I watch starcraft and billiard  My account is the same : prosatan
i pretty much just watch BW, SC2, hockey highlights and paintball on youtube.
Calgary25954 Posts
im pretty sure i have watched over 50% of all third strike videos on youtube. its all i watch on youtube.
Australia7069 Posts
barelypolitical is my favourite channel by far. They do parodies and skits and stuff. really funny
To find new music and to follow my favourite artists and companies.
Can anybody else not stand when people have a different shot for everything they say even though they are still in the same position? That guy in OPs in the first video has like 50 different parts patched together even though it would just be easier just to say everything in one take. Maybe I am not wording what I mean right because I have no experience in film but its just a pet peeve of mine.
Use(d) it pretty much exclusively for watching AMVs but I sometimes look japanese/korean/chinese games up as well.
CA10824 Posts
communitychannel is awesome sxephil is pretty good too in terms of music, boburnham is good.
i mainly use youtube to watch korean music performances, music videos, starcraft VODs, and also sports highlights.
I use it mainly for watching some Let's play of games I won't be able to play, like old or DS/PSP rpgs =)
I use youtube like i used napster
My list of Subscriptions. Most of it is StarCraft and some Music as well as some viral people. I also just use youtube for music so I can convert them into mp3s. + Show Spoiler +AleesaSC AmbientReplays animeloverization AresTV ArtosisTV AskJoshy BlizShouter blizzard CellaWeRRa ChaoticMonki day9tv dcs2day DoaStarcraft Drogith FollowGrubby ForceD3strategy GeminiSC2Armory HDseang HDstarcraft husky HuskyStarcraft InF3sTeD18 InsaneNdBonkerz IntoStarCraft joewoda katilette KurtHugoSchneider LikeTotallyAwesome maxijazzeee MondoMedia MrGimbleB mrweebl MtEdenDnB08 NarutoStarcraft NASAexplorer NASASciFiles NASAtelevision nevake nicepeter nigahiga PolygonreVue PressHeartToContinue PsyStarcraft RayWilliamJohnson SCBattleGrounds ShaneDawsonTV shaycarl SHAYTARDS SpaceRip starcraft starcraften sxephil teamliquidnet TheBadAstronomer TheGameStation TheStation TotalHalibut Tranceluv vodkastoffi WarlionProductions x71isnwor XxImmortalmagexX ZeitgeistReview ZergSpawnSC2Armory AhnarisStarcraft
Watching mainly the channels I've subscribed to: RayWilliamJohnson, sxephil, meekakitty, HuskyStarcraft, HDStarcraft, PsyStarcraft, NextGenTactics, freddiew, EpicMealTime, TheGameStation, KassemG, MysteryGuitarMan,... might have left out some. Problem with this lineup is almost zero content on weekends, so I have to actually do something for university. 
Sometimes I watch some of Youtube's "Trends" videos because I want to know what is supposed to be a trend for this day.
I use it as a music player man. no actual music files on my computer.
I use it as a place to quickly look up something I want to show another person.
I also use it as a site that streams me video of things I find on forums.
Other than those two things I never visit the site.
There are actually a lot of interesting channels out there. I subscribe to a ton of music ones as well as a few interesting ones (go tutorial, ping pong highlights, soccer highlights, etc). Personally I think the top channels like kassem and sxephil are stupid but apparently a lot of ppl like them.
Most of the stuff on youtube is awful, especially the rants and people who share their opinions. I don't know why people do that... I mean, it's bad enough being stupid, but thinking people want to hear you stutter and having a 5 frame per second video of your ugly mug at the same time? Thank god for AwfulVision, in which I get hear commentary of actually funny people over those videos.
On the other hand, there's a lot of great stuff too. You can find pretty much any song in an instant if you need to show a friend (heavily abused by jerks making blogs linking to 50 of their favourite songs), you can watch professionally produced television shows that were uploaded illegally, and you can watch StarCraft (technically I guess that falls into the former category). I would say there's good Let's Plays too, but most of the good Let's Players don't use YouTube.
Other than that YouTube is terrible because people can upload anything, and most people don't have the decency to ask themselves 'will anyone want to watch this?' before they upload it... Thus, chaos.
On March 16 2011 05:48 Chef wrote: Most of the stuff on youtube is awful, especially the rants and people who share their opinions. I don't know why people do that... I mean, it's bad enough being stupid, but thinking people want to hear you stutter and having a 5 frame per second video of your ugly mug at the same time? Thank god for AwfulVision, in which I get hear commentary of actually funny people over those videos.
On the other hand, there's a lot of great stuff too. You can find pretty much any song in an instant if you need to show a friend (heavily abused by jerks making blogs linking to 50 of their favourite songs), you can watch professionally produced television shows that were uploaded illegally, and you can watch StarCraft (technically I guess that falls into the former category). I would say there's good Let's Plays too, but most of the good Let's Players don't use YouTube.
Other than that YouTube is terrible because people can upload anything, and most people don't have the decency to ask themselves 'will anyone want to watch this?' before they upload it... Thus, chaos.
This is why I dont ever use it to search for videos.
I literally only go to youtube to watch shows that im subscribed too(Athene, yogscast, sxephil, totalbiscuit etc. etc.). I never give the other trash a chance.
I absolutely hate the videos of the kind the first one you posted.
I use youtube mostly for listening to game music playlists.