Once they have been outargued about anything, they always will immediately reply with "it works fine for me". I am glad that something works fine for you. Unfortunately for you, we aren't discussing what works acceptably and what doesn't. The carrier pidgin is a satisfactory method of long distance communication, however compared to email or the telephone is it complete and utter shit. This is similar to the relationship between Firefox and chrome/IE/other bad browsers.
An argument I hear a lot for chrome is "well it's faster". If you check and find out that the browser is actually hogging your computer, and therefore while the browser runs like a Kenyan the rest of your computer runs like the tortoise, and you reply "well it still works fine for me" you should steal the shell from your tortoise-speed computer and hide inside it before I find you and club you across the face with 100lbs of Firefox.
Before you tell me that chrome has everything Firefox has to offer, I'm going to stop you and say that it doesn't. Chrome has a very small amount of addons because there are fewer developers (google and 6 lifeless highschool dropout programs they found), and because there is a lack of demand for the addons. You don't have to use addons, in fact I encourage you to not use them simply so you can call yourself a rebel, however if you are only using a bad browser for the sake of rebelling against quality products, you should at least state it. Make us aware of the cause you are fighting for (as stupid as it may be)!
Internet explorer is the most decent browser I can find. It does everything acceptably, and certainly brings nothing new to the table, but its still decent. People who use internet explorer (because of their general ignorance towards everything) tend to say that they don't need anything else, "it works fine", etc, etc. The fact is, I don't need any vehicle other than my 12 speed bike. Sure it might take me 2 hours to get to school riding it, but I can always leave early, pack my backpack the previous night, or i can upgrade to a motherfucking car. I was once talking with someone about how internet explorer does everything worse than most other browsers. This person responded with "so what's wrong with it?" I said that there is nothing wrong with it, only you are better off without it, seeing as everything else works better. They didn't seem to understand my point. If that wasn't simple enough, firefox loads videos faster, pages faster, emails faster, runs any sort of anything faster, has tons of addons, constant updates, user friendly, visually appealing, IS NOT OPERATED BY A LARGE CORPORATION WITH MOTIVES OTHER THAN DELIVERING A QUALITY PRODUCT, makes you a happier person.
Firefox has Adblock plus. Maxthon 3 has a built in adblocker. Other browsers don't have this crap, yet the users of crap-browsers, who are aware of this fact, refuse to switch browsers. You don't have to get adblocking stuff, but if you don't have it don't complain about popups. Simple? Apparently not, since everyone still complains about their popups, their annoying sound-ads, etc.
Something I really don't seem to get is, if everyone today is so anti media, why do we all flock to the most advertized browser (chrome)? Its owned by a huge corporation -all you anti corporation people should be killing yourselves right now- and advertizes like a bitch. A good product sells itself. Do you know how much Ferrari spent on advertizing last year? $0. Same with the year before, and the year before that. The product sells itself because the product isn't total crap. Everywhere you go on the internet, you see ads for your chrome browser or IE9 or whatever. I say you specifically because I don't see them. I have adblock plus (which blocks ads....).
The thing is, I couldn't care less what browser you use. Its just that if you are ignorant about something, you should accept that fact, and not argue about something you know nothing about.
In conclusion: Firefox is the best browser ever. Maxthon 3 is a close second.
![[image loading]](http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/215561_196427210393820_100000796266447_408600_3714296_n.jpg)
Firefox: The most attractive web browser
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