwhile, Boxer's gathering units in his expansion.


I think Boxer willl try a Han Bang rush.


Han Bang Rush. I think so.


Pusan can try Carriers after he gets high tech.


But I think he's trying to finish the game with ground units only.


Shuttle just retreated. I have no idea what it did.


It might be just harassing.


He's trying to delay Boxer's rush.


Because Pusan needs time to produce more units.


And he's also trying to possess the upper ground.


Boxer needs to rush before Pusan gets Speed Zealots.


Boxer is going out.


Pusan just needs to defend this rush.


Oh he's forming another line.


Boxer's taking another deep breath here.


He's preparing for the late game.


Some time ago, Boxer lost to Pusan by playing like this.


The situation is very similar.


Zealot bomb!


Vultures are protecting Tanks. 2 Tanks got destroyed.


Turret is completed. -Ohh!! Mines!


He killed 3 Tanks and 1 Vulture with 4 Zealots.


He can esaily break in after he gets more Zealots.


They are Speed Zealots too.


Zealots should go in first. If they pass mines and attack Tanks..


You never know what Mines will kill.


Mines just exploded.


Dragoons are coming! -If Boxer loses this battle, he won't have a chance.


He has 5 Tanks. Battle for the final!


He defended! -That was a great defense.


Pusan removed Mines with Zealots first,


then used Dragoons to kill Tanks. It was very nice too.


If they possess the same number of expansions and Terran expands slowly,


Boxer will have a chance.


Vultures are going around up there.


People say if Terran and Protoss gain the same amount of resources,


Protoss usually loses. The reason is,


Probes mine faster than SCVs. Protoss should expand faster than Terran.


They will consume resources quicker. (ETT's note: WTF?)


Boxer is killing Probes. -Pusan must stop his Vulture raids.


Wow.. he killed a lot of them. -Only 2 Probes are left.


I think he killed at least 6-7 of them. -There is the 2nd Vulture rush.


While Vultures are outside, Zealots are rushing in!!


This is a fantastic game.


Because Vultures are out.. They came back.


He's stopping the Vulture Harass by attacking the base.


Those Goons are out of Tanks' reach.


Pusan must pull them back.


Both are fighting hard. No one is stepping back.


Pusan's unit production is amazing.


Boxer is managing to defend.


Pusan's building another base there.


It doesn't mean Boxer is losing. It's becoming balanced now.


Terran has cheaper units.


And they mine slower.


It looks like he's going for High Templars.


They are about equal now.


Pusan is going in again. Zealots must approach too!!


He still has some Dragoons, but there are 3 Tanks!!


If Protoss keeps wasting units and Terran manages to defend,


Terran will go out with mass units later.


But the good thing about Pusan is, he's wasting enough of his units to prevent Vulture raids,


Boxer needs to use Vultures to kill Probes.


But Pusan is pressuring Boxer and taking expansion bases at the same time.


This base is working well.


If they both waste units like this, it's good for Protoss.


Also, the battle ground is on Boxer's expansion.


So he has some damage on SCVs too.


Boxer must kill Probes. He needs that.


In order for Terran to win,


Vultures must play a big role.


Vultures are going into the base.


Ahhh!! Arbiter Tribunal!


Arbiters can break the balance of these two.


Pusan has been leading this game so far,


He must stay cool and defend his Probes.


Even if you know an Arbiter is coming.. it will be a pain.


Protoss will still go for ground unit based play.


Boxer doesn't have many units but he's trying to go out.


Because he has found out Pusan's Arbiter build, he can't wait any longer.


It's really hard to fight against a mass of cloaked units. They are really annoying.


Battle on the center field. This is the most important battle!!


Tanks are coming!


I don't know if he can wait until the Arbiter comes out.


Boxer has been waiting and saving units. You will see them now.


Ohhh!! Pusan needs to slow down and wait for his Arbiter!


How about Shuttle play to slow him down.


One rush will determine the game.


Speed Zealots are good but he needs more technical play.


Boxer's rush timing is really good; right before Arbiter comes out.


Boxer controls the higher ground. Pusan may take damage to his expansion.


If Pusan fights now, he will lose.


The Arbiter is building, he must wait!


Pusan may want to attack because, the expansion is getting damage.


But he must wait for the Arbiter.


Boxer is building a Starport. And his main force is waiting there.


The story may change after the Arbiter comes out.


Pusan also needs a Shuttle but..


Boxer disabled one expansion base.


Tanks have level 1 Attack and Armor upgrades.


Even though he's losing the expo, it's good that he's waiting.


Right. He needs Shuttle play.


Ahhhh! They are engaging!!


Uh what?


Pusan's rushing with his units!!


Isn't his Arbiter about to come out?


His units are on lower ground but he wants to fight!


This is bad. Pusan must retreat those units.


Arbiter just showed up.


I don't understand! If he went with that Arbiter he could've won.


Why did he fight on lower ground?


That Arbiter has to do something!


Tanks!! -Arbiter isn't doing its job.


Dragoons are just melting down.


Pusan will have severe damage to his expansion bases.


Now, you never know. The 4th match is on R-Point.


This expo is done now.


Boxer will take this game.


Vultures look even faster now.


That Arbiter must be really embarrassed.


Boxer's rush had really good timing.


Arbiter is attacking now.


It has 10 Explosive damage.


It tickles. That's nothing.


He used Statis Filed on several Tanks but it doesn't help much.


That's like a miserable magic.


This area is really important for Pusan.


Now his bases are separated.


The upper base can only mine. -He can't get more units.


After the one big battle..


Geee Geee


The toughest map for Boxer,


and the easiest map for Pusan. But Pusan lost!!


That questionable battle,


He must calm down now.


Why did he attack without the Arbiter?


Boxer's defense was great also.


He's the Boxer. He won't lose 0-3.


He won 5 out of 6 on semi finals,


You rarely see Boxer lose 3 straight games.


Pusan played a great game,


He had map advantage and his start was good.


Boxer is not satisfied with 1 victory. He's preparing for the next match.


He's drawing R-Point in his head.


Boxer came back from the cliff's edge and is trying to tie the series.