*RESOLVED* This is basically how the situation played out, feel free to read the OP below the spoiler if your interested. + Show Spoiler +Eh alright so Thanks for all the support and words of wisdom Thaiska especially, just because anybody with just 2 posts who still breaks it down like that is pretty baller. Anyhow incase any of you are wondering let me explained what happened in the days following my OP.
Basically I was still waffling around with what I was going to do in class and we had a group project. I was grouped up with these 3 other girls who I did not know really well, but never the less I hit it off pretty good with them. It has been a while just having a good time, even in school with girls I didn't even know kinda made me realize how much easier it is when I am with somebody I dont have any history with. Im not exactly the shy type with girls, so feeling excited about the girl in the op just piqued my attention a bit but realistically I dont think she is my type even if things worked out with us.
Any how since then Ive been chatting and flirting with one of the girls I was grouped up with and we get along pretty well so it all has worked out pretty well.
Not that anything you guys say will actually influence my decision, I'm just a little curious as to what your take is on this situation.
Basically after crushing on this girl for a year I asked her out (I basically get super nervous and tense and had like a meltdown while I asked her but kept a baller face which im guessing she saw through but didn't seem to mind.)I see this girl in class everyday but and normally strike up conversation with her pretty easy, but what do you know its completely awkward now. Anyways as the date comes closer she tells me in a text that she cant go anymore (she said she had to babysit for her aunt). At this point we stopped talking completely.
So that was about two years ago, things between me and her are pretty much back to where they were before except there is a little tension i guess?
Anyhow for some reason I kinda just want to see how things would work out between us. She is cute in a classic sort of way, dosnt dress slutty but still seems attractive to me. There a few other girls who are interested in me and they are decently good looking(not a brag blog I swear) girls but I know where relationships with those kind of girls end up, and I gusse the whole reason I still have a thing for the girl i'm crushing on is because she seems different than anyone else to me.
Anyways the only drawback I have is we are in 3 classes together and if things dont work out im not looking forward to the same awkward glances and ignoring each other for the rest of the year.
idk what im going to do yet and dont really have anyone else to talk this shit over with because none of my friends have ever pursued a girl so TL, let me hear what you have to say.
Are you in highschool? It's pretty easy to avoid a girl in a huge lecture hall if you're in a University. It's your call since you know how the situation would make you feel best.
On January 26 2011 12:14 Zidane wrote: Are you in highschool? It's pretty easy to avoid a girl in a huge lecture hall if you're in a University. It's your call since you know how the situation would make you feel best.
I am a senior right now at highschool, which is kinda why im also considering it because in my head worst case scenario i only see her another 4 months and thats it but still...
Better to have tried and failed then not and spend the rest of your life wondering what could have been
do itttt or else you'll have a lifetime of regret
On January 26 2011 12:14 tube wrote: do it DO IT. It's not over until you quit lol
people are takin shots at 5/10 riskin their whole bankroll yea go for it
On January 26 2011 12:19 MOARpylons wrote: Better to have tried and failed then not and spend the rest of your life wondering what could have been
^^ that + its already awkward, if your gonna have a shitty relationship now, why the hell not take it to the next level!
the end of high school is one of the best times to do things you might regret 'cause you aren't seeing those people again lol
Not really.. you still can see them... jsut tkaes MUCH more effort to plan a reunion, which some people just doesn't bother with. Quake48 just DO IT, gotta get used to biting the bullet once in a while.
I agree with all of the people above. If you miss your chance now, you'll never get another.
Just do it, and even if it does turn out to be awkward, you won't be seeing her ever again (in all likelihood); you also will be able to rest, knowing that you already gave it your best shot.
To quoth the Chronicles of Narnia:
"Make your choice, adventurous Stranger; Strike the bell and bide the danger, Or wonder, till it drives you mad, What would have followed if you had."
Your words at the beginning suggest you're going to do it anyway. Good luck!
Do it. You've only got a few months left, you don't want to agonize over could-have-beens. If it doesn't work out don't sweat it. You'll be out of school soon enough so either way you won't see this girl much longer.
Dude just do it. I know you're young and 4months seems like forever but trust me worst case scenario you just don't talk to each other anymore for only 4 months. (though I don't see why you can't still be friendly with each other even if she turns you down)
She's the one you're interested in. Don't miss this opportunity because of what happened two years ago. The only bad thing I can see is that if she was really interested in you, she would have found a way to avoid the babysitting stuff, or she would at least have suggested to postpone it to the next week or something. But maybe she really had to do babysitting for her aunt and you were too frustrated/emo/shy/pick-what-fits-best to ask to postpone it. The fact is, even two years later you're still hesitating.
good luck, and don't be afraid ! girls don't bite ! (at least most of them)
When I read the poll I thought about Starsky (gif inside) + Show Spoiler +
dude asks a girl out
she says she's busy and can't go
they stop talking for a long time
what the fuck?? Something here is wrong. oh and you hang out with people who have never pursued a girl?
A) you dont give a fuck and you're a badass bro slammin nattys and only taking what comes your way
B) You have no self esteem and overthink everything which is ruining your success with the ladies
Im guessing its B.
solution: Buy some sick rings, nice shoes and a new attitude. Gain some confidence and stop thinking about everything and just ask her out. IF she says no then I was right. If she says yes which there is chance (although we dont know what you look like so...) then take her mini golfing and to a restaurant.
If you are in highschool do ice skating or bowling and a restaurant.
There is no awkward silence/tension unless you create it. When a girl is over a guy she just doesn't give a fuck. If she is over you and you feel awkward then you havent let it go.
idk man idk but if a girl EVER saw someone post a girl help thread online they would instantly be turned off.
go for it, what do u have to lose really?