Heya all, this is my 2nd blog comic, and on completion I realised that it's actually a semi comic blog since there is a few video footage. So this is in fact a comic/video Blog
I hope you guys find it more entertaining than my previous one

I enjoy drawing random comic scenarios about my life. In this way, I don't have to write an essay and I can take enjoyment in doing some of the things I like, drawing, finding humorous things in life, and expressing myself.
Two weeks ago I posted one on 'SC2', which was more of a comic based blog, and this time it's about 'Uni', which is a comic/video blog.
I decided to blog about a typical day at uni, because in Australia everyone is back at Uni now. In this blog I have added some random fictional things (my brain sometimes comes up with bizarre ideas/imaginations), but the main concepts remain true.
You do meet RANDOM people at Uni and for the most part, Uni is heaps of fun =) and the back seats are really the best if you want to do your own stuff =)
I been catching up on Naruto manga... and ALWAYS wanted to dress up as a NinJa!!~ So now I got that marked off my list of 'Things I must DO' =D
If you guys can relate to any of the content, than that's sweet! If not than that's ok too =D
In any case I hope you guys find this entertaining to watch as much I enjoyed creating it, despite the not so epic artwork and acting
Thanks for 7.5 minutes of your life ^_^
Thanks to those who commented on the last comic <3