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Enough with the racism discussions, this is a LR Thread. Cut it out. -- updated 7:55 KST
On June 06 2011 03:55 ellirc wrote: TeamLiquidnet 8:54pm via Twitter for Android Major push by MC gold is too much thorzains 3rd and nat overran MC advances 4-2 ggs #MLG
Shiiiit, I'm a sad panda now. Fucking extended series rule, it's the stupidest thing I have ver seen.
I don't understand why everyone gives MLG a ton of sympathy for every single thing that goes wrong/isn't perfect. I think it's a pretty disgusting argument to claim MLG provides us a free service so we shouldn't complain. What a flawed way of thinking. MLG makes a fuckton of money from this event so they BETTER provide us a near perfect service.
On June 06 2011 03:45 sereniity wrote: My theory on the IdrA vs MMA Game 1 even tho it's probably been discussed to death:
IdrA saw the third CC when it was inside of MMAs base, it was only logical of him to think that MMA moved that down to the 9o'clock position instead of the gold since it was built so early, yet not seen on the map.
IdrA then thinks that MMA has an early third, while IdrA has 4 bases (just got his fourth up i believe?).
MMA drops on IdrA and IdrA pulls some of his drones onto the drop and some to the gas, at the same time the battle at the middle starts and when IdrA looks back he then thinks that all his drones at the natural are dead, rather than stacked up on the extractor.
He sees that MMA is taking a fourth, wich is a gold; he taps out.
Even though it was ridicolous of IdrA to tap out I seriously doubt that he thought MMA was only on 2 bases with a third building, imagine yourself being in IdrAs spot for a while.
You face one of the best terrans in the world, you see a third CC inside of MMAs base at like 9-10 minutes, it would only make sense that this super good player would move this somewhere to use it as an expand.
You get your fourth base up etc and then he drops you, from what it looks like from your point of view you only have like 1 remaining drone at your natural and you see that the opponent takes a FOURTH base at the gold expansion, all your Zerglings are dead, all your banelings got killed before they even reached the marines and more marines will come any second due to the economy that the early third base provided.
Your mutalisks will NOT clean up the tanks in time, thus you have to retreat with the mutalisks, build up additional zerglings, morph some to banelings and then hold the push that will most likely come as fast as MMA is back on his feet, all this while MMA is soon to be sitting on 4 solid mining bases. You tap out
From a spectators POV, this looked so one-sided and it seemed like an easy win for IdrA.
From a IdrA POV, not so much... there's no way that he could've expected MMA to kill his own third base, thus he thought MMA was gearing up to take a fourth.
While this may be the worst ragequit GG from IdrA from our POV, it probably isn't from a player POV...
Either way, it was silly of IdrA not to play it out and I hope that he stops doing this, even tho I really doubt it .
Yeah, need to download and look at the replay from idra's pov.
Love MMA's facial expressions in the youtube clip, when he realizes he blew up his CC (wtf?!), and when he sees idra gg's (wtf?lol!).