Loophole: First of all, congratulations on doing so well in the WCG. I know you probably would have liked to advance further in the tournament, but the only losses you had were to medal winners.
Liquid`Nazgul: Thank you. People are always telling me that, even though I don't think I did very well. But that's just me I guess ;(
Loophole: Is that because of your play in your losses, or did you just feel like you played poorly overall?
Liquid`Nazgul: I don't think I played bad in any of my games, except the one vs Elky. I also think that, in the games vs Boxer and Gorush, 2 very small mistakes made the whole game turn in their favor.
Loophole: Such is Starcraft. =)
Liquid`Nazgul: Yep.
Loophole: Did you feel like any of those games were within your reach?
Liquid`Nazgul: Both the games vs Boxer and Gorush I felt I should have won. It may be arrogant, but that's how I feel. The game vs Elky I had no chance.
Loophole: I see. A lot of people seem to look at Boxer as invincible. Anything impress you about his play in that game?
Liquid`Nazgul: Creativity. He is so smart. He does strats no one has ever done before. 2 good examples of that are the games he played vs Whear and Smuft.
Loophole: Ah, creativity. I often hear people on bnet generalizing about Koreans as all playing the same. It's sad that people can be so ignorant.
Liquid`Nazgul: Agreed.
Loophole: I remember seeing a picture of a large hall, the same one where the famous games between Boxer and Slayer took place. Did they hold all of the matches in 1 large hall?
Liquid`Nazgul: Yes. It was one huge hall with one big stage and a few smaller ones. One area was for all the players of every game. No one but the players could enter this part of the hall. This is where almost all of the games were played.
Loophole: Cool. Were all the games played on the stages, or just in the later rounds?
Liquid`Nazgul: Not only in later rounds. During the whole tournament they picked exciting matches to be played on stage.
Loophole: I can only imagine how much pressure the size of it all must have put on a lot of the players.
Liquid`Nazgul: In the first 4 of my group's games I was very nervous. I won them all. Then I was 4-0 and whether I won or lost vs Elky didn't matter anymore. Therefore I wasn't nervous at all in my game vs Elky. Then I played MTY and CQ~2000. In both those games I was nervous. After that I played Boxer and Gorush. Somehow I wasn't nervous at all for these matches. Maybe because they are recognized as better players than me.
Loophole: MTY and CQ~2000 were the chinese players, right?
Liquid`Nazgul: MTY and CQ are both Chinese, yes.
Loophole: I suppose being the underdog can help quite a bit. Have you played in large European tournaments in the past that helped you know what to expect?
Liquid`Nazgul: No ;(.
Loophole: Well, now you have.

Liquid`Nazgul: : )
Loophole: How did your family react when you told them you were flying to Korea to play in a Starcraft tournament?
Liquid`Nazgul: They think it's really cool I can get a trip to another country for free by playing 'that game'. They really support me. E-mailed me every day when I was in Korea. Never disturb me when I'm playing an important game from my room.
Loophole: Now that's understanding. I always feel bad when I have to tell my fiancee to leave me alone when I'm playing a game that's important (to me).
Liquid`Nazgul: Ah congratulations on getting married soon :D
Loophole: hehe. thanks. Do you have any little brothers or sisters that play SC?
Liquid`Nazgul: No.
Loophole: So you can't tell people it was your bro using your account when you lose.

Liquid`Nazgul: lol

Loophole: Does your family know you would like to become a professional gamer? Or that it's even possible?
Liquid`Nazgul: It depends on what YOU think a professional gamer is. It probably is not possible for me to make enough money to live off of BW. And even if I could it would have to be in Korea. I wouldn't go there this year. I have to make my exams at school.
Loophole: That's kinda what I meant. Going to Korea would be a big move. Do they know it's a possibility?
Liquid`Nazgul: They know I won't go there this year. I think after this year when WarCraft3 is out it will be possible to be a professional gamer in Europe. If not, I won't mind at all to move to Korea when someone gives me the opportunity.
Loophole: Did anyone approach you about sponsorship while you were at the WCG?
Liquid`Nazgul: No.
Loophole: You mentioned Warcraft 3. Are you anticipating it?
Liquid`Nazgul: Yes. I will play it as soon as it's out.
Loophole: It's going to be a pretty big deal. I wonder if it will lend itself to competitive gaming as well as starcraft does.
Liquid`Nazgul: Hard to tell. I think Blizzard knows this as well and will try their best to make this game so that it's suitable for progaming.
Loophole: Yeah, I think they realize they have a big oppourtunity here. You had to get past NTT in the WCG qualifier, right?
Liquid`Nazgul: That's correct

Loophole: =) A lot of people were expecting him to go. Do you ever talk to the guy on bnet or anything?
Liquid`Nazgul: Yes we are very good friends. We usually talk to each other like every day. We used to play alot in the past as well.
Loophole: Cool. So is he still playing? I mean, he seemed frustrated with SC for a while...
Liquid`Nazgul: He still plays every now and then.
Loophole: But not competitively?
Liquid`Nazgul: I'm not sure so I can't really answer that.
Loophole: ok, just curious. Are there any other games you play a lot of?
Liquid`Nazgul: None.
Loophole: Oh. Was SC the first PC game you've gotten into, or just nothing else gets you addicted like SC?

Liquid`Nazgul: SC is the only game I played online. Of course I have played a few hours of CS, but that's not really worth mentioning. Before SC I just played games like Commander Keen

Loophole: lol. Commander Keen was awesome.
Liquid`Nazgul: YES! :D.
Loophole: Play any console games?
Liquid`Nazgul: The only console games I played every now and then were 007 and some really good Grand Prix game.
Loophole: Ah. Oh, I wanted to ask you if you had the chance to get out and see any of the Korean night life?
Liquid`Nazgul: Sad but true: no. If I get the chance to go to Korea again I think I will add 3 days on my own costs to see a bit more of Korea.
Liquid`Nazgul: We didn't get to see ANYTHING except our hotel and the COEX centre.
Loophole: Too bad. Was the hotel nice at least?

Liquid`Nazgul: Yes the hotel was very nice. They had one room with about 100-200 PC's for all the games with the exception of CS. They had a room just as big for theirselves. Something I didn't like is them waking everyone with some korean music at 6:45 am.
Loophole: lol. Korean music to wake you...
Loophole: I just saw the Lord of the Rings movie the other day. Are you a fan of the books?
Liquid`Nazgul: No. I randomly made up the name Nazgul. Then I heard this guy named Tolkien used them for his book.
Loophole: heh. I was wondering about that. I heard them use the word Nazgul, and I thought, "I wonder if they had to license that from team liquid..."

Liquid`Nazgul: haha

Loophole: Eh? No, i believe you. I had never heard the word until I saw the movie.
Liquid`Nazgul: omg you suck ;(

Loophole: lol. Well, except your name that is.
Liquid`Nazgul: Yes I'm a big Tolkien fan. I read the book, 1000+ pages, 3 times.
Loophole: oh man, I'm so gullible...
Liquid`Nazgul: It's about the only book I ever read though ;(.
Loophole: lol. It's kinda cool though, cause the Nazgul are these really creepy dudes in the movie.
Liquid`Nazgul: Yes I like the way they made the Nazgûl look.
Loophole: I read the Hobbit and I loved it, but I never read the fellowship of the rings. Actually I think it might be under the tree... =)
Liquid`Nazgul: Good. Thank her (right?) for me. Another illiturate dummy going to read the best book ever written. :D.
Loophole: hehe. Some gamers are really picky about their mouse/keyboard. Do you carry yours to tournies?
Liquid`Nazgul: Just the mouse. People laughed at me at WCG for using this mouse. I got it with an old computer like 3 years ago and I still use it. I think I will buy a new one soon, now that I have to play more and more important games.
Loophole: heh. what kind is it? I'm in love with optical mice now, I don't think I can ever go back.
Liquid`Nazgul: It's a Fujitsu. Some random model.
Loophole: omg they make mice??
Liquid`Nazgul: ;(. Don't mock me. :D
Loophole: lol. Ok, about liquid. How many members?
Liquid`Nazgul: Without me there are 7.*
Loophole: Was it a bunch of friends that just got together? I mean, I take it you guys didn't just create pubbies called "clan liquid tryouts" on BGH.
Liquid`Nazgul: When I left [i'm] I wasn't sure what to do. Then I decided to make my own clan. My goal was only to recruit well mannered and very good players. Every member that wanted to join had to be a friend of mine. He also had to be able of getting along with the the others.
Loophole: Good plan. Did they all have to be as sexy as Drone?
Liquid`Nazgul:[/blue] Yes, but less silly please.
Loophole: lol. Who are some people that you enjoy hanging with on bnet other than your clan mates. You said NTT allready.
Liquid`Nazgul: I hang around with a few of the better players in Brood War SWE-1 very often. Also I really like FroZ and Whear whom I both met in Korea. At West I play with the GG members very often.
Loophole: Ah. Froz owned so hard at the qualifiers. I was suprised that he didn't make it into the tourny.
Liquid`Nazgul: They both impressed me with their playing IRL.
Loophole: Ok, I think I'm gonna wrap it up. Any shout outs you want to give?
Liquid`Nazgul: Hi to everyone that has ever heard of me!
Liquid`Drone: wow naz , thats like, 2 shoutouts. cool.
Liquid`Nazgul: 3 people :D
Loophole: lol
Liquid`Drone: oh 3

Liquid`Nazgul: Well you, loophole, and myself no?
Liquid`Drone: I guess I know you ;(

Loophole: Anything else you want to add nazgul? A message of peace and goodwill to my site's billions of readers?
Liquid`Nazgul: No.
Loophole: well, thanks again for your time man. Cya around.
Liquid`Nazgul: Same, bye.