On April 19 2011 01:19 Necosarius wrote: I just found out about the Stronglifts ladder of strength were you start out with 5x5, then after you have deloaded 2 times you do 3x5, and after another two deloads you do 1x5. What do you think of this? You think it can be done with SS too?
In that sense, SS already does that. Rippetoe goes into why he advocates 3x5 over other things (5x5, 3x10, whatever) and it is the novice program. Once you've deloaded the recommended 3 times, you move onto the advanced novice program in the wiki, and then once you hit your limit with that you graduate onto intermediate, which is the practical programming book. SS is just more focused on the novice stage and letting you learn how to make more complex programs once you're done, and on correctly performing the big lifts. Stronglifts is just a more simplified program in terms of getting to the intermediate stage.
I'm considering moving onto the advanced novice program if I fail 220lbs/~100kg squat this week. Been missing chinups and pullups
On the first three steps you progress after each workout, Madcow is for weekly progress and 5x5 advanced is for monthly progress.
Looks cool and all but I don't know if it's good or not which is why I ask But then again, maybe I should follow Rippetoes advice and "don't fuck with the program"
On the first three steps you progress after each workout, Madcow is for weekly progress and 5x5 advanced is for monthly progress.
Looks cool and all but I don't know if it's good or not which is why I ask But then again, maybe I should follow Rippetoes advice and "don't fuck with the program"
Well I mean it's been shown that both programs are good and work... as long as you don't fuck with the program
You probably could make good progress with ss doing something like that too, although I feel like your recovery would be a little harder because of the powercleans instead of barbell rows would put more strain on your body?
Sup brosefs, back in the gym now. Resetted my squats but everything else is progressing nicely. My knee and hip feels pretty good now. R.I.C.E. and some anti-inflammatory pills can do wonders.
After a month in the gym (With a week off due to injury) my squat has gone from 95lb to 150lb (rehab/resetted weight), my deadlift from 115 to 210, and my powerclean from 55lb to 120lb. My benchpress and press are a little weak though. Can't wait till I can powerclean more than most of the guys there can benchpress.
Today more amusing things at the gym. Girl who was practically wearing skin tight grey nylon underwear was doing ass exercises all over the gym. Her shorts were as high as actual ladies underwear. While I was doing my squats HUGE middle aged looking men were doing shoulder shrugs with about 100 pounds of weight on the barbell. And when I was doing my powercleans a rather talkative older italian guy was asking me, "Is that it?" as I was doing my powercleans. Pretty charming guy though, we ended up having a serious and drawn out discussion about brazillian transvestites.
On April 18 2011 23:01 decafchicken wrote: Depends...i definitely wouldnt start off doing HIIT + SS or anything, but i was lifting very heavy (with pretty high volume too, 5-6 sets of anywhere from 30-50 reps total of squat or deadlift alternating) 3x a week followed by ~4-6 x 400m interval sprint/jogs with rugby 2-3x a week and managed to add like 60 pounds to my squat and deadlift while getting in the best shape of my life.
I wasn't doing that high of volume, but mixing hiit in with heavy lifting gave me definition quicker than straight lifting. It also improved my heart rate/vo2 max/body fat within two weeks of incorporating it. Maybe this is because I had plateaued, but saying it is overrated doesn't seem right.
Looking for some advice also. I am a hard gainer (cross country/soccer for 7 years including college does this) and I would like to put on some mass. I weigh 160 at 6'0, BFI at 4.9% these are my maxes
bench-220 squat-305 power clean-185 deadlift-315
This is the problem, my left knee was injured last year during a pick up soccer game(in sand...fail) and I am worried about increasing my lifts on the free weight leg exercises. I hate machines, but I can't think of another way to gain weight. My diet has been strictly a gainer; chicken, peanut butter, true mass, eggs, oatmeal, milk. I have tried high volume with about 60%, but my weight will not increase. Is more rest days the only way? My friends have told me this, but I weighed more two years ago when I rested one day a week and had soccer practice for 3 hours every day.
On April 19 2011 05:44 maliceee wrote: This is the problem, my left knee was injured last year during a pick up soccer game(in sand...fail) and I am worried about increasing my lifts on the free weight leg exercises. I hate machines, but I can't think of another way to gain weight. My diet has been strictly a gainer; chicken, peanut butter, true mass, eggs, oatmeal, milk. I have tried high volume with about 60%, but my weight will not increase. Is more rest days the only way? My friends have told me this, but I weighed more two years ago when I rested one day a week and had soccer practice for 3 hours every day.
the only way is to eat more take some creatine, drink TONS of milk (a gallon every day at least) and eat like a truck. if you cant eat enough, maybe try some weight gainer shakes.
On April 18 2011 14:57 JT wrote: I have a question in regards to weight training in combination with sports.
I'm 28, 6'1, 187lbs or so. I've been an on and off lifter since I was about 20, but for the most part wasn't all that consistent and wasn't following very good or organized programs.
I've also always played a lot of sports. I did starting strength for 2 months about a year ago and made good progress, but in the last year I've been on and off with weight training. I'm in pretty good shape, probably 12-13% bodyfat and fairly fit and athletic. But I'd like to get into fantastic shape this summer.
If I just wanted to get strong and go for aesthetics as well, I know starting strength would be the way to go. The problem is that I looove to play sports and I want to do a lot of activities this summer that will expend energy.
I do BJJ once or twice a week, play tons of basketball, play in a hardball league, I'm gonna do some mountain biking, etc etc. I also work as a server in a restaurant so I'm walking all day.
I have a feeling that doing starting strength in combination would easily lead to overtraining, so I was wondering if you guys had any recommendations on what kind of strength training program to follow? Pavel Tsatsouline's "PTTP"? Any ideas would be very much appreciated.
If your strength levels have regressed I'd start back with SS 3x a week and reduce vollume to 2x a week once you start getting into much more activities.
On April 18 2011 15:02 Froadac wrote: So for those aware of my medical history I’ve had a lot of surgeries. All of which really hurt my ability to exercise, and really cut me up >.> I used to be fairly strong, was very athletic, but recently because my back has been bothering me a lot I haven’t. I went to a friend’s house, and their mom is a physical therapist. She said that I should do generally more activities to strengthen my back muscles to support my back. Depending on some of you health and fitness guys to give me some exercises to try. Probably relatively low stress stuff would eb good to start. I’ll probably see a PT in a couple months, but in the interim… Also, regarding a purely cosmetic standpoint, do you guys have any advice for softening scars. The one on my back isn’t particularly pretty, but at least it has lightened. Despite putting Cocoa butter on the one on my neck for over a year and a half, it still is fairly red. It actually fluctuates with stress levels >.> So, what specific core, arm, and leg exercises should I be doing. Also neck exercises, although that’s getting really specialized. Less than attractive pictures of myself follow. If you want to look to hopefully help me, or to gawk, go ahead. + Show Spoiler +
Ugly scar on neck, that won’t fade. Scrawny leg, and ugly sock/shoe. My cut up back. My chest (It’s not that bent, just trying to bend so I can take the picture >.>)
But specifically in terms of fitness, I just want baseline health. no superhuman lifting, just improving my posture, increasing core strength, and getting my arms and legs reasonably fit. People have said "do situps, do pushups."
Just to make it clear, doctor said to NOT do situps, but that V sit kind of stuff was better.
Also, some specifics, even if conservative would be nice, because I really have no idea AT ALL how much I should be doing. Even when I was more fit (like 13 or 14 lol) I just did sports and got fit, but I've fallen below that threshhold
I'm really small, at 5'4" (Chill sized, lol) and 110 pounds.
What are your actual injuries that you're dealing with? What are all exercises that the doc has said not to do? What exercises have you tried that hurt or are ok? What are your currently level of abilities with exercises that are fine?
So you don't think squatting 2x a week will be too much if I'm doing an hour or two of playing hard every day?
Holy shit i didn't realize how sore i was till i started lifting. Managed to pull off a double at 90 for snatch and powerclean 5x100 3x110 1x120. It was an ugly day T_T Cant wait till i'm fresh on wed/fri.
On April 18 2011 14:57 JT wrote: I have a question in regards to weight training in combination with sports.
I'm 28, 6'1, 187lbs or so. I've been an on and off lifter since I was about 20, but for the most part wasn't all that consistent and wasn't following very good or organized programs.
I've also always played a lot of sports. I did starting strength for 2 months about a year ago and made good progress, but in the last year I've been on and off with weight training. I'm in pretty good shape, probably 12-13% bodyfat and fairly fit and athletic. But I'd like to get into fantastic shape this summer.
If I just wanted to get strong and go for aesthetics as well, I know starting strength would be the way to go. The problem is that I looove to play sports and I want to do a lot of activities this summer that will expend energy.
I do BJJ once or twice a week, play tons of basketball, play in a hardball league, I'm gonna do some mountain biking, etc etc. I also work as a server in a restaurant so I'm walking all day.
I have a feeling that doing starting strength in combination would easily lead to overtraining, so I was wondering if you guys had any recommendations on what kind of strength training program to follow? Pavel Tsatsouline's "PTTP"? Any ideas would be very much appreciated.
If your strength levels have regressed I'd start back with SS 3x a week and reduce vollume to 2x a week once you start getting into much more activities.
On April 18 2011 15:02 Froadac wrote: So for those aware of my medical history I’ve had a lot of surgeries. All of which really hurt my ability to exercise, and really cut me up >.> I used to be fairly strong, was very athletic, but recently because my back has been bothering me a lot I haven’t. I went to a friend’s house, and their mom is a physical therapist. She said that I should do generally more activities to strengthen my back muscles to support my back. Depending on some of you health and fitness guys to give me some exercises to try. Probably relatively low stress stuff would eb good to start. I’ll probably see a PT in a couple months, but in the interim… Also, regarding a purely cosmetic standpoint, do you guys have any advice for softening scars. The one on my back isn’t particularly pretty, but at least it has lightened. Despite putting Cocoa butter on the one on my neck for over a year and a half, it still is fairly red. It actually fluctuates with stress levels >.> So, what specific core, arm, and leg exercises should I be doing. Also neck exercises, although that’s getting really specialized. Less than attractive pictures of myself follow. If you want to look to hopefully help me, or to gawk, go ahead. + Show Spoiler +
Ugly scar on neck, that won’t fade. Scrawny leg, and ugly sock/shoe. My cut up back. My chest (It’s not that bent, just trying to bend so I can take the picture >.>)
But specifically in terms of fitness, I just want baseline health. no superhuman lifting, just improving my posture, increasing core strength, and getting my arms and legs reasonably fit. People have said "do situps, do pushups."
Just to make it clear, doctor said to NOT do situps, but that V sit kind of stuff was better.
Also, some specifics, even if conservative would be nice, because I really have no idea AT ALL how much I should be doing. Even when I was more fit (like 13 or 14 lol) I just did sports and got fit, but I've fallen below that threshhold
I'm really small, at 5'4" (Chill sized, lol) and 110 pounds.
What are your actual injuries that you're dealing with? What are all exercises that the doc has said not to do? What exercises have you tried that hurt or are ok? What are your currently level of abilities with exercises that are fine?
So you don't think squatting 2x a week will be too much if I'm doing an hour or two of playing hard every day?
Depends on your individual recovery factors, sleep, nutrition, etc. At least 1x a week is a must... you may be able to do 2x depending on the intensity of said activities and recovery factors
On April 19 2011 00:19 Froadac wrote: Well, I CAN do situps. But I'm suggested against it because it puts a lot of strain on upper neck.
situps are a waste of time anyway. do compound lifts if you can. but as has been said, check with your physician first
I called my physician
"We don't recommend situps due to their lack of effectiveness, and the fact that there is a tiny tiny tiny chance of injury. As of right now, there are no exercise limitations, other than not to exert too much pressure on your neck"